Reality Check For Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in AHMSI V Bednarek 2D12-2099

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Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in AHMSI v Bednarek 2D12-2 !!

Portions Copyright 22 January 2014 by Bob Hurt. All rights reserved. Distribute reely.

Executive Summary
Bob Hurt reviews Matt Weidner's devastating loss in Florida's 2nd DCA Bednarek opinion, and explains wh Matt !ould never win su!h a battle unless he bought or drugged the "udges# $hen he dire!tl addresses Matt %and all Fore!losure pretense&de'ense attorne s(, explaining how the !ould win )one , possibl a lot o' it, 'or *+, o' their 'ore!losure vi!ti) !lients#

Bednarek Case Overview

Attorne Matthew Weidner's Fore!losure -retense De'ense !rew bu..ed with ex!ite)ent as the prepared to litigate against the beastl A)eri!an Ho)e Mortgage /ervi!ing, 0n! %AHM/0( on behal' o' poor old 1u! Bednarek# 1u! borrowed )one , signing the note and )ortgage se!urit instru)ent, and )ortgaging her propert , pledging it as !ollateral to se!ure the note# /he agreed to give it up to 'ore!losure sale i' she 'ailed to )ake ti)el pa )ents# $hen 1u! brea!hed the note b 'ailing to pa ti)el # /ervi!er AHM/0 'iled a 'ore!losure !o)plaint on 2 April 2++3 %see do!ket report( 'ore!losed# 1u! hired Attorne David $horpe o' $a)pa to save her rental house 'ro) 'ore!losure# He su!!eeded in getting the !ase dis)issed 'or la!k o' standing# AHM/0 'iled its appeal on 24 /epte)ber 2++4# 1u! hired /t# -etersburg F1 attorne Matthew %Matt( Weidner to de'end against the appeal %see do!ket report(# $he !ase drug on 'or 3 ears# $hen the Florida 2nd Distri!t Court o' Appeal issued a s!athing denun!iation o' Weidner's !ase in a !urt opinion on 5+ 6!tober 2+75 with these 'ate'ul words8
Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&'' (a)e $

9A)eri!an Ho)e Mortgage /ervi!ing, 0n!# %AHM/0(, 7 appeals a 'inal order dis)issing its 'ore!losure a!tion against 1u! Bednarek 'or la!k o' standing# Be!ause $he original plainti'' in this 'ore!losure a!tion was A)eri!an Ho)e Mortgage /ervi!ing, 0n!#, a Mar land !orporation %AHM/0&Mar land(# $he appellant,we !on!lude the trial "udge erred in 'inding that AHM/0 did not establish its standing to 'ore!lose under M!1ean v# :Morgan Chase Bank ;ational Ass'n, 4* /o# 5d 74+, 745 %Fla# 2th DCA 2+72(, we reverse# 96n Ma 57, 2++<, Ms# Bednarek exe!uted a note and )ortgage in 'avor o' A)eri!an Brokers Conduit 'or the pur!hase o' real propert # $herea'ter, the loan was sold to Deuts!he Bank# 6n Mar!h 5+, 2++3, A)eri!an Brokers Conduit assigned the )ortgage to the bank's servi!ing agent, AHM/0&Mar land# 0n /epte)ber 2++4, AHM/0&Mar land 'iled a !o)plaint 'or 'ore!losure alleging it was the owner and holder o' the underl ing pro)issor note# With the !o)plaint and the a)ended !o)plaint, AHM/0&Mar land 'iled !opies o' the )ortgage, the pro)issor note showing a blank endorse)ent, and the 2++3 assign)ent o' )ortgage# 0n April 2++=, AHM/0 pur!hased AHM/0&Mar land, a!>uiring the !o)pan 's servi!ing rights# 0n 2++*, AHM/0 'iled the original note and )ortgage with the trial !ourt# 9At the non"ur trial, AHM/0 presented the testi)on o' its 'ore!losure spe!ial assets spe!ialist, ?r stal ?earse# @el ing on !o)puteri.ed business re!ords, Ms# ?earse tra!ed the histor o' the loan 'ro) its in!eption until AHM/0 re!eived the do!u)ents to pro!eed with 'ore!losure pro!eedings# At the !lose o' testi)on , !ounsel 'or Ms# Bednarek )ade an oral )otion to involuntaril dis)iss the a!tion, arguing AHM/0 had no standing to 'ore!lose be!ause it was not the original plainti'' and not the owner and holder o' the note# @el ing on M!1ean, the trial !ourt granted the )otion on the ground AHM/0 had 'ailed to prove it was the owner and holder o' the note and )ortgage# 9A part seeking 'ore!losure )ust establish that it had standing to 'ore!lose at the ti)e it 'iled the !o)plaint# M!1ean, 4* /o# 5d at 745# A 'ore!losure plainti'' has standing i' it owns and holds the note at the ti)e suit is 'iled# 0d# A plainti'' )a also establish standing to 'ore!lose b sub)itting eviden!e o' a spe!ial endorse)ent on the note in 'avor o' the plainti'' or a blank endorse)ent, an assign)ent 'ro) the pa ee to the plainti'', or an a''idavit o' ownership# 0d# at 742# 9Because a promissory note is a negotiable instrument and because a mortgage provides the security for the repayment of the note, the person having standing to foreclose a note secured by a mortgage may be either the holder of the note or a nonholder in possession of the note who has the rights of a holder. 9/tone v# BankAnited, 77< /o# 5d 277, 275 %Fla# 2d DCA 2+75( %>uoting Ma.ine v# M B 0 Bank, 34 /o# 5d 772*, 7757 %Fla# 7st DCA 2+77((# 9Here, both the !o)plaint and the a)ended !o)plaint re'le!t that AHM/0&Mar land, the original plainti'', was the owner and holder o' the note at the ti)e the !o)plaint was 'iled# An assign)ent o' )ortgage was atta!hed to the !o)plaint whi!h provided that the original lender, A)eri!an Brokers Conduit, assigned the )ortgage to AHM/0&Mar land on Mar!h 5+, 2++3, )ore than one ear prior to the 'iling o' the original !o)plaint# Also atta!hed to Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&'' (a)e "

the !o)plaint and a)ended !o)plaint was a !op o' the note showing a blank endorse)ent# Be!ause AHM/0 possessed the original note, endorsed in blank, it was the law'ul holder o' the note entitled to en'or!e its ter)s# /ee id#C see also BAC Funding Consortiu), 0n!# 0/A6ADA$0MA v# :ean&:a!>ues, 2= /o# 5d *53, *5= %Fla# 2d DCA 2+7+( %9$he proper part with standing to 'ore!lose a note andDor )ortgage is the holder o' the note and )ortgage or the holder's representative#9(C & 5 &Mortg# Ele!# @egistration / s#, 0n!# v# A.i.e, *3< /o# 2d 7<7, 7<5 %Fla# 2d DCA 2++4( %9$he holder o' a note has standing to seek en'or!e)ent o' the note#9(# 9A!!ordingl , we reverse the involuntar dis)issal o' AHM/0's 'ore!losure a!tion and re)and 'or 'urther pro!eedings#9

What Matt Weidner Wrote A*out the Case

0 i)agine Matt salivating over the prospe!t o' winning this !ase this !ase as he wrote in his blog8
http8DD)attweidnerlaw#!o)D) &next&ex!iting&appeal&bednarek&v&a)eri!an&ho)e&servi!ing&in!D



J ne !!" !#$! %y Matt&e' (ei)ne* +,*ecl,- *e De.en-e +l,*i)a " +,*ecl,- *e /a'- An) +,*ecl,- *e Appellate C, *t Opini,n- " Gene*al In.,*0ati,n An) St,*ie- 1&at A0eican- S&, l) +,ll,'" /itigating 2, * +,*ecl,- *e Ca-e3 +IGH1ING +OR 2O45 " M,*tgage M,)i6cati,n 7 C,00ent-

1&ey8*e 9eeping 0e % -y ,n appeal- t&e-e )ay-:t&e 0,*e t&ey l,-e" t&e 0,*e t&e %an9- a*e .,*ce) t, appeal. N,' t&i- att,*ney )i) a *eally g,,) ;,% ,. 6g&ting &i- ca-e an) .*an9ly &e ),e- t&e %e-t ;,% &e can 'it& t&e .act- &e &a-:. N,' *ea) t&*, g& t&e %*ie. an) t&e appellate *ec,*):.. appellantB*ie. #<!!!#$!A0e*icanH,0eM,*tgage

FFFFFFFFFFFF End o' Matt's Blog Entr FFFFFFFFFFFFF And, 0 i)agine Matt's !hagrin over losing what he probabl !onsidered that si)ple sla)&dunk appeal as he wrote this8
Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&'' (a)e +



A M,-t I0p,*tant Appellate Ca-e" My Client (in- At 1*ial" 1&en I- Reve*-e) By Appellate C, *t = I M,ve +,* ReHea*ing
N,ve0%e* $<" !#$< %y Matt (ei)ne* +,*ecl,- *e An) 1&e C&allege 1, O * J )icial Sy-te0" 1&e Bigge* I-- e- In 1&e Battle t, Save A0e*ica- +*,0 Ban9 A% -e $ C,00ent

1&i- ca-e t* ly i- ,ne ,. t&e 0,-t %i>a**e:an) 0,-t i0p,*tant .,*ecl,- *e ca-et&at I8ve yet &an)le). A .,*ecl,- *e i- 6le) again-t a -ic9 an) el)e*ly ',0an. At t*ial" I )e0,n-t*ate all t&e p*,%le0- 'it& t&e %an9- %eca -e t&e ca-e 'a- t*ie) %y a ve*y g,,) an) ve*y t&, g&t. l t*ial c, *t ; )ge:.


1&e %an9 appeale)" an)" in a 0,-t n-ettling an) %i>a**e ,pini,n:.t&e appellate c, *t *eve*-e). Reve*-e) n,t ; -t 0e an) 0y client:% t t&e t*ial c, *t ; )ge. He*e8- t&e p*,%le0:.?. ll )i-cl,- *e:it8- ; -t ,ne ,. 0any p*,%le0-@:t&e appellate ,pini,n ign,*e- -, 0 c& ,. '&at &appene) at t*ial:an) '&at t&e t*ial c, *t ; )ge ., n): 1&e c,n-eA ence- ,. t&i- ,pini,n &ave i0plicati,n- t&at g, .a* %ey,n) 0e*e .,*ecl,- *e ca-e-:.t&e *e) &ea)e) -tep c&il)*en ,. t&e legal ',*l). (e can ,nly &,pe t&at t&e appellate c, *t 'ill *ec,gni>e t&e e**,* ,. t&i,pini, i-- e a ne'" an) c,**ecte) ,pini,n:.. M,ti,n .,* Re&ea*ing3 Be)na*e9 An-'e* B*ie. appellantB*ie.


Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&'' (a)e ,


urt-s (ers.ective

But )ost o' all, 0 i)agine 1u! Bednarak's poor wallet )eowing and wailing over the a)ount o' )one it !ost her to hire two 'e!kless attorne s to de'end her against an inde'ensible 'ore!losure# -ool 1u! !onstitutes onl 6;E M6@$GAGE H0C$0M a)ong hundreds o' thousands like her a!ross the A/A who) !lueless attorne s have bilked out o' 'ortunes 'or 'ailing, pointless 'ore!losure de'enses like this one# 1u! lost in trial !ourt and then lost again in appeal !ourt be!ause she trusted law ers who should have told her the truth to begin with8 91u! , ou have a snowball's !han!e in hell o' beating this 'ore!losure# ?eep our )one # 0 won't take our !ase be!ause 0 don't know how to save the house 'or ou# All 0 !an do is dela the inevitable, and talk ni!el to ou as 0 peel thousands o' dollar o'' that wad o' )one in our purse#9

/o Matt and Other Foreclosure (retense%#efense Attorneys0

Matt, a'ter 2#< )onths o' !onte)plation ou )ust know that our la!k&o'&standing argu)ent HAD to 'ail be!ause AHM/0 obtained the note, endorsed in blank, prior to 'iling the !o)plaint# $hat !o)plied with the M!1ean v :- Morgan opinion# What else has relevan!e here in the 'a!e o' a valid loan and lending pro!essI What did ou expe!t to happenI $o )e it see)s axio)ati! that i' our !lient took out a valid loan, then 'ailed to pa ti)el , she has to 'or'eit the !ollateral house# $he !ourt MA/$ )ake !ertain o' that# /ee Arti!le 7 /e!tion 7+ o' the Florida Constitution & 9no law i)pairing the obligation o' !ontra!ts shall be passed,9 and /e!tion 27 9All persons shall have a!!ess to the !ourts 'or redress o' in"ur , and "usti!e shall be ad)inistered without sale, denial, or dela #9 Jou knew when ou took the !ase, and ou know now, %don't ouI( that 1u! )ust eventuall lose the sub"e!t propert to 'ore!losure sale# Jou !ould onl hope to postpone it through a purel dilator 'ore!losure 9pretense9 de'ense# Well, 0 guess ou a!!o)plished that, didn't ouI And now 1u! )ust give up the propert # Ma be i' ou had addressed the HA10D0$J o' the loan ou would have won so)e 'inan!ial !o)pensation or set&o'' 'or 1u! Bednarek, or !onvin!ed AH/0 to settle out o' !ourt# Jou )ight have won a res!ission and 1u! would now have her propert 'ree and !lear# 0n other words, ou )ight have presented HE@ in"ur to the !ourt 'or redress# D0D ou exa)ine her )ortgage 'or eviden!e o' underl ing tortious !ondu!t, !ontra!t brea!hes, or legal errors b the lender or lender's agentsI 0' not, WHJ notI

Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&''

(a)e 1

$ell ou what, Matt# 0 have a deal 'or ou# Jou or an o' our law er buddies pi!k up the phone and CA11 )e, and 0'll explain patientl to ou how to 'ind the eviden!e that the lender or lender's agents in"ured, and in )an !ases CHEA$ED our 'ore!losure vi!ti) !lients# 0'll /H6W ou how * out o' 7+ o' our !lients !onstitute not )erel 'ore!losure vi!ti)s, but, worse than that, M6@$GAGE H0C$0M/# 0'll )eti!ulousl explain how ou !an dis!over how, through tortious !ondu!t, !ontra!t brea!hes, and legal errors, the lender or lender's agents H6@;/WAGG1ED our !lient, o'ten !onning the) into pa ing )ore 'or a propert than the should, or investing in a propert the never should have bought# 0'll tea!h ou how to 'ind the !auses o' a!tion underl ing the )ortgage so ou !an W0; F0;A;C0A1 C6M-E;/A$06; 'or our !lients, instead o' l ing to our !lients b telling the) ou 9won9 when ou onl dela ed the loss o' their propert through a te)porar dis)issal o' the 'ore!losure !o)plaint, as in Bednarek's !ase# 0' ou think right now 90 don't !are what Bob Hurt sa s# 0') a law er, 0 run ) ship here, 0 know what to do, 0 !an win 'or ) !lients,9 )a be ou should think again about su!h a 'atuous, spe!ious attitude or !lai)# Ma be ou should )ake up a !o)pendiu) o' our own 'ore!losure de'ense !ases, and write down how )an o' our 'ore!losure vi!ti) !lients have ended up keeping their ho)e or re!eiving !o)pensator or punitive da)ages be!ause o' our work exposing the lender's !ri)es and in"uries against our !lient# Want so)e help with thatI 0 !an tell ou in advan!e, without even looking8 KE@6# Jou have won KE@6 da)ages and KE@6 ho)es 'or our 'ore!losure vi!ti) !lients be!ause ou have not et !o)e to grips with this one salient realit 8

Fight the foreclosure battle and LOSE. Fight the mortgage battle and WIN.
All these ears ou have 'ought pre!isel the W@6;G BA$$1E, and as a !onse>uen!e ou have bilked our 'ore!losure vi!ti) !lients out o' enough )one to put our kids through !ollege# Man o' the) )ight have an ex!ellent legal )alpra!ti!e !ase against ou be!ause the !a)e to ou 'or help 'ighting a brea!h o' !ontra!t a!!usation, and ou didn't even bother exa)ining that !ontra!t and the surrounding !ir!u)stan!es and asso!iated do!u)ents to see whether the lender or lender's agents brea!hed it 'irst or engaged in so)e other illegal or tortious a!ts that hurt our !lient# 0' ou don't do that, how !an ou !all oursel' a law erI Don't get )e wrong here, Matt# 0 don't )ean to single ou out 'or ex!oriation be!ause ou took a !ase ou should have re"e!ted, and ou gave 1u! 'alse hope while relieving her o' )u!h o' the weight in her purse, or be!ause ou routinel take 'ore!losure de'ense !ases without a rapa!ious hunt 'or in"uries against our !lient at the loan's in!eption# Jou onl do the sa)e
Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&'' (a)e 2

thing that $o) 0!e, @andall @eder, Greg Clark, Mark /topa, ;eil Gar'ield, and thousands o' other 'ore!losure pretense&de'ense attorne s do to their e>uall !lueless )ortgage vi!ti) !lients# But "ust be!ause so )an !o))it the sa)e )alpra!ti!e sins, that doesn't )ean 0 should let J6A o'' the hook# 0t "ust )eans 0 should put all o' our !ronies and pretense&de'ense !olleagues on the sa)e hook on whi!h 0 put ou# $he beaut o' this .an never&win&a&'ore!losure&pretense&de'ense&!ase situational pi!kle o' ours lies in the 'a!t that now ou've had a realit !he!k, and ou know ou !an get out o' the pi!kle# $o do that ou need onl start exa)ining the )ortgage o' ever 'ore!losure vi!ti) !lient who !o)es our wa , then 'or those with no !auses o' a!tion, ou sell the) a loan )od or help the) with a short sale or deed in lieu o' 'ore!losure and 'orgiveness o' an de'i!ien! # But 'or all the rest, ou atta!k the lender or agents 'or the !auses o' a!tion underl ing the )ortgage, and work 'uriousl to get so)e 'inan!ial !o)pensation 'ore ou !lients# Do the !o)e to ou 'or an other reasonI Would the sing our praises hither and on 'or W0;;0;G a )one settle)ent or "udg)ent 'or the), )a be a house 'ree and !lear now and then, )a be even )onu)ental !o)pensator and punitive da)ages with a B6A$16AD o' legal 'ees and !osts 'or our troubleI Jes the would# Jou !ould get used to winning instead o' losing and !alling it a win# Best o' all, ou'd get 'ilth ri!h on banker's )one rather than !lient )one # And ou !ould look at our 'a!e in the )irror with pride instead o' sha)e as ou s!rape the stubble 'ro) our 'a!e in the )orning# ;ow, "ust in !ase ou don't have the !o)peten!e to exa)ine all o' the do!u)ents related to the )ortgage and 'ind all the !auses o' a!tion hidden like Easter eggs there, don't despair# Jou !an !all )e and 0'll guide ou to the per'e!t solution# Call )e right now, Matt# 0'll help ou see the light# F@EEL Meanwhile re)e)ber8

Fight the foreclosure battle and LOSE. Fight the mortgage battle and WIN.
Bo* urt Blo) $ " + f t 223+ -ersian Drive M4+ Clearwater, F1 55435 E)ailCall8 %424( 33*&<<77 1aw /tudies8 Donate /ubs!ribe 1earn to 1itigate with :urisdi!tionar

Reality Check for Florida Attorney Matthew Weidner in A MS! v Bednarek "#$"%"&''

(a)e 3

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