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To Me

Jan 15 at 8:35 PM

Left out, unwanted, don't belong or even worse that what you hate must is a reality. That probably how you feel and you bet I know the feeling too. We ask yourself what you did wrong or said wrong or even where we went wrong to deserve such. Really we might not have all the answers but one thing is for sure, we had a role to play and sometimes a major one. You probably feel insecure with no sense of trust(but really no one needs your head but your heart if you know what I mean). And yes I/we didn't mention it but don't completely blame me/us. Its not my mess and just when I expected it all to be discussed and cleared out, you acted as though that part doesn't exist or its not a reality, ignored it and thus the person involved also refused to mention it. But I could have told you. True but then I wouldn't like the way you would go about it and amnt willing to breaching my relationship with them again without recovering fully from the last bruise. I mean all we talk about afterwards is family problems which amnt pleased with. You probably don't want to hear this but I will stil say it: am not going to stop pleading with you to stop being a typical African man and see thatit is a fact not a myth that your son, 1st son is married with 2 girls dara and dami and the earlier you accept that for what it really is the better for everyone especially you. If you need me to do anything to restore us, trust me am willing to with Gods help but I can't if you are not willing to let go. And really life is too short not to enjoy every minute. If its still because of the nepa card issue that you have refused to talk to me, I sincerely apologise, I accept that I was rude. Please don't make this mistake, thinking am doing this because of what I want to get from you. Yes I do need them but its not my purpose ( and ofcourse I don't have some guy or sugar daddy who will provide them, nah I don't do such), am doing it because I love you and want to see you eat the fruit of your labour because you have worked hard. But trust me you can't enjoy it well enough with all this present. Above all I hate to see us all like this. I love you. Alwayz remember that.
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