Comparison of The Economies of The Four Countries

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Comparison of the economies of the four countries

Analyzing countries with democracy and dictatorship in terms of growth and human development parameters In the previous sections we have presented the two countries of both types and their various statistics. So firstly we will present how these countries are doing in terms of pure growth.

Parameter GDP PPP

North Korea $40 billion




US$12.26 trillion US$16.24 trillion $4.716 trillion 7.7% 6.5% 2.8% 8.1% 3.2% 8.5%

GDP growth rate 0.8% Unemployment rate NA

Industrial production growth rate





Budget +/Inflation rate

-0.4% NA

-1.7% 2.6%

-6.8% 2.1%

-5% 9.7%

Analysis in terms of development parameters

Parameter North Korea China Fairly Homogenous 0.46% 12.25/1000 7.31/1000 USA Diverse 0.9% 13.68/1000 8.39/1000 India Diverse 1.28% 20.24/1000 7.39/1000 Ethnic groups Homogenous Population growth rate Birth rate Death rate 0.535% 14.49/1000 9.15/1000

Sex ratio
MMR IMR Life expectancy at birth TFR

81/1000 25.34/1000 69.51 yrs

37deaths/1000 15.2/1000 74.99 yrs

21deaths/1000 5.9/1000 78.62 yrs

200deaths/1000 44.6/1000 67.48 yrs





Health Exp Literacy rate

2% of GDP 99%

4.6% of GDP 95.1%

17.9% of GDP 99%

2.4% of GDP 62.8%

Thus we would say that between dictatorships and democracy, neither option is the most perfect one. As we mentioned before that in todays world we have a combination of two or more forms of government. However the most important term for an individual, including us, is choice. To be able to choose and voice out your opinion and beliefs is extremely crucial which democracies provide and dictatorships curb. As the most famous dictator of our time Adolf Hitler said, If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. Thus according to our research we feel that democratic government are better suited than dictatorial government.

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