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Suggestopedia Suggestopedia is a method developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist educator Georgi Lozanov.

Suggestopedia is a specific set of learning recommendations derived from Suggestology-a study concerned with the systematic study of the nonrational and/or nonconscious influences that human beings are constantly responding to. Lozanov believes that the power of suggestion(learning a foreign language successfully) is in desuggestion(lowering students psychological barriers to learning). He has developed the process of desuggestion which is designed to promote a relaxed frame of mind and to convert learners fear into positive energy and enthusiasm for language learning. So before we suggest, we must desuggest a lot. In Suggestopedia great attention is paid to environment. The seating is as comfortable as possible, the light is not harsh, Baroque music plays on the background. Colourful posters and charts are pinned on the wall. The posters show attractive sights in the target language country. The charts contain grammatical information which in causal readings the students will absorb without conscious effort. This is called peripheral learning. The Suggestopedia teachers tone is always calm as students are reassured that language learning is easy and fun. The Suggestopedia lesson consists of three stages: 1. Deciphering-the teacher introduces the grammar and the vocabulary. 2. Concert session-that is divided into two substages a) active-the teacher reads the text at a normal speed and students follow; b) passive-the students relax, close their eyes and listen to the teacher reading the text calmly. Music is played in the background. The left column of the text is given in the target language; the right column is in students mother tongue. c) Elaboration- students finish what they have learned with dramas, songs and games.

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