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EDU 615, Motivational Theory and Class Mana e!ent" Mod#le $ Case St#dy in Motivation De%e!&er '(, '(1' Caitlin )i*er University o+ Ne, En land

' CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION Case St#dy in Motivation I. Introduction Ma%ie is a +i+teen-year-old, so*ho!ore st#dent enrolled in .ren%h III/ A+ter tea%hin Ma%ie in .ren%h II last year, I #nderstand she is 0#iet and has so!e so%ial an1iety/ She a**ears to have a %lose relationshi* ,ith her !other ,ho! holds a di++erent last na!e than Ma%ie/ Ma%ie2s +ather is not listed as a %onta%t on her *ersonal in+or!ation and there is no in+or!ation *rovided indi%atin he is a *art o+ Ma%ie2s li+e/ Ma%ie str# les to %o!*lete ho!e,or3 assi n!ents on ti!e and ,ith or ani4in %o#rse

!aterial/ She has ,ea3 e1e%#tive +#n%tionin s3ills and ho!e,or3 is o+ten !issin or le+t &ehind at ho!e or in her lo%3er/ Ma%ie is &ri ht and a talented !#si%ian/ She is a&le to learn ne, in+or!ation 0#i%3ly ,hen she is +o%#sed/ She has di++i%#lties &e innin and %o!*letin %lass tas3s inde*endently/ To stay on tas3 Ma%ie ty*i%ally re0#ires several re!inders +ro! the tea%her to %o!*lete her ,or3/ 5hen +a%ed ,ith a %hallen e, Ma%ie sh#ts do,n and does not atte!*t the tas3 #ntil e1tensive #idan%e and en%o#ra e!ent is *rovided +ro! the tea%her/ She does not sel+advo%ate, &#t rather t#rns her iss#es ,ith s%hool over to her !other to address ,ith her tea%hers/ I have %onta%ted her !other on several o%%asions e1*ressin !y %on%ern re ardin Ma%ie6s *ro ress in %lass and her !other e1*resses the attit#de that she is annoyed ,ith her da# hter %o!*laints and di++i%#lties ,ith .ren%h/ Every ti!e I %onta%t her !other re ardin !y %on%erns a&o#t Ma%ie2s *ro ress, her !other s# ests she dro* the %o#rse/ I have addressed this

iss#e ,ith Ma%ie dire%tly in *erson &y as3in her a&o#t her +eelin s to,ards the %o#rse and she %onsistently states she ,ants to re!ain in the %o#rse/ 7e%ently st#dents *rovided +eed&a%3 a&o#t %o#rse sele%tions ne1t year and Ma%ie res*onded that she ,o#ld li3e to %ontin#e to .ren%h IV ne1t year/

8 CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION The +ollo,in is e-!ail sent to Ma%ie2s !other d#rin the '(11-'(1' s%hool year/ 9on:o#r Ms/;, I have yo#r da# hter, in !y .ren%h II, *eriod 5 %lass/ Ma%ie; is a *leas#re to have in %lass and very %a*a&le, &#t she see!s to &e str# lin ,ith or ani4ation and %o!*letin her ,or3 on ti!e/ Several assi n!ents have not &een %o!*leted on ti!e and on !any o%%asions, Ma%ie; arrives to %lass ,itho#t the !aterials she needs/ I had Ma%ie;stay a+ter s%hool on O%to&er 5th +or a tea%her %on+eren%e/ To ether ,e &rainstor!ed ideas and develo*ed strate ies to i!*rove her &ehavior in %lass/ She e1*lained that she +elt that she needed to !ana e her ti!e &etter, ,rite do,n assi n!ents in her a enda, and &rin all ne%essary !aterials to %lass/ To ether ,e %o!*leted and si ned a st#dent re+le%tion sheet/ 5e a reed that Ma%ie; ,o#ld !eet ,ith !e ,ee3ly a+ter s%hool on T#esdays to 3ee* her on tra%3 in .ren%h II/ I also hel*ed Ma%ie; reor ani4e her &inder and !ade la&els +or ea%h %lass/ This ,ee3 Ma%ie; did not have her ho!e,or3 *re*ared +or Monday or T#esday/ She see!s to &e #nor ani4ed and #n*re*ared/ She e1*lained to !e that she ,o#ld not &e a&le to !eet ,ith !e a+ter s%hool today &e%a#se o+ a &and a#dition/ I ,ant to see yo#r da# hter s#%%eed in .ren%h II/ I +elt ,as i!*ortant to share this in+or!ation ,ith yo#/ I &elieve in addressin and resolvin iss#es early to ens#re the st#dent6s s%holasti% s#%%ess/ I+ there is anythin I %an do to hel* Ma%ie; *lease let !e 3no,/ I ,o#ld &e ha**y to !eet ,ith yo# or dis%#ss Ma%ie;6s &ehavior &y *hone/ Than3 yo#/

Sin%erely, Caitlin )i*er Other tea%hers and ad!inistration have e1*ressed %on%erned a&o#t Ma%ie2s &ehavior and her !other2s in+l#en%e/ 7e%ently Ma%ie and her !other !et ,ith ad!inistration to dis%#ss Ma%ie2s *ro ress in s%hool/ D#rin this !eetin , ad!inistration and #idan%e %o#nselors as3ed Ma%ie 0#estions a&o#t her +eelin s and a%tions in s%hool/ She re!ained very 0#iet thro# ho#t this !eetin / .inally, a+ter a +e, !in#tes, her !other e1*lained to s%hool sta++ that Ma%ie ,as not %a*a&le o+ ans,erin those 0#estions and she *ro%eeded to *rovide ans,ers +or the 0#estions

< CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION +or her da# hter/ This &ehavior de!onstrates the de*enden%e %reated &et,een Ma%ie and her !other/ Un+ort#nately, her !other is !a3in *oor %hoi%es on Ma%ie2s &ehal+, all ,hile li!itin her da# hter2s a&ility to develo* into an inde*endent hi h +#n%tionin ad#lt in li+e a+ter hi h s%hool/ Ma%ie has a%%e*ta&le rades/ =er overall rollin %#!#lative >)A is a $</?@/ In the +irst 0#arter o+ s%hool this year she re%eived a ?1@ in Art .#nda!entals, $(@ in Che!istry, A?@ in >eo!etry, $8@ in )er+or!an%e Ense!&le B&andC, A$@ in .ren%h, and a A5@ in =onors En lish/ Ma%ie str# les ,ith attendin s%hool/ 7e%ords +ro! In+inite Ca!*#s indi%ate she has !issed 8?

%lasses B</5 s%hool days in 0#arter one and ,as tardy to t,o %lasses ,ithin the sa!e *eriod o+ ti!e/ .or D#arter ' she has &een a&sent ' days +ro! s%hool in addition to ? early release days and 5 #ne1%#sed late arrivals/ Ma%ie +re0#ently arrives late to .ren%h, o+ten ,ith e1%#sed *asses +ro! tea%hers/ She also re0#ests to #se the +a%ilities on nearly a daily &asis/ Attendan%e has &een an on oin str# le to assist Ma%ie in &oostin her !otivation/ 5itho#t her *resen%e in s%hool, it

is di++i%#lt to !a3e lon -ter! !eanin +#l %onne%tions and *ro ress/ Ma%ie is a +airly ,ell &ehaved st#dent/ She has t,o &ehavioral re+errals on her hi h s%hool re%ord +or #ne1%#sed late arrivals/ 7e%ords also sho, Ma%ie ,as involved in %reatin a EFill GistE in !iddle s%hool that ,as +o#nd in the y! &y a %#stodian/ The Gist in%l#ded na!es o+ several s%hool sta++ !e!&ers and one st#dent/ T,o o+ Ma%ie6s *eers ,ere involved and ,ere dis%i*lined, &#t at the ti!e, Ma%ie6s na!e had not &een *rovided to ad!inistration/ Ma%ie %a!e +or,ard a+ter learnin the +ate o+ her *eers and indi%ated that she ,as involved in %reatin the list/ Ma%ie added +i%titio#s na!es, &#t read the na!es o+ the s%hool sta++ and st#dent/ Ma%ie !et ,ith the ad!inistration and e1*lained the in%ident as she +elt it o%%#rred/ Ad!inistration !et ,ith Ma%ie26s !other and Ma%ie served the %onse0#en%e o+ a seven day o#t o+ s%hool s#s*ension

5 CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION and the *oli%e ,o#ld &e noti+ied o+ the in%ident/ This ty*e o+ sit#ation de!onstrates Ma%ie as i!*ressiona&le &y &ehavior o+ those aro#nd her, yet also s*ea3s to her desire to do the ri ht thin , s*ea3in to a&ility to &e honest and sy!*atheti%/ Ander!an and Ander!an6s B'(1(C ESo%ial Co nitive TheoryE B*/ 5C :#sti+ies this st#dents6 la%3 o+ !otivation to,ards her .ren%h st#dies/ =er !other *ro!otes and !odels the attit#de that ,hen one is +a%ed ,ith a %hallen ed, one sho#ld si!*ly dis%ontin#e the tas3, as o**osed to *#ttin +orth the e++ort to &e%o!e s#%%ess+#l/ Thro# h o&servation o+ ne ative +eelin s e1#ded &y her !other in %onversation ,hen Ma%ie e1*resses e1*erien%in %hallen es ,ith a tas3, Ma%ie has learned not to share her +eelin s and needs ,ith others/ This &ehavior has also li!ited Ma%ie2s a&ility to sel+-advo%ate/ II. Observations A%%ordin to Ander!an and Ander!an B'(1(C, so%ial %o nitive theory involves the a&sor*tion o+ learned &ehaviors o&served +ro! others/ There+ore, i+ *eo*le !odelin stron !otivation and *ositivity to,ards learnin s#rro#nd Ma%ie, she too ,ill &e !ore in%lined to *arti%i*ate in s%hool/ To &oost Ma%ie6s and the entire %lass6 !otivation to learn to .ren%h, I i!*le!ented an a%tivity ,hi%h involved *#r*ose+#l *airin / St#dents ,ere assi ned an a%tivity ,here they had to ,or3 in *airs to ,rite a short dialo #e in .ren%h relatin to dinin at a .ren%h ho!e/ Every st#dent ,as *#r*ose+#lly *aired ,ith a *artner/ St#dents ,ith stron !otivation to learn ,ere *aired ,ith st#dents ,ho *ossessed lo,er !otivation/ At +irst, Ma ie ,as shy ,ith her *artner, &#t a+ter I ave the *air so!e en%o#ra e!ent, they did an e1%ellent :o&/ 5hile Ma%ie ,as *aired ,ith a st#dent that ,as hi hly !otivated, st#dents ,ere not ne%essarily *aired &y lo,er a&ility to hi her a&ility in the tar et lan #a e/ This *airin allo,ed Ma%ie to ,or3 ,ith a +o%#sed st#dent as ,ell as *rovided her ,ith the o**ort#nity to de!onstrate and hi hli ht her

6 CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION 3no,led e o+ .ren%h/ A+ter a ,hile, Ma%ie ,as a&le to assist her *artner in i!*rovin her ra!!ati%al s3ills in .ren%h/ A%tivities that &oost sel+-estee! are e1tre!ely re,ardin &e%a#se this %on+iden%e %an +#el st#dents interest and ,illin ness to *arti%i*ate/ A%%ordin to Co1 B'(($C, st#dents thrive in learnin sit#ations in ,here they %an hi hli ht their stren ths and a&ilities/ 5hen st#dents +eel they are %a*a&le, they are !ore li3ely to en:oy and %ontri&#te to %lass tas3s, as ,as the %ase ,ith Ma%ie in this sit#ation/ Sin%e Ma%ie la%3s a *ositive relationshi* ,ith her !other, I #nderstand that &#ildin a *ositive relationshi* ,ith her is essential to,ards ainin her !otivation to learn/ There+ore, d#rin the %ase st#dy *eriod I %o!!itted to Mendler B'((1C s# estion +or +or!in *ositive

&onds ,ith st#dents, HMa3e a %o!!it!ent to invest t,o #ninterr#*ted, #ndivided !in#tes a day +or ten %onse%#tive days to Hrelationshi* &#ildI B*/ '5C/ I in%reased !y e++ort in ettin to 3no, Ma%ie, as3in her 0#estions a&o#t her interests and %hattin ,ith her ,henever *ossi&le in the hall,ay/ These e++orts enhan%ed Ma%ie2s tr#st to,ards !e and i!*roved her a&ility to #nderstand that I en#inely %are a&o#t her ,ell-&ein and ,ant to see her s#%%eed in s%hool/ Not only does this e++ort in%rease st#dent !otivation, a%%ordin to Sa*hier and >o,ler H///there are other reasons tea%hers &#ild relationshi*s, s#%h as !a3in st#dents +eel as i+ they are ,orth,hile *eo*le, !a3in the h#!an environ!ent o+ the %lassroo! sa+e, *leasant, and healthy, and !a3in tea%hin +#nI B*/ 8<5C/ There+ore, *ositive relationshi* &#ildin assists everyone, &oth tea%hers and st#dents, in rea%hin their +#ll *otential at s%hool/ These relationshi*s serve as the +o#ndation to learnin and as Mar4ano B'((AC states that Hthe 0#ality o+ the relationshi*s tea%hers have ,ith st#dents is the 3eystone o+ e++e%tive !ana e!ent and *erha*s even the entirety o+ tea%hin I B*/1<?C/ This s*ea3s to the *o,er and in+l#en%e relationshi*s have over st#dent *ro ress and !otivation to,ards learnin /

A CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION Another instr#%tional te%hni0#e I i!*le!ent to &oost st#dents !otivation involved ,or3in to &rin the tar et %#lt#re to li+e in the %lassroo!/ Thro# h interestin , intera%tive a%tivities, st#dents are !ore li3ely to *arti%i*ate and re+resh their !otivation +or learnin %o#rse %ontent/ I a%hieved this oal thro# h in%or*oratin a .ren%h-style !eal ,here st#dents had to adhere to .ren%h ta&le !anners and assist in *rovidin +ood ite!s +or the !eal/ Sin%e Ma%ie str# les ,ith *ayin attention at ti!es, I ,as ho*e+#l this a%tivity ,o#ld ain her interest and

%oo*eration in learnin / Ea%h st#dent si ned #* +or a di++erent ite! to &rin +or the !eal/ Ma%ie ori inally si ned #* to &rin in .ren%h %heese/ I ,as *leasantly s#r*rised ,hen she &ro# ht not only %heese, &#t also *JtK and a .ren%h +r#it s*read as ,ell/ I ,as thrilled ,ith Ma%ie6s e++orts #sed a%tivity as o**ort#nity to *rovide her ,ith *raise and to i!*rove o#r tea%herLst#dent ra**ort/ Ma%ie e1*lained her !other had hel*ed her in +indin the ite!s/ I ,as s#re to *raise and than3 her and as3 her 0#estions a&o#t ,here she +o#nd the ite!s and i+ she had the! on a re #lar &asis at ho!e/ A+ter the lesson ,as ta# ht, I sent a than3 yo# e-!ail ho!e to st#dents and *arents *raisin the s#%%ess o+ the .ren%h !eal/ My e1*erien%e ,ith this 3inestheti% learnin a%tivity, that a**eals to Ma%ie2s hands-on learnin style, de!onstrated the val#e o+ *rovide st#dents ,ith a variety o+ learnin e1*erien%es to &oost st#dents6 !otivation to learn BTo!linson, 1???C/ A%%ordin to Ander!an and Ander!an B'(1(C, H///a s%hool or %lassroo! that is hi hly *er+or!an%e oriented is li3ely to ind#%e *ersonal *er+or!an%e oals in individ#al st#dentsI B*/ 6AC/ 5ith %are+#l %onsideration o+ this in+or!ation, I i!*le!ented a lesson a%tivity ai!ed to set s*e%i+i% *er+or!an%e oals to enhan%e st#dent !otivation/ )rior to ta3in a test, st#dents %o!*leted a *re-assess!ent s#rvey ,here they shared in+or!ation a&o#t the *ortions o+ the #nit they +elt to &e the !ost di++i%#lt and their stren ths in +orei n lan #a e/ The s#rvey also %alled

$ CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION #*on st#dents to set assess!ent oals, develo* a st#dy *lan +or the test, and e1*lain ho, the in+or!ation ta# ht in the #nit %o#ld *rove #se+#l to the! in the +#t#re/ A+ter st#dents %o!*leted the e1a!, they ,ere iven a *ost assess!ent s#rvey ,here they *rovided +eed&a%3 a&o#t their +eelin s a&o#t the o#t%o!e o+ the test s%ores and shared the tools they #tili4ed to st#dy +or the test/ This *ost assess!ent also re0#ired st#dents to identi+y oals +or +#t#re #nits/ Ma%ie2s *arti%i*ation in this a%tivity *roved !eanin +#l/ She s%ored an overall ?8@ on the test, and ,as to identi+y her stren ths and needs +or +orei n lan #a e st#dy/ Ma%ie re%eived a A$@ on the *revio#s test iven ,itho#t #se o+ the +eed&a%3 s#rveys *rovin these s#rveys as #se+#l tools to +o%#s st#dents2 st#dy and to identi+y, tra%3, and !eet st#dent oals/ III. Effective Strategies A%%ordin to Mendler B'(((C, tea%hers sho#ld start s!all ,hile +o%#sin on &oostin s*e%i+i% st#dents6 !otivation/ Meanin tea%hers !#st re%o ni4e any *ro ress in i!*rove!ent to,ards %lass ,or3 and !otivation, no !atter ho, !inor this *ro ress !ay see!/ St#dents are %a*a&le o+ %han in their &ehavior, &#t in order to !eet the needs o+ all learners, these %han es !#st &e rad#ally introd#%ed BTo!linson, 1???C/ As To!linson B1???C states, EGi3e st#dents, tea%hers ro, &est ,hen they are !oderately %hallen edE B*/ ?AC/ To *rovide Ma%ie ,ith a *ositive learnin environ!ent, I ,or3ed ,ith Ma%ie to set s!all a%hieva&le oals and *raised her +or any *ro ress !ade in !eetin these oals des*ite her ettin o++ tra%3 at *oints alon the ,ay BTo!linson, 1???C/ These a%tions send the !essa e to st#dents that ,e a**re%iate and val#e *ositive &ehavior and ,e &elieve in their a&ility to s#%%eed/ These ste*s +or! !eanin +#l &onds &et,een tea%her and st#dent/ These &onds ali n ,ith Sa*hier and >o,er6s B1??AC vie, on *ositive relationshi*s at s%hool, HSt#dents ,ho li3e and res*e%t their tea%hers are less li3ely to &#%3 the *ro ra!, less li3ely to &e dis%i*line *ro&le!s, !ore li3ely to a%%e*t instr#%tion and

? CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION +o%#sin !ovesI B*/ 8<5C/ It is li3ely +or Ma%ie to s#&s%ri&e to her !other2s !indset to,ards learnin and sto* her .ren%h st#dies/ To 3ee* Ma%ie learnin and +o%#sed, any *ro ress she !a3es sho#ld &e *raised/ 9ased on the *ositive res#lts I e1*erien%ed ,ith Ma%ie ,ith these te%hni0#es, I ,o#ld re%o!!end +or her tea%hers to do the sa!e to *rovide Ma%ie ,ith a solid s#**ort str#%t#re to assist her in develo*in her !otivation to s#%%eed in s%hool/ The +ollo,in an e1a!*le o+ !y e++orts to *raise st#dents on s!all e++orts, ,hile holdin her a%%o#nta&le +or %o!*letin %o#rse tas3s" 9on:o#r Ma%ie;, Than3 yo# +or %o!*letin yo#r test todayM I do#&le-%he%3ed In+inite Ca!*#s and yo# o,e one assi n!ent +ro! &ein a&sent/ )lease %o!*lete and s#&!it the +ollo,in assi n!ent" Te1t&oo3 */ 7<< NA B1-$C O N$ B1-$C/ Mer%i &ienM - Mlle )i*er A%%ordin o+ 5on and 5on B'((5C, HThe sin%erest +or! o+ servi%e %o!es +ro! listenin , %arin , and lovin I B*/ A5C/ These attri&#tes see! to &e la%3in in Ma%ie2s relationshi* ,ith her !other and have res#lted in *oor s%holasti% *er+or!an%e/ There+ore, to tr#ly assist Ma%ie and ain her %oo*eration in learnin , her tea%hers %an ,or3 to +#l+ill so!e o+ the 0#alities !issin +ro! her relationshi* ,ith her !other/ Carole Co1 B'(($C states, HThe learnin theory o+ Gev Vy ots3y B1?$6C *ro*oses that %hildren a%0#ire ne, 3no,led e thro# h !eanin +#l intera%tions ,ith other *eo*leI B*/15C/ Des*ite her !other2s ne ative attit#de, those aro#nd Ma%ie %an reatly a++e%t her !otivation &y de!onstratin hi h !otivation to learn thro# h *ersonal e1a!*le/ These e++orts *rovide Ma%ie ,ith a *ositive in+l#en%e, ,hi%h Ma%ie %an learn +ro! as a !odel to +ollo, in her o,n li+e/ Altho# h ed#%ators are not res*onsi&le +or *arentin st#dents, they %an %ertainly !a3e a *o,er+#l di++eren%e in their lives thro# h *ositive e++orts/ Ma%ie a**ears to &e e1tre!ely re%e*tive to any e++ort !ade to assist her in &oostin her !otivation to learn/ The only +a%tor that li!its her ro,th in !otivation involves attendan%e,

1( CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION ,hi%h has &een i!*rovin sin%e I have !ade a reater e++ort to +or! a *ositive ra**ort ,ith the st#dent/ IV. Conclusion Thro# h !y *ro ress ,ith Ma%ie, I re%o ni4e that intervention to *oor !otivation %an &e addressed thro# h tea%her re%o nition o+ st#dents6 *ositive &ehavior and +osterin *ositive learnin environ!ent BAnder!an O Ander!an, '(1(C/ All st#dents thrive in a learnin %li!ate ,here they +eel a %onne%tion ,ith the tea%her/ St#dents also need o**ort#nities to dis*lay their stren ths to in%rease their sel+-estee! and !otivation to learn/ Motivation is an on oin as*e%t o+ tea%hin i!*erative to every ed#%ator2s e++orts to assist in !eetin the learnin needs o+ all st#dents to rea%h hi h a%ade!i% a%hieve!ent/ Ed#%ators !#st never #nderesti!ate the a&ility they have to ins*ire, redire%t, and assist st#dents in develo*in a love o+ learnin and rea%hin reat s%holasti% s#%%ess/

11 CASE STUDY IN MOTIVATION 7e+eren%es Ander!an, E/ M/, O Ander!an G/ =/ B'(1(C/ Classroom motivation/ U**er Saddle 7iver, NP" )earson Ed#%ation, In%/ Co1, C/, B'(($C/ Teaching language arts: a student-centered classroom/ B6 ed/C/ )earson Ed#%ation, In%/ Mar4ano, 7/ B'((AC/ The Art and Science of Teaching. Ale1andria, Vir inia" Asso%iation +or S#*ervision and C#rri%#l#! Develo*!ent/ Mar4ano, 7/ P/, )i%3erin , D/ P/, O )ollo%3, P/ E/ B'((1C/ Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement/ Ale1andria, VA" ASCD/ Mendler, A/ N/ B'((C/ Motivating students who dont care: Successful techni ues for educators. 9loo!in ton, IN" National Ed#%ation Servi%e/ Mendler, A/ N/ B'((1C/ Connecting with students/ Ale1andria, VA" Asso%iation +or S#*ervision and C#rri%#l#! Develo*!ent/ To!linson, C/ A/ B1???C/ The differentiated classroom: Res!onding to the needs of all learners/ U**er Saddle 7iver, NP" )earson Ed#%ation, In%/ 5on , =/ F/, O 5on , 7/ T/ B'((5C/ "ow to be an effective teacher: the first da#s of school/ Mo#ntain Vie,, CA" =arry F/ 5on

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