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USF Elementary Lesson Plan Template

College of Education Childhood Education & Literacy Studies

All objectives must be written as what you expect your students to DO. Do not use the words KNOW or UNDERSTAND. All objectives declared must be those you are committed to systematically assessing, as stated in your Evaluation Plan (Part 7). What is the Essential How do we add/subtract? Which symbols represent addition/subtraction? How do we set up an additional/subtraction problem? Question (Big Idea) all How can objects be used to help us add/subtract? students are investigating? What are your objectives for SWBTperform addition and subtract problems using numbers 1-10 (10 being the highest #) by performing multiple mathematical student learning in this task in the classroom. lesson? Why have you chosen these To allow them to use concrete objects to solve addition and subtraction problems. objectives? What Standards (National or 2.1.K.F. State) relate to this lesson?

1. Lesson Goals:

Provide an overview/explain what teachers should know about this topic. What prior knowledge is necessary to master the objective(s)? Is there a learning trajectory in the lesson (in other words, is there a logical sequence of steps that students must take to master the content)? What connections can be made to other disciplines? What real world connections can be made? What is the underlying content knowledge that you want students to understand? What misconceptions do students typically have about this concept? Rationale and Relevance (Connection to Students Knowledge, Skills, Experience) Why is it important for students to learn this concept?

2. Content Knowledge 1. Teachers should know the meaning of addition and subtraction and know how to solve problems. 2. Prior knowledge: know subtraction and addition, how to solve problems, and be able to explain and model problems. 3. Learning trajectory: know the numbers 1-10, know the meaning of addition/subtraction, and be able to solve/create/set-up an addition or subtraction problems. 4. Real-world connections: what pumpkins are, how many pumpkins they see in stores, the # of pumpkins used or left over (i.e. bought 5 pumpkins and 3 are carved, how many are left over?)

To use concrete object to solve addition and subtraction problems. Addition: numbers can be added either way (i.e. 7+3=10 or 3+7=10) Subtraction: bigger # must be written first then the lower # (i.e. 7-4=3 not 3-7=-4) Its important because students can learn and apply what that they have learned in class to real-world situations (i.e. money use, left over/adding objects).

Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

Name, and then explain how your organized this lesson to address the interests, readiness levels, culture and/or learning profiles/styles of your students. Explain why you made these choices. Your rationale must contain clear evidence of your understanding of differentiating instruction, culturally responsive pedagogy your classroom curriculum, and your knowledge and understanding of your unique learners. What are the various ways that you will group students during this lesson and why have you chosen each grouping method? What students need specific accommodations in this lesson?

3. Levels of Differentiation How does your lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students? I can connect my lesson to Halloween pumpkin patches, candies, and other Halloween items; adding subtracting candies, costumes, etc. How does your lesson connect to/ reflect the local communities?

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional content support during this lesson? 1. Give one-on-one time with students who are having difficulties. 2. Start off giving them simple problems, then build up slowly to challenging problems. How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support during this lesson? 1. Provide more concrete objects to help them add/subtract (visual aid) 2. Have the student sit next to a student who can assist him/her (translate). How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this lesson? 1. Have them add/subtract numbers between 11-20 2. Create a math problem(s). 1. Groups will be organized with regards to the current levels of achievement of each student so that higher level learners are placed with lower level learners. 2. Lower level learners will be influenced and observe what they need to do when they see HLLs.
List individual students of significance who continue to need special support to be successful during instruction. Then list the specific accommodations you are planning to use for each of these unique learners. Remember, accommodations are not the same as differentiating instruction, although the two can overlap. Students initials Accommodation


Visually show the # of objects used when adding/subtracting problems by pointing at the objects and counting aloud with them. Visually show the # of objects used when adding/subtracting problems and counting aloud provide more explicit directions and explanations.

Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

4. Methods
What teaching method(s) will you use for this lesson? Why have you chosen this method or these methods?

There will be modeling/demonstration and class participation. I chose to model a lesson in the beginning because I want to show the students what they can do to solve problems through me. Furthermore, I want to show students that making mistakes is okay. I also chose class participation because I want the students to explain their answers and how they got the answers. Co-teaching can work with students who are in need of assistance. The co-teacher can either practice solving the problem together or verify with the answers the students solved.

What specific co-teaching method are you incorporating? 5. Activities: What are the specific teaching behaviors that will occur during each portion of the lesson? Remember, if you have different groups doing different activities, each groups activity sequence must be clearly explained in separate sections. This is often the longest section of your lesson plan and will need to be written exhaustively. Please also include the timing each activity will take, your plan for transitions between activities, and strategies to support time management and classroom management. What activities have you planned for each phase of your teaching method? What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the student? What student data will be collected during each phase?

Students will be adding/subtracting different kinds of Halloween objects as their manipulatives (i.e. pumpkin patches, candies, etc). The teacher has to be very explicit with directions and remind students that the objects are used to help them solve math problems. The students need to use the Halloween objects as manipulatives and create a math problem using the manipulatives. Student data: how well they solve problems, what they used to find the answer, how they respond to their peers answers, and showing their working to solve the problem.

6. Materials: List the primary materials and resources will you use to support each students success in meeting the learning goals (this can include people, as well!) What instructional materials Halloween candies, pumpkin pathes (construction paper), and any Halloween materials. will you use, if any? Why have you chosen these To relate the lesson to Halloween math theme. materials? 7. Evaluation Plan: A comprehensive data collection plan is needed that demonstrates how you intend to provide multiple kinds of evidence to document student learning in an ongoing manner. How do you plan to evaluate 1. Students performance during the lesson student learning on the 2. Students math notebook content of this lesson? List 3. Test/quiz the combination of 4. Observations evaluation/assessment data you plan to collect before, 5. Students inventories/surveys during, and after the lesson (Examples: responses to test/quiz questions and/or scores, student work products or performances, teachers journal, observations and field notes, photographs/video, surveys).
Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

8. Resources nortnik.jpg

Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

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