The Distance From Manila To Baguio Is About 250

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The distance from Manila to Baguio is about 250

kilometers. After traveling 98.5 kilometers, a car makes a
stop to refuel. At the next town 2.845 kilometers farther,
it makes another stop due to a flat tire. How many more
kilometers does it have to reach Baguio?

I. How many more kilometers does it have to reach


II. 250, 98.5, 2.845

III. Addition, subtraction

IV. 250 – (98.5 + 2.845) = N

V. 148.655 kilometers does it have to reach Baguio

2. Before sleeping, Carla reads newspapers for 15.25 minutes
and a magazine for 20.15 minutes. If she allows herself
to read, how many more minutes does she have to read
another magazine?

I. How many more minutes does she have to read

another magazine?

II. 15.25, 20.15, 45

III. Addition, subtraction

IV. 45 – (15.25 + 20.15 ) = N

V. She has 9.6 minutes to read another magazine.

3. Mang Pedro cut four pieces of bamboo. The first piece
meter, the second was 2.278 meters, the third piece was
6.11 meters, and the fourth was 6.72 meters. How much
longer the third and fourth pieces put together than the
first and second put together?

I. How much longer the third and the fourth pieces put
together than the first and second put together?

II. 0.75, 2.278, 6.11, 6.72

III. Addition, subtraction

IV. (6.11 + 6.72) – (0.75+ 2.278) = N

V. The third and fourth pieces put together is 9.352

meters longer than the first and second pieces put
4. Mrs. Ruiz bought 25.75 meters of curtain material. She
used 12.05 meters of material for the living room, 8.82
meters for the bedroom, and 4 meters for the kitchen.
How much of the material remained?

I. How much of the material remained?

II. 25.75, 12.05, 8.82, 4

III. Addition, subtraction

IV. 25.75 – (12.05 + 8.82 + 4) = N

V. 0.88 meters of the material remained

5. Mr. Roco bought a t-shirt for P250.50, a pair of denim
pants for P530.75, and a pair of socks for P46.95. How
much change did he get for his P1000.00 bill?

I. How much change did he get for his P1000.00 bill?

II. P250.50, P530.75, P46.95, P1000.00

III. Addition, subtraction

IV. 1000 – (250.50 + 530.75 + 46.95) = N

V. His change was P171.80 from his P1000.00 bill


Submitted by:

Myka Marie Khristine C. Ragma

Grade VI- Matapat

Submitted to:

Mrs. Marizell L. Awing

Mathematics VI teacher

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