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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS) Company

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

(Ver. 1.0) Author Asim Sheraz Suggestion & Comments


Aim: To provide the brief knowledge of PRS.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

1. Introduction TO PRS a. Overview b. Functions c. Benefits d. Applications. 2. Position of PRS in System a. Architecture/ System Diagram 3. Benefits & Key Features of PRS a. Centralized O & M b. Integrated Solution c. Powerful Routine Network Monitoring d. Flexible & Convenient User applications 4. Common Operations of Report Administrators a. Customizing Required Counters b. Customizing Busy Hours c. Customizing KPIs d. Creating Reports e. Setting the Correlations Between Reports and Excel Templates f. Distributing Reports Periodically 5. Defining Counters 6. Object Group Management a. Defining Objects Group Page 15 -->> Page 19 b. Exporting Object Group Page 20 -->> Page 21 c. Querying Object Group Page 22 -->> Page 24 7. LOGs management a. Overview b. Types Of logs c. Log Templates 8. Managing Performance Reports a. Report Management b. Scheduled Report Management 9. Analyzing & Monitoring Network KPIs a. KPI Analysis b. KPI Management 10. Excel Report Management(Templates)
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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

1. Introduction TO PRS
The PRS is a platform for monitoring and analyzing the performance data of mobile networks, customizing reports, and displaying reports. The PRS is used for the functions such as routine operation and maintenance of the mobile network.

The PRS is an integrated solution for managing the performance reports of the radio network PRS can support the GSM, CDMA, and WCDMA network. PRS system enables multiple users to manage the performance reports of radio networks of multiple systems, vendors, and versions, thus providing a basic supporting platform for the planning and operation of radio networks.


It enables users to aggregate and store data based on multiple dimensions. It supports the long-duration storage and efficient query of data. It provides various predefined reports, which are used for monitoring and analyzing the operating status of networks. The PRS enables users to customize KPIs and reports, generate and distribute reports as scheduled, query reports based on multiple dimensions such as object, time, and properties, and manage dashboards, and thus improving the work efficiency of network optimization engineers and operation and maintenance (OM) engineers.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)


The PRS monitors the network and generates reports on the overall network performance and operation status, thus implementing network performance analysis, locating network problems accurately, and improving network quality. The PRS generates reports on schedule and automatically sends them to specified servers or email addresses, thus reducing maintenance costs and improving operation efficiency.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Application Scenario Network Construction Function Performance data collection and predefined report Performance data collection and predefined report KPI management & KPI analysis Object group management Network planning report Platform of custom reports Description We can check the operation status of the network from the data that is collected and by checking reports.

Network optimization stage

We can verify the optimization results by analyzing report data and the change in data before and after the optimization.

We can check the optimization results of a specific KPI in real time. We can manage and optimize NEs and cells by regions and check the network operation status by areas. We can check the network operation status through the professional reports that are integrated with Huawei's experience on network planning and maintenance. We can customize reports flexibly based on network features by setting conditions such as the objects, counters, time range, report style, graphic display, filtering conditions, and TopN conditions. The PRS supports various display modes provided in .xls files, thus extending the report display modes. In addition, users can customize reports as required. The PRS automatically generates and sends customized reports to specified FTP servers and email addresses, thus improving work efficiency of network monitoring engineers. The PRS clearly displays the changes of KPIs in real time. This enables us to obtain the information about the network operation in time. The PRS queries and obtains KPI data in real time and provides various data analysis methods, such as report drilling and correlation. This helps to locate and solve network problems quickly.

Network operation stage

Excel report template Automatic report generation and distribution Dashboard management KPI management and KPI analysis

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

2. Position of PRS in System

Architecture/ System Diagram

PRS is attached with IManager2000/OSS of the other vendors. It collects and manipulates data.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

3. Benefits & Key Features of PRS

a. b. c. d. Centralized O & M Integrated Solution Powerful Routine Network Monitoring Flexible & Convenient User applications

Centralized O & M

The PRS analyses the performance reports of the networks of multiple systems, vendors, and versions. The system effectively supports the operation and maintenance of 2G and 3G hybrid networking The PRS can be connected to the OSS EMSs of multiple vendors.

Integrated Solution

The PRS can be used with the DAMS and Nastar, and provides end-to-end network optimization solutions to meet various requirements. The PRS can be used in scenarios such as routine maintenance, NE creation, system expansion, and network optimization.

Powerful Routine Network Monitoring

You can query the performance KPIs at time or the object dimensions, which improves the query efficiency. The time dimensions are Raw, hour, day, week, month, and busy-hour data. The object dimensions are TRX, Cell, City, Cluster, Cell Group, BSC, Region and entire network. The PRS provides internal KPI reports on key NEs and supports userdefined KPIs and reports. This helps you to focus on the key information The system also supports the long-time data storage so that you can learn the trend of the key data.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Flexible and Convenient User Operations

The PRS supports flexible operations for querying and collecting KPI statistics. You can query the KPIs at object or time dimensions. Support the KPI analysis. You can query results of KPIs at time and object dimensions without creating a report Support the scheduled generation and distribution of reports. Without starting the PRS client, you can obtain the reports from the FTP server or the email address. Support various report formats. A report can contain multiple pages. Each page support different report formats and different filtering conditions, which reduces the user operations. The PRS adopts the common object request broker architecture (CORBA) that provides a basic data service platform for the system. The services and functions of the PRS are developed and deployed on the basis of modules. In this way, the PRS can quickly respond to your OM requirements.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

4. Common Operations of Report Administrators

a. b. c. d. e. f. Customizing Required Counters Customizing Busy Hours Customizing KPIs Creating Reports Setting the Correlations Between Reports and Excel Templates Distributing Reports Periodically

Customizing Required Counters

By default, the PRS can obtain the data of some counters. If the related default settings cannot meet your requirements, you can modify the settings to obtain the data of required counters. In addition, you can cancel the data collection of some counters to release system resources.

Customizing Busy Hours

You can set busy hour time segments. Alternatively, you can set busy hour operation rules so that the system can automatically search for busy hours accordingly

Creating Object Groups

Object groups are the basis of report management and KPI analysis. You can group the concerned objects into a set such as a cell group, office direction group, or RNC group. In this way, you can query the result of an object group or the result of each object in an object group in the report management, thus facilitating object management

Customizing KPIs

The PRS provides a large amount of system counters and supports the function of customizing KPIs. You can customize KPIs based on the obtained system counters as required. In addition, you can set the display formats and thresholds for the KPIs.

Creating Reports
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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

You can create custom reports according to service requirements and network features

Setting the Correlations Between Reports and Excel Templates

You can set the correlation between a report and an .xls template, and then export the queried report results to an .xls file. In addition, you can use the formats, formulas, charts, and macro functions provided by Excel to view reports

Distributing Reports Periodically

The PRS supports the scheduled generation and distribution of reports. Reports can be generated at a specified time and then sent to a specified email address or FTP server

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Summary Level
Raw Hourly Daily Busy Weekly Monthly

Hierarchy of Report
TRX Level Cell Level Cell Group/Cluster Level City Level BSC Level Regional/Network Level
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Sum Average Min Max Count

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

5. Object Group Management

a. Defining Objects Group b. Exporting Object Group c. Querying Object Group Page 15 -->> Page 19 Page 20 -->> Page 21 Page 22 -->> Page 24

The Purpose of defining Object Group is to use them while query of selected cells/ Culprit cells, regions or clusters define in form of object group. After defining Object Group we can query through Report Management of specific counter at once by clicking Query/ Query by Condition.

Defining Object Group:

Please follow the steps for defining Object Group in PRS. Open the PRS.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Go to Object Group

After Clicking this page will be open.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Now follow the steps.

Add Group

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Click Next

Select Object Type where you want to define G cell Group.

Click Next to select BSC s/ Specific Culprit Cells for cell group analyzing

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Provide the name and category of analysis.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Exporting Object Group
The Report properties of the object group can be exported to get detail of define information in any G cell Group template.Procedure for exporting is as below.

Give some location for saving of file.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

And save the file.

Template file is find below for understanding.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Querying Object Group
We can query the result of defining objects in Object management by simply running query in Report Management.

By Running query,

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Select G Cell Group in which we have already define counters.

After Selecting the GCell Group , we can find our Own define Object for making query. Select them,

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Select the time condition in which you want to make query and than Run

Now we can ge t Results as required.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

6. LOGs management
d. Overview e. Types Of logs f. Log Templates


Log Management is very important feature of PRS, to every action performed in PRS its record is maintained in it. It also keeps the record of event occurred during PRS is running or to know current Status of PRS. This section describes the log management function of the PRS. The PRS records PRS running logs and user operation logs, so that you can understand the PRS running status by querying and collecting statistics on logs. In addition, you can save the query or statistics result in a file. This feature help us to track any activity performed or abnormality occurred.

Types Of logs

There are mainly 3 main types of Logs.

Types of Log Management

Operation Logs

System Logs

Security Logs

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)


Operation Logs:

You can query operation logs to know the operation records of the PRS. You can know the operation status by collecting statistics and analyzing the operation log. For example, you can know the period during which maximum number of operations are performed, and the period during which operations are performed most frequently.
Choose System > Log Management > Query Operation Logs. In the Filter window, set the filtering conditions, and then click OK.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)


System Logs.

You can query system logs to know the important events that occur when the PRS is running. You can know the system status by collecting statistics and analyzing the system log. For example, you can know which type of services generates the most alarms. Choose System > Log Management > Query System Logs. In the Filter window, set the filtering conditions, and then click OK.


Security Management:

You can query and collect statistics on security logs of the PRS to understand the security operation status of the PRS. You can know the security operations by collecting statistics and analyzing the security log. For example, you can know the period during which maximum number of security operations are performed, and the period during which operations are performed most frequently. Choose System > Log Management > Query Security Logs. In the Filter window, set the filtering conditions, and then click OK.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Log Templates

You can save the specific query conditions in a log query template. This helps you query logs conveniently. The procedures for creating the query templates for operation logs, system logs, and security logs are similar. This section takes the creation of an operation log query template as an example to describe how to create a log query template. You can save the specific statistics conditions in a log statistics template. This helps you collect statistics on logs conveniently. The procedures for creating the statistics templates for operation logs, system logs, and security logs are similar. This section takes the creation of an operation log statistics template as an example to describe how to create a log statistics template You can modify the query or statistics conditions in the created log query or statistics template. The procedures for modifying the log templates for operation logs, system logs, and security logs are similar. This section takes the modification of an operation log query template as an example to describe how to modify a log template. You can delete the log template that is not required any more. The procedures for deleting the log templates for operation logs, system logs, and security logs are similar. This section describes how to delete a log template by taking the deletion of an operation log query template as an example .

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

7. Managing Performance Reports

a. Report Management i. Defining Report ii. Querying Report iii. Exporting/ Saving b. Scheduled Report Management

Report Management

After the element management system (EMS) collects the data of performance counter data from NEs, the data collection module of the PRS periodically collects the data and saves it in a file, and imports the data in the file to the report database. In this way, the PRS enables you to learn the current network status by querying and monitoring the counter data.


Defining Report Initially define the Root Directory for example named as Asim and start Simple Report.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Than follow the Steps.

Select Object Type as described previously.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

After Next, Choose the Sub Report Style as below.

Select Counter which you need to export in Report.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Choose the Filter Condition as per Report Requirement.

TOPN and Filter Condition will be discribed in detail below.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Modify Below can be used to change the above mentioned information in any report.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)


Querying Report To query the report please follow the below steps and instructuation highlited.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Now select already defined Object Group.

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Now, Get the final Result.

So, this is the final result above found. Now only need to save and then analyze.

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Exporting/ Saving

To save this Report, right click on main export page and then click Save.

These are the final result , exported in form of result.

Get Below file as sample.

BSS Daily Report Mobilink (Busy 07-22).rar

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)


Analysing & Monitoring Network KPIs

a. KPI Analysis i. GCell ii. GTRX b. KPI Management

KPI Analysis

This section describes how to generate a KPI analysis report. To query and obtain the specified data from the report database and to generate corresponding KPI analysis reports, you can set query conditions in real time. The Procedure for setting need some observation highlited below need to consider.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

GCELL Level Query/ Export:

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

TRX Level Query/ Export:

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

KPI Management

This section describes the KPI management functions of the PRS. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are categorized into system KPIs and custom KPIs. The PRS enables you to manage KPIs, such as browse and filter KPIs, and set display conditions. You can also set custom KPIs based on your requirements. Custom KPIs are defined on the basis of system KPIs and the defined KPIs. They are used for setting custom reports. To add , filter and customize this section is used.

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After Selecting and adding counter here, they will be display in KPIs query which can then be used for further analysis.

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Excel Report Management(Templates)

This is one of the best features of PRS. The purpose is to generate graphical report automatically from PRS on daily basis just by exporting. Just we have to do is to first export any report, generate first time required graph in excel and then after removing data, save the file. Import in PRS by method shown below. Then on each and every new query, you will get the table and graph automatically.

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I Manager Performance Report System (PRS)

Than after that again Run the query to export the same cell Report which was query and saved before.

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Now when opening the same Cell Report, NO need to generate graphs previously made. Just get the results in another Tab.

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