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MS txpwr max CCH (TXP1)

GSM reference: Q3 name: Modification: Range: MM defa!"t: #e$cription: GSM 05.08 msTxPwrMaxCCH 5..43 dBm with 2 dBm step 33 With this parameter y ! de"i#e the maxim!m tra#smissi # p wer a# MS may !se whe# a$$essi#% a CCH i# the $e&& " r GSM '00(800 )a#ds. *+G, *+-

Re"ated command($):

%QG: M&#'() R*#'& '+, C&+TR& # P*R*M%T%RS

%xpand-co""ap$e a""

.!#$ti #
With the *+G $ mma#d y ! m di"y radi &i#/ $ #tr & d w#&i#/ parameters i# the BS01T1.

BTS ide#ti"i$ati #,BTS #ame ,S*G ide#ti"i$ati # 2 pti # 3, S*G #ame 2 pti # 34 $e&& rese&e$t hysteresis,MS txpwr max CCH,MS txpwr max CCH5x00,rx&e6 a$$ess mi#,radi &i#/ time !t,p wer ""set,GP7S rx&e6 a$$ess mi# 2 pti #3,GP7S ms txpwr max $$h 2 pti #3,GP7S ms txpwr max $$h5x00 2 pti #3,GP7S $e&& rese&e$t hysteresis 2 pti #3,GP7S # # BCCH &ayer rx&e6 !pper &imit 2 pti #3,GP7S # # BCCH &ayer rx&e6 & wer &imit 2 pti #3,dire$t GP7S a$$ess thresh &d 2 pti #3,rese&e$t hysteresis 2 pti #3, C35 hysteresis 2 pti #3,C32 8!a& 2 pti #3,ra#d m a$$ess retry 2 pti #3,rese&e$ti # time2 pti #3, pri rity $&ass 2 pti #3, HCS thresh &d 2 pti #39

*+G 4 : BTS ; 2 BTS ide#ti"i$ati # 3 < =1M* ; 2 BTS #ame 3 < S*G ; 2 S*G ide#ti"i$ati # 3 2 pti # 3 < S*G=1M* ; 2 S*G #ame 3 2 pti # 3 > 4

: H?S ; 2 $e&& rese&e$t hysteresis 3< T@P5 ; 2 MS txpwr max CCH 3 < T@P2 ; 2 MS txpwr max CCH5x00 3 < 7@P ; 2 rx&e6 a$$ess mi# 3< 7AT ; 2 radi &i#/ time !t 3< P- ; 2 p wer ""set 3 < G7@P ; 2 GP7S rx&e6 a$$ess mi# 3 2 pti #3 < GT@P5; 2 GP7S ms txpwr max $$h 3 2 pti #3 < GT@P2; 2 GP7S ms txpwr max $$h5x00 3 2 pti #3 < GH?S ; 2 GP7S $e&& rese&e$t hysteresis 3 2 pti #3 < GPB ; 2 GP7S # # BCCH &ayer rx&e6 !pper &imit 3 2 pti #3 < GPA ; 2 GP7S # # BCCH &ayer rx&e6 & wer &imit 3 2 pti #3 < 0C7* ; 2 dire$t GP7S a$$ess thresh &d 3 2 pti #3 < 77H ; 2 rese&e$t hysteresis 3 2 pti #3 < CH?S ; 2 C35 hysteresis 3 2 pti #3 < +B1A ; 2 C32 8!a& 3 2 pti #3 < 717 ; 2 ra#d m a$$ess retry 3 2 pti #3 < 7*S ; 2 rese&e$ti # time 3 2 pti #3 < P7C ; 2 pri rity $&ass 3 2 pti #3 < HCS ; 2 HCS thresh &d 3 2 pti #3 > ... 9

Parameter exp&a#ati #s
BTS ide#ti"i$ati # BTS ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! ide#ti"y the BTS with a de$ima& #!m)er. The 6a&!e ra#%e depe#ds #

the BSC hardware $ #"i%!rati # a#d the $ rresp #di#% pti #s. C" y ! %i6e the parameter BTS, y ! $a## t %i6e the parameters =1M*, S*G r S*G=1M*. ? ! $a# !se the parameters BTS, =1M*, S*G r S*G=1M*, i" a se%me#t has #&y #e BTS, therwise y ! m!st !se the parameters S*G r S*G=1M*. =1M* ; text stri#% BTS #ame With this parameter y ! ide#ti"y the BTS )y #ame. The #ame $a# $ #tai# 5 t 55 $hara$ters. C" y ! %i6e the parameter =1M*, y ! $a## t %i6e the parameters BTS, S*G r S*G=1M*. ? ! $a# !se the parametes BTS, =1M*, S*G r S*G=1M*, i" se%me#t has #&y #e BTS, therwise y ! m!st !se the parameters S*G r S*G=1M*. S*G ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! ide#ti"y the se%me#t. The 6a&!e ra#%e is the same as the BTS ide#ti"i$ati # 6a&!e ra#%e. C" y ! %i6e the parameter S*G, y ! $a## t %i6e the parameters BTS, =1M* r S*G=1M* ? ! m!st !se the parameters S*G r S*G=1M*, i" the se%me#t has m re tha# #e BTS S*G=1M* ; text stri#% S*G #ame 2 pti # 3 With this parameter y ! ide#ti"y the se%me#t )y its #ame. The #ame $a# $ #tai# 5 t 55 $hara$ters. C" y ! %i6e the parameter S*G=1M*, y ! $a## t %i6e the parameters BTS, =1M* r S*G. ? ! m!st !se the parameters S*G r S*G=1M*, i" the se%me#t has m re tha# #e BTS $e&& rese&e$t hysteresis H?S ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e the re$ei6ed 7. p wer &e6e& hysteresis " r re8!ired $e&& rese&e$ti #. The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m 0 t 54 dB, a#d $a# )e $ha#%ed )y 2 dB steps at a time.

S*G ide#ti"i$ati # 2 pti # 3

TXP1 . decima" n!m/er 0it1 t1i$ parameter 2o! define t1e maxim!m tran$mi$$ion power an MS ma2 !$e w1en acce$$ing a CCH in t1e ce""3 MS txpwr max CCH T1e 4a"!e$ are: (or GSM 566 and GSM 766 833393 d:m wit1 ; d:m $tep

T1i$ i$ !$ed w1en :CCH i$ in GSM 566 or GSM 766 fre<!enc2 /and3 MS txpwr max CCH1x66 TXP; . decima" n!m/er 0it1 t1i$ parameter 2o! define t1e maxim!m tran$mi$$ion power an MS ma2 !$e w1en

acce$$ing a CCH in t1e ce""3 T1e 4a"!e$ are: (or GSM 1566 633336 d:m wit1 ; d:m $tep (or GSM 1766 63333; d:m wit1 ; d:m $tep and 33 d:m wit1 1 d:m $tep

T1i$ i$ !$ed w1en :CCH i$ in GSM 1566 or GSM 1766 fre<!enc2 /and3
rx&e6 a$$ess mi# 7@P ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e the mi#im!m p wer &e6e& a# MS has t re$ei6e )e" re it is a&& wed t a$$ess the $e&&. The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m D550 dBm t D4E dBm. 7AT ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e the maxim!m 6a&!e " the radi &i#/ $ !#ter expressed i# S1CCH )& $/s. The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m 4 t F4 )& $/s, a#d $a# )e $ha#%ed )y 4D)& $/ steps at a time.

radi &i#/ time !t

P- ; de$ima& #!m)er p wer ""set With this parameter y ! de"i#e the maxim!m tra#smissi # p wer a $&ass 3 GSM 5800 MS may !se whe# a$$essi#% the system. The maxim!m tra#smissi # p wer is m$ txpwr max cc1 (TXP) = power off$et (P&) . The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m 0 t F dB a#d $a# )e $ha#%ed )y 2 dB steps at a time. G7@P ; de$ima& With this parameter y ! de"i#e the mi#im!m p wer &e6e& a# MS has t re$ei6e )e" re it is a&& wed t a$$ess the $e&&. The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m D550 dBm t D4E dBm. With this parameter y ! de"i#e the maxim!m tra#smissi # p wer &e6e& a m )i&e stati # may !se whe# a$$essi#% a pa$/et $ #tr & $ha##e& i# the $e&&. GP7S ms txpwr max $$h 2 pti #3 Parameter >a"!e GT@P5 ; %xp"anation

GP7S rx&e6 a$$ess mi# 2 pti #3

5 .. 43 dBm with 2 dBm step " r GSM 800 a#d GSM '00

This is !sed whe# BCCH is i# GSM 800 r GSM '00 "re8!e#$y )a#d. With this parameter y ! de"i#e the maxim!m tra#smissi # p wer &e6e& a m )i&e stati # may !se whe# a$$essi#% a pa$/et $ #tr & $ha##e& i# the $e&&. Parameter >a"!e GP7S ms txpwr max $$h5x00 2 pti #3 GT@P2 ; 0 .. 3F dBm with 2 dBm step %xp"anation " r GSM 5800

0 .. 32 dBm with 2 dBm step a#d 33 dBm " r GSM 5'00

This is !sed whe# BCCH is i# GSM 5800 r GSM 5'00 "re8!e#$y )a#d.

GH?S ; de$ima& #!m)er GP7S $e&& rese&e$t hysteresis 2 pti #3 With this parameter y ! de"i#e additi #a& hysteresis app&ied i# 7*10? state " r se&e$ti#% a $e&& i# the same r !ti#% area. The 6a&!es are4 0, 2, 4, F, 8, 50, 52, 54 dB. GPB ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e the mi#im!m p wer &e6e& the MS has t re$ei6e GP7S # # BCCH &ayer rx&e6 !pper t a&& $ate res !r$es "r m the BTS. &imit 2 pti #3 The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m D550 t D4E dBm. The 6a&!e " this parameter m!st )e hi%her tha# r e8!a& t the 6a&!e " the parameter GPA. GPA ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e the thresh &d whe# a rea&& $ati # t a )etter BTS i# the S*G m!st )e made. BTSs with the dire$t GP7S a$$ess thresh &d are pre"erred GP7S # # BCCH &ayer i# the se&e$ti #. rx&e6 & wer &imit 2 pti #3 The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m D550 t D4E dBm. The 6a&!e " this parameter m!st )e & wer tha# r e8!a& t the 6a&!e " the parameter GPB. 0C7* ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e whi$h BTSs may )e !sed " r GP7S r *GP7S with !t si%#a& &e6e& dire$t GP7S meas!reme#ts. This parameter de"i#es the si%#a& &e6e& $ mpared t # # BCCH &ayer ""set . a$$ess thresh &d Whe# the 6a&!e " this parameter is hi%her tha# the 6a&!e " the parameter # # BCCH &ayer 2 pti #3 ""set , the dire$t GP7S a$$ess t # # BCCH &ayer BTS is app&ied. This is !sed i# i#itia& $ha##e& a&& $ati # a#d reDa&& $ati #. The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m D40 t 40 dBm. 77H ; de$ima& #!m)er ra rese&e$t hysteresis With this parameter y ! de"i#e additi #a& hystereses app&ied i# ) th ST1=0B? a#d 2 pti #3 7*10? states " r se&e$ti#% a $e&& i# a di""ere#t r !ti#% area. The 6a&!es are4 0, 2, 4, F, 8, 50, 52, 54 dB. C35 hysteresis 2 pti #3 With this parameter y ! i#di$ate the GP7S $e&& rese&e$ti # $riteri #. The 6a&!es are4 Parameter >a"!e %xp"anation CH?S ; ? GPRS ce"" re$e"ect 12$tere$i$ (GCR) sha&& )e app&ied t the C31 GP7S $e&& rese&e$ti # $riteri #.

Parameter >a"!e %xp"anation = GPRS ce"" re$e"ect 12$tere$i$ (GCR) sha&& # t )e app&ied t the C31 GP7S $e&& rese&e$ti # $riteri #.

With this parameter y ! i#di$ate a# ex$epti # t the r!&e " r GPRS ce"" re$e"ect off$et3 The 6a&!es are4 Parameter >a"!e %xp"anation +B1A ; ? GPRS ce"" re$e"ect off$et 6a&!es sha&& #&y )e app&ied t the #ei%h) !r $e&& with the hi%hest re$ei6ed &e6e& a6era%e 6a&!e. GPRS ce"" re$e"ect off$et 6a&!es sha&& # t )e app&ied t the #ei%h) !r $e&& with the hi%hest re$ei6ed &e6e& a6era%e 6a&!e.

C32 8!a& 2 pti #3

With this parameter y ! i#di$ate that the m )i&e stati # sh !&d try t a$$ess a# ther $e&& i" a6ai&a)&e i# the e6e#t " a# a)# rma& re&ease with $e&& rese&e$ti #. The 6a&!es are4 ra#d m a$$ess retry 2 pti #3 Parameter >a"!e %xp"anation 717 ; ? The m )i&e stati # is a&& wed t try t a$$ess a# ther $e&& i" a6ai&a)&e i# the e6e#t " a# a)# rma& re&ease with $e&& rese&e$ti #. The m )i&e stati # is # t a&& wed t try t a$$ess a# ther $e&& i" a6ai&a)&e i# the e6e#t " a# a)# rma& re&ease with $e&& rese&e$ti #.

7*S ; de$ima& #!m)er rese&e$ti # time 2 pti #3 With this parameter y ! de"i#e the time, i# se$ #ds, that a m )i&e stati # whi$h has per" med a# a)# rma& re&ease with $e&& rese&e$ti # "r m this $e&& is # t a&& wed t rese&e$t this $e&& i" a# ther $e&& is a6ai&a)&e. C" the parameter has the 6a&!e G# t a&& wedG, it mea#s the same as setti#% the random acce$$ retr2 6a&!e t =. The 6a&!es are4 5, 50, 55, 20, 30, F0, 520 a#d 300 se$ #ds a#d = :# t a&& wed>. P7C ; de$ima& #!m)er pri rity $&ass 2 pti #3 With this parameter y ! de"i#e the HCS :hierar$hi$a& $e&& str!$t!res> pri rity " r the $e&&s. 0 is the & west a#d E is the hi%hest pri rity. The 6a&!es ra#%e "r m 0 t E. HCS thresh &d 2 pti #3 HCS ; de$ima& #!m)er With this parameter y ! de"i#e the si%#a& stre#%th thresh &d " r app&yi#% HCS i# GP7S a#d

AS1 rese&e$ti #. The 6a&!es are4 D550, D508, H , D48 dB with 2 dB step a#d = :# t !sed>.

5. M di"y the radi &i#/ $ #tr & 0A parameters a#d p wer ""set " BTSD20. *+G4BTS;204H?S;2,T@P5;28,P-;49 2. M di"y parameter 7@P " BTSD20. *+G4BTS;2047@P;D5009 3. M di"y parameter 7@P " BTS C*=T7BM5. *+G:NAME=CENTRUM1:RXP=-100;

1dditi #a& i#" rmati #

Ta)&e4 BTSDspe$i"i$ parameters i# $ mma#d G GPB GP7S =-= BCCH A1?*7 7@A*I BPP*7 ACMCT GPA GP7S =-= BCCH A1?*7 7@A*I A-W*7 ACMCT

Ta)&e4 S*GDspe$i"i$ parameters i# $ mma#d G H?S T@P5 T@P2 7@P 7AT PG7@P C*AA 7*S*A*CT H?ST*7*SCS MS T@PW7 M1@ CCH MS T@PW7 M1@ CCH5x00 7@A*I 1CC*SS MC= 710C- AC=J TCM*-BT P-W*7 -..S*T GP7S 7@A*I 1CC*SS MC=


0C7* 77H CH?S

0C7*CT GP7S 1CC*SS TH7*SH-A0 71 7*S*A*CT H?ST*7*SCS C35 H?ST*7*SCS

+B1A C32 +B1A 717 7*S P7C HCS 71=0-M 1CC*SS 7*T7? 7*S*A*CTC-= TCM* P7C-7CT? CA1SS HCS TH7*SH-A0

*xe$!ti # pri#t !ts

The exe$!ti # pri#t !t " the $ mma#d *+G:BTS=1:HYS=2,RLT=12; is4


2002D55D5' 53454432

710C- AC=J C-=T7-A 0A P171M*T*7S M-0C.? C-MPA*T*04 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; S*GD020 BCGC*=T7BM20 BC.D020 BTSD005 C*=T7BM5 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD BTS 10MC=CST71TCI* ST1T* ... A-CJ*0 BTS -P*71TC-=1A ST1T* ...... BADBS7 BTS B1CJG7-B=0 01T1 ST1T* .. 0*.C=*0 C*AA 7*S*A*CT H?ST*7*SCS.................:H?S>.... 02 dB MS T@PW7 M1@ CCH.........................:T@P5>... 2' dBm MS T@PW7 M1@ CCH5x00.....................:T@P2>... 30 dBm 7@A*I 1CC*SS MC=.........................:7@P>....D500 dBm 710C- AC=J TCM*-BT.......................:7AT>.... 52 S1CCH .71M*S P-W*7 -..S*T.............................:P->..... 00 dB GP7S 7@A*I 1CC*SS MC=....................:G7@P>...K500 dBm GP7S MS T@PW7 M1@ CCH....................:GT@P5>.. 55 dBm GP7S MS T@PW7 M1@ CCH5x00................:GT@P2>.. 30 dBm GP7S C*AA 7*S*A*CT H?ST*7*SCS............:GH?S>... 02 dB GP7S =-= BCCH A1?*7 7@A*I BPP*7 ACMCT....:GPB>....K'5 dBm GP7S =-= BCCH A1?*7 7@A*I A-W*7 ACMCT....:GPA>....K500 dBm 0C7*CT GP7S 1CC*SS TH7*SH-A0.............:0C7*>... 0 dBm

71 7*S*A*CT H?ST*7*SCS...................:77H>.... 02 dB C35 H?ST*7*SCS...........................:CH?S>... ? C32 +B1A.................................:+B1A>... ? 71=0-M 1CC*SS 7*T7?......................:717>.... ? 7*S*A*CTC-= TCM*.........................:7*S>.... 5 S*C-=0S P7C-7CT? CA1SS...........................:P7C>.... 0 HCS TH7*SH-A0............................:HCS>.... K BSC 01T1B1S* BP01T*0 C-MM1=0 *@*CBT*0

Sema#ti$ err r messa%es

C" a# err r $$!rs, the %e#era& sema#ti$ err r messa%es " the MMA $ mma#ds are !tp!t. . r m re i#" rmati #, see Genera" +otice Me$$age$ of MM Se$$ion3

*xe$!ti # err r messa%es

C" a# err r $$!rs, the %e#era& exe$!ti # err r messa%es " the MMA $ mma#ds are !tp!t. . r m re i#" rmati #, see Radio +etwor? *dmini$tration Tro!/"e Management a#d Genera" %rror Me$$age$ of S2$tem3

Modifying the MS TX pwr max gsm (PMAX1) for the new PGSM 900 band TS
Skip this procedure if the default value of the parameter PMAX1 (the maximum power level that an MS may use in the serving cell) is good enough.

!xpand"#o$$apse a$$ 1% Output BTS parameters EQO:SEG=<seg_ !":M#S; &% Modify the M!"# of the BTS Modify the MS$TX$%&'$()*$gs($+PMAX1, parameter. M$S ... M$S%&''!(&O)S !*!M&T&*S EQM:SEG=<seg_ !":PMAX1=<-)./e";

+urther information,
1. 2. $ 0EQO $:SEG=11:M#S; $ 0EQM $:SEG=11:PMAX1=23;

Back to %reating a multi-and cell (segment).

'efining the maxim(m transmission power for an MS a##essing the #e$$ for both segments

The maximum transmission power that an MS may use when accessing the B%%. or %%%. of a cell in which the B%%. is on the /SM#011 fre2uency -and is defined with the parameters (s$4*$%&'$()*$CCH$1*00$+TXP2,$ and GPRS$(s$4*$%&'$()*$CCH$1*00$+GTXP2, . The default value for -oth parameters is 31 dBm. The maximum transmission power that an MS may use when accessing the B%%. or %%%. of a cell in which the B%%. is on the /SM411 fre2uency -and is defined with the parameters (s$4*$%&'$()*$CCH$+TXP1, and GPRS$(s$4*$%&'$()*$CCH$+GTXP1, . The default value for -oth parameters is 33 dBm. 5ou can skip this procedure if the default values are applica-le for -oth segments. )ote 5ou can modify the parameters only via segment identification if the segment has more than one BTS

!xpand"#o$$apse a$$ 1% Modify the T" 6 and /T" 6 of the segment in which the B%%. is on the /SM #011 fre2uency -and EQG:SEG=<seg_ !":TXP2=<-)./e",GTXP2=<-)./e"; &% Modify the T" # and /T" # of the segment in which the B%%. is on the /SM 411 fre2uency -and EQG:SEG=<seg_ !":TXP1=<-)./e",GTXP1=<-)./e";

+urther information,
1. 2. $ 0EQG $:SEG=55:TXP2=20,GTXP2=20; $ 0EQG $:SEG=66:TXP1=22,GTXP1=22;

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