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Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs

Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008

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1. For each oI the Iollowing, place points on a graph to represent the relative position
oI the student's grade and the amount oI time which he or she studied.

(a) Josh achieved the same grade as Sue, although Josh studied longer.

(b) Lindy and Josh studied Ior the same amount oI time, but Lindy achieved a better

(c) Bob and Sue studied Ior the same time and ended up with the same grade.

@#4'3A$'-"#4: Select the computer program Understanding Graphing (NeuIeld)
Follow the instructions to the Main Menu
Select Reading and Sketching Graphs Irom the Main Menu.
! Work through all sections oI the Iollowing topics -# "3,%3:
! Graphs Without a Scale
! Graphs With a Scale

" As you work through 78*9 8( !:;7<9=* !:;7:5=59B make notes in your
notebook/math journal.

When you reach the end oI the section Graphs with a Scale, leave the computer and move
on to 78*9 8( :>> !:;7<9=* =?=*!@/=/ below.
Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008
2. Sebastian walked Irom home to the hardware store to pick up batteries Ior his CD
player. He was told to be back in 40 minutes.

Examine the graph below and describe Sebastians progress bv answering the
questions that follow.

(a) What is the slope oI the line segment AB?

(b) In the Iirst 5 minutes, how Iar does Sebastian walk?

(c) How Iast does Sebastian walk in the Iirst 5 minutes?

(d) What is the slope oI the line segment DE? What does this mean?

(e) When does Sebastian reach the store?

(I) How long is Sebastian at the store?

(g) How long does it take Sebastian to get home Irom the store?

(h) How does his speed Irom F to G compare with his speed Irom G to H?

(i) Write a short story, in vour notebook/fournal, that describes Sebastian's trip.
Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008
3. You are riding your bike along a bike path. The following graph represents information about
time, distance and speed.

Explain each part of the graph.

From A to B You are biking at a constant speed along a level road.

From B to C ..

From C to D ..

From D to E ..

From E to F ..

From F to G ..

4. Write a short story (no more than ! page each), in vour notebook/math fournal,
to explain each oI the Iollowing situations:

(a) Bobby's Trip Home From the Mall (b) Filling the Bathtub

Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008
5. Draw the graph that represents the Iollowing:

! A log Iloats in a slow, steadily moving stream.

! It goes through 2 sets oI rapids; the second is
Iaster than the Iirst.

! It then goes over a waterIall into a lake.

6. Match each situation to one oI the graphs.
Use a ruler to draw a straight line from the situation to the correct graph.

(a) Melissa eats her popcorn Ior a short time.
She stops eating to speak to her Iriend Sam.
Then she Iinishes eating her popcorn very quickly.

(b) Melissa makes popcorn at a constant rate beIore the movie

(c) Melissa does not eat any oI the popcorn she has made.

(d) Melissa eats her popcorn quickly Ior a short time.
She stops eating during the intermission oI the movie.
She begins eating again when the movie starts, but she does
not Iinish the popcorn because she is Ieeling Iull.

Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008

7. Imagine that you are pouring cola into each oI these glasses at a constant rate. Match each
glass to the graph that best represents the Iilling process. Use a ruler to draw a straight line from
the situation to the correct graph.

Note: Be prepared to justiIy your solutions to a classmate.

Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008
8. The graph below represents the number oI tennis games Sally won each year.

Each represents 2 games.

(a) What type oI graph is this?

(b) In which year did Sally win 6 games?

(c) How many games did she win in 1991?

(d) How many more games did she win in 1988 than in 1986?

9. The graph below represents the number oI cookies each Iriend ate.

(a) What type oI graph is this?

(b) Which Iriend ate the greatest number oI cookies?

(c) How many more cookies did Jon eat than Jill?

(d) How many cookies did the Iriends eat altogether?

Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008
9. On the graph below, the horizontal scale (time) ranges Irom 0-60 minutes, and the
vertical scale (distance) ranges Irom 0-150 km.

(a) Indicate the scale on the graph.

(b) Draw the graph that represents the Iollowing inIormation:

! A racecar driver begins the race at time 0 and distance 0 km, then in a matter oI 10
minutes, she travels 50 km at a constant rate.

! She slows down at a constant rate and travels 25km in the next 10 minutes.

! From 20 minutes to 30 minutes, the car needs a new tire, so the car is in the pit stop, not

! Then, the car travels 75 km in the remaining time.

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10. Demonstrate your interpretation oI the graph below, by answering the questions that Iollow.

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Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008

(a) What type oI graph is this?

(b) How long does Gary travel at 5 m/s?

(c) Between what times is Gary stopped?

(d) At what rates does Gary jog between the 6 and 10-minute mark?

11. Analyze and demonstrate your interpretation oI the Iollowing graph by Iilling in the blanks

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(a) It takes Jim minutes to travel the Iirst 100 m.

(b) The second 100 m is completed in minutes.

(c) At what rate does Jim skate between 2 min and 5 min?

(d) How Iar does Jim travel between 5 min and 6 min?

(e) How Iast does Jim travel between 6 min and 8 min?

Graphing Outline Ior Topic 1: Reading and Sketching Graphs
Neufeld Learning Svstems Inc. 2008

12. The graph below represents Mr. Santiago's drive to the ballpark.
Analyze the graph and Iill in the blanks that Iollow.

(a) Mr. Santiago starts at meters.

(b) He stops at seconds.

(c) So Iar he has traveled meters.

(d) ThereIore, thus Iar he has traveled m/s.
(Recall use meters to calculate m/s)

(e) Explain what happens between 20 and 90 seconds.

13. Sketch the situation below on the graph at the right.

! Cheryl begins jogging at 0 seconds.
(so Iar she has traveled 0 meters)

! She jogs 20m in the Iirst 30s at a constant rate.

! Cheryl stops to tie her shoelace between 30s
and 45s.
! She jogs 20m in the next 30s at a constant rate.

! She jogs 1/3 m/s at a constant rate Ior the next
15 seconds.

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