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Student Name: Calla Malcom ID #: 160330

Essential Skills Evidence Form StandardUse technology to learn, live and work Skills Use creativity and innovation to generate ideas !roducts or !rocesses using current tec"nology# Use tec"nology to !artici!ate in a $roader community t"roug" net%or&ing colla$oration and learning# 'ecogni(e and !ractice legal and res!onsi$le $e"avior in t"e use and access o) in)ormation and tec"nology# Use tec"nology as a tool to access researc" manage integrate and communicate ideas and in)ormation# Description of Activity/Task/Experience t"at demonstrates I am at or a$ove standard in t"e s!eci)ic s&ills )or t"e standard mentioned a$ove: In *ear$oo& t"is year %e needed ne% cameras "o%ever %e "ad no money to s!end on t"em# My teac"er )ound a grant t"at %ould a%ard + 000 dollars in ne% tec"nological su!!lies i) %e t"oug"t o) an innovative %ay to use t"em# Since our class needed ne% cameras I suggested t"at t"e year$oo& sta)) %ould ta&e t"em %"erever t"ey %ent in order to ca!ture students in t"e moment at any time# My ,unior and senior year %e "ave also $een encouraged to use -dmodo to stay caug"t u! %it" our %or& and communicate %it" our !eers# In Senior In. %e "ave many grou! discussions on -dmodo and also use it to communicate during grou! !ro,ects as %ell as researc"ing and !osting lin&s t"at %e )ind im!ortant# Explanation/Reflection o) "o% t"e activity/tas&/e0!erience descri$ed a$ove meets or e0ceeds t"e s!eci)ic s&ills o) t"e standard mentioned a$ove: In order to come u! %it" t"e idea to get ne% cameras )or year$oo& I "ad to t"in& o) an innovative %ay to use tec"nology# -dmodo is a great tec"nological tool to use )or communicating# I use it o)ten to colla$orate %it" my !eers a$out current assignments and !ro,ects# I use t"is %e$site !ro!erly and am res!onsi$le %"ile using t"is site# I also am very good at using t"e Internet to )ind researc"# -dmodo is a great !lace to !ost lin&s and communicate %it" ot"ers so t"ey are a$le to see your side o) an argument#

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