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Donna Gaines 10/29/2013

Place your cursor in gray boxes to fill out worksheet. Remember to save your answers.

Certain characteristics place people at greater risk for diabetes. Nevertheless, many people remain unaware of the symptoms of diabetes until after the disease has begun to progress. Take the following quiz to help determine your risk for diabetes. If you answer yes to three or more of these questions, consider seeking medical advice. Yes 1. Is there a history of diabetes in your family? 2. Do any of your rimary relati!es " arents# siblin$s# $rand arents% ha!e diabetes? 3. &re you o!er'ei$ht or obese? (. &re you ty i)ally sedentary "seldom# if e!er# en$a$e in !i$orous aerobi) e*er)ise%? +. ,a!e you noti)ed an in)rease in your )ra!in$ for 'ater or other be!era$es? -. ,a!e you noti)ed that you ha!e to urinate more fre.uently than you used to durin$ a ty i)al day? /. ,a!e you noti)ed any tin$lin$ or numbness in your hands and feet# 'hi)h mi$ht indi)ate )ir)ulatory roblems? 0. Do you often feel a $na'in$ hun$er durin$ the day# e!en thou$h you usually eat re$ular meals? 9. &re you often so tired that you find it diffi)ult to stay a'a1e? 10. ,a!e you noti)ed that you are losin$ 'ei$ht but don2t seem to be doin$ anythin$ in arti)ular to ma1e this ha en? 11. ,a!e you noti)ed that you ha!e s1in irritations more fre.uently and that minor infe)tions don2t heal as .ui)1ly as they used to? 12. ,a!e you noti)ed any unusual )han$es in your !ision "blurrin$# diffi)ulty in fo)usin$# et).%? 13. ,a!e you noti)ed unusual ain or s'ellin$ in your 3oints? 1(. Do you often feel 'ea1 or nauseated 'hen you 'a1e in the mornin$# or if you 'ait too lon$ to eat a meal? 1+. If you are a 'oman# ha!e you had se!eral !a$inal yeast infe)tions durin$ the ast year? No


!"#" $earson %ducation Inc.

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&ssess 'ourself (orksheet

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