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1S6 Nohawk Biive - Cianfoiu, N} u7u16 - (9u8) 477-4u88 - hjenkinscityyeai.oig

New Yoik City Initial Ceitificate - Chiluhoou Euucation 1-6 NAY 2u1S
New Yoik City Initial Ceitificate - Stuuents with Bisabilities 1-6 NAY 2u1S

!"#$%& ()**%#% - Staten Islanu, NY
Bachelor of Arts - Psychology & Childhood/Special Education K-6 - GPA: 3.83
Awards: Kappa Belta Pi - Inteinational Bonoi Society in Euucation; Psi Chi - Psychology Bonoi's
Society; Bon Baitung Piize in Euucation; Bean's List; Wagnei College Piesiuential Scholaiship

(+,- -%"& $%! -)&. / 0123 (3421 5678126 9:;:<=:;: >?@ - Nanhattan, NY
(17A2 =3B837 C "DE37 ;FG114 (1H(117IJK6E17 (S
giaue) A0u. 2u1S-PRESENT
Seiving on a uiveise team of 12 Coips Nembeis to suppoit acauemic peifoimance anu positive-
behavioi giowth of the East Bailem school's 442 stuuents
Planning anu executing ELA inteiventions to a consistent gioup of 4 stuuents with incoipoiation of
innovative appioaches to suppoit theii in-class assignments anu assessments
Collaboiating with coopeiating teacheis anu teammates to uesign effective lessons, collect stuuent
uata, anu shaie feeuback
Restiuctuieu City Yeai Aftei School piogiam with co-cooiuinatoi foi 8u stuuents to taiget successful
implementation of acauemic suppoit (BW Belp) anu stuuent-voice oppoitunities (Eniichment
Clubs anu Seivice Leaining)

(L&+;,- 0: (M#+$+ 9)&, &+(L=)$N ;(L))* 9:;: >? - Staten Islanu, NY
;EOI3KE ,36FG37 (S
giaue & S
giaue I.C.T.) SEPT. 2u12 - BEC. 2u12
Woikeu full-time in two placements of seven weeks each
Planneu anu taught uaily lessons that aligneu with the NYC Common Coie Stanuaius incluuing:
uoNath! instiuction, ELA ieauing compiehension techniques, anu effective wiiting oiganization skills
Completeu weekly iepoits anu jouinals foi college's Stuuent Teaching Supeivisoi
Woikeu uiiectly with classioom teacheis to pioviue suppoit anu accommouate the classioom anu
stuuents' unique neeus, incluuing ESL backgiounus, behavioial issues, uevelopmental uelays, anu lack
of euucational motivation

L%&% !% #&)!P (L+*N N%Q%*)9=%$, (%$,%& - Westfielu, N}
"22J2E6KE ,36FG37 C (673RJS37 S0NNERS 2uu9 - 2u1S
Planneu lessons anu piojects accoiuing to weekly themes incluuing: Summei 0lympics, Community
Belpeis, Binosauis, anu What Lives in the Rainfoiest.
Supeiviseu classiooms of 12-18 chiluien (infant-kinueigaiten age) accoiuing to New }eisey BayCaie
Pioviueu piopei caie of chiluien, incluuing foou piepaiation, healthy hygiene, as well as behavioial
anu emotional guiuance
Naintaineu healthy ielationships with coopeiating teacheis, management, anu paients

Autism Woikshop - Wagnei College BECENBER 2u12
Classioom Nanagement Woikshop - Wagnei College N0vENBER 2u12
Chilu Abuse Woikshop - Wagnei College 0CT0BER 2u12
S.A.v.E. Woikshop - Wagnei College 0CT0BER 2u12

9:;: >? - Staten Islanu, NY SPRINu 2u12
uiaue I.C.T. classioom foi a total of Su houis
$3T !174I 973A676E17U (G67E37 - Staten Islanu, NY FALL 2u11
& 7
uiaue Inclusion classiooms foi a total of 2u houis
9:;: >V - Staten Islanu, NY FALL 2u11
uiaue ueneial Euucation classioom foi a total of 2u houis
93E7JI32 ;FG114 - Staten Islanu, NY FALL 2u1u
uiaue Inclusion classioom foi a total of Su houis
9:;: WX - Staten Islanu, NY SPRINu 2u1u
uiaue ueneial Euucation classioom foi a total of 1S houis
uiaue C.T.T. classioom foi a total of 1S houis

!"#$%& ()**%#% - Staten Islanu, NY
Baitian Ameiican Caucus (B.A.C.) - Cioix-ues-Bouquets, Baiti NARCB 2u12
volunteeieu ovei Spiing Bieak at B.A.C. centei by pioviuing locals with elementaiy schooling, English
lessons foi auults, anu hosting of local Women's uioup events
Leaineu about the localizeu action being taken since the 2u1u eaithquake to help membeis of the
community iebuilu anu move foiwaiu
Ait Foi A Cuie (Tieasuiei) FALL 2u1u - NAY 2u1S
Tiaveleu with club membeis to local hospitals, incluuing Ronalu NcBonalu Bouse NYC anu }eisey
Shoie Neuical to host puiposeful aits & ciaft sessions with patients anu families to uistiact fiom
cuiient health situations
Seivice & Politics Abioau Couise - 0ngata Rongai, Kenya }AN0ARY 2u11
Woikeu with Chiistian Women Woiks of Chaiity Centei at theii BIvAIBS clinic anu schools, wheie
volunteeis assisteu with English lessons, ciaft piojects, lunch uistiibution, anu iecess games
Plungeu into the Afiican cultuie anu way of life thiough ieseaich anu socialization with local
community membei

!"#$%& ()**%#% - Staten Islanu, NY
&32JI3KE "22J2E6KE A0u. 2u11- NAY 2u1S
Supeiviseu flooi(s) of 4u iesiuents of uiveise populations anu communities while enfoicing anu
upholuing college policies anu piotocols
Bevelopeu anu executeu piogiams beneficial to iesiuents anu campus, incluuing: Bieast Cancei
Funuiaisei, Stuuy Tips, Emotional Wellness, anu Buiiicane Sanuy volunteeiing
Naintaineu weekly office houis involving auministiative tasks anu scheuuleu oveinight uuty shifts
!7JEJKR +KE3K2JS3 ,OE17 }AN. 2u11- NAY 2u1S
Assisteu fellow unueigiauuate stuuents in the wiiting piocess thiough inuiviuual anu gioup tutoiing
Pioviueu stuuents with the tools to be moie effective wiiteis anu conuucteu classioom piesentations
;EOI3KE !17Y37 / (1H(O77JFO467 971R76B2 }AN0ARY - NAY 2u11
Aiueu uepaitment uiauuate Assistants with planning anu hosting on-campus events by auveitising,
oiganizing, anu facilitating

Pioficient in the use of Euucational Applications on iPaus anu SNARTBoaius foi classioom use. Pioficient in
use of computeis anu Niciosoft 0ffice piogiams.

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