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Cisco Learning Home: MULTICAST STUFF - The Cisco Learning Network

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Created on: Mar 6, 2011 9:31 PM by parveen rohilla - Last Modified: Mar 6, 2011 9:32 PM by parveen rohilla

Multicast address range: to Local scope address: to Router will never forward. Global scope address: to (used in internet) Limited/administratively scoped: to Session Description Protocol (SDP) and Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) are means to announce available sessions and assist in creating one. IGMPv-1: Multicast router sends multicast queries to Host reply with membership report to multicast address they need to join. Only one host sends report Report suppression. No leave mechanism. IGMPv-2: Group-specific membership queries. Leave report. (to Querier election (when 2 routers in same domain, lower IP address is the designated Querier) Query-interval response time (will be in Query packet) When router receives leave message, it sends a group-specific query. IGMPv-3: Source-specific join. Reports are sent to rather than IGMP is layer-3 protocol. To make L2 switch aware: use CGMP or IGMP snooping. CGMP: Router act as server. Switch act as Client. Runs only on interface where PIM is enabled. CLI: ip cgmp Once Router receives any IGMP msg, it forwards to known L2 multicast MAC- 0100.0cdd.dddd IGMP snooping Used Multicast Address: All host Multicast routers. OSPF OSPF DR/BDR RIPv2 EIGRP IGMPv3 Auto-RP RP announce PIM Multicast MAC: 01:00:5e:00:00:00 to 01:00:5e:7f:ff:ff First 25 bits constant. Remaining 23 bits from IP address. 32 MC IP address to maps to same MAC address. Distribution Tree: A tree for each multicast group. Source tree: (S,G) SRC is the root and braches out to receivers. A separate tree is built for every source S sending to group G. Shared tree: same for all SRCs in a multicast group. Root is RP. Multicast packets are sent to RP which forward that towards receivers. (*,G) Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF): Packets are forwarded away from SRC. Ensures a router can get a packet from only one upstream port (towards SRC) and forwards to downstream ports (away from SRC). PIM: PIM-Sparse Mode: Pull model to send the MC traffic. Uses Shared Tree and hence needs RP. Receivers send explicit Join. PIM- Dense Mode: Push method to send the traffic. MC packets flood to entire network. Router prune if they dont need that traffic. Uses Source tree. Traffic received via RPF port from SRC is flooded to all PM-DM neighbors. Prune messages are sent via RPF interface to upstream router to stop sending multicast packet. Prune messages may also sent via non-RPF interface to stop MC packets if that is not the shortest path to SRC. Flood-Prune process repeats for every 3 mins as prune message expires in 3 mins.. PIM-Spare Dense Mode: Router operate as sparse mode for groups for which RPs are known. Operates as Dense mode for groups which has no RP. supports automatic discovery of RPs for each multicast source Cisco recommended mode. Commands: ip multicast-routing Global config mode ip pim sparse-dense-mode Interface config mode ip pim send-rp-announce interface type scope ttl group-list access-list Global config Router to be RP. Send auto-RP to announcing, he is the RP for groups given in group-list Address of interface provided will be the RP address. ip pim send-rp-discovery interface type scope ttl global configuration command Makes router as RP-mapping agent Listens to and sends the group-RP mapping to Other routers listen to discovers the RP. ip pim spt-threshold {rate | infinity} [group-list access-list] global configuration command To set when router switches from shared tree to source tree. If the source sends at rate equal or greater than rate, PIM join is triggered towards source to build source tree. ip igmp join-group group-address - interface configuration command ip igmp static-group group-address interface configuration command SHOW COMMANDS: show ip mroute [group-address] [summary] [count] [active kbps] show ip pim interface [type number] [count] show ip pim neighbor [type number]


Cisco Learning Home: MULTICAST STUFF - The Cisco Learning Network

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mrinfo [hostname | address]Displays information about multicast routers that are peering with the local router (if no address is specified) or with the specified router show ip pim rp [group-name | group-address | mapping] show ip rpf {address | name} show ip igmp interface [type number] show ip igmp groups [group-address | type number] SNOOPING COMMANDS: show multicast group [igmp] show multicast router [igmp] show igmp statistics vlan-id IGMP Membership query will be sent to with multicast IP field = periodically. (General query) Membership Report was periodically sent to (implies PIM enabled) by router. Membership leave will be sent to (for V2) After receiving the leave, the Querier perform group-specific query twice with time-out period of 1 sec for each. So, if there is no report for 2 secs, the group will be removed. Membership query packet type: 011 V1 Membership report packet type: 012 V2 Membership report packet type: 016 Leave group packet type: 017 PIMv2 hello sent to every 30 secsip pim query-interval PIM hold timer 3.5 times the hello timer. = 105 sec PIMv2 protocol ID: 103 / TTL =1 PIMv1 protocol ID: 2 (IGMP) with destination IP address: PIMv2 message types: hello : 0 Register (used in PIM-SM only) : 1 Register-Stop (used in PIM-SM only) : 2 Join/Prune: 3 Bootstrap (used in PIM-SM only) : 4 Assert :5 Graft (used in PIM-DM only) : 6 Graft-Ack (used in PIM-DM only): 7 Candidate-RP-Advertisement (used in PIM-SM only) : 8 Bootstrap messages originated by BSR every 60 secs and contains RP-set. When a PIMv2 router peers with a PIMv1 router, it automatically sets that interface to PIMv1. PIM-DM message: Hello Join/Prune Join/prune to a tree Graft to join a tree which is already pruned Graft-ack ACK to graft send within 3 sec of Graft msg. Assert used to select Forwarder in multi-access environ. SPT- shortest path tree (Source tree). RPT Rendezvous point tree (shared tree) Timers for (S,G) Uptime / Expiration time (3.5 min) Expiration time- if there is no MC packets for this time, the entry will be removed. Timers for outgoing interface: - uptime/expire Expire Prune expire timer. RPF neighbor for (S,G) entry implies the SRC is connected to this router. When a sources RPF router changes, PIM-DM first sends a Prune message to the old router. A Graft message is then sent to the new RPF router to build the new tree. PIM-DR: As IGMPv-1 has no Querier, it has to relay on PIM to select a DR- highest IP address in the subnet. DR hold timer- 105 sec PIM forwarder: In Multi-access environ, when 2 routers receive packets from upstream neighbor, forwarder is elected. Assert msg is used to elect. Election process: Lowest AD via source IP is learned If tie, Lowest Metric to reach source IP If tie, highest IP in the network. PIM-SM: (7 PIMv2 messages) Hello Bootstrap sent by BSR to announce RP set. DES IP: Candidate-RP-advertisement Unicast from C-RP to BSR Join/Prune Assert Register first packet from SRC to RP Register-stop RP sent this message after SPT is created from RP to SRC DR. Selecting RP: Manual static configuration Not recommended for larger environ Open-standard Bootstrap protocol C-BSR and C-RP are configured, each configured with priority and IP address. Select BSR from C-BSR: Election process Highest priority (default -0) If tie, highest IP address BSR sends RP-set which has RP/s-Group mapping If there are many RPs to a group, election process Highest priority (lowest priority number) If tie, Highest Hash output If tie, highest IP address. Auto-RP protocol Cisco-proprietary RP-mapping agent in place of BSR Agent send RP-group mapping instead of RP-set Uses C-RP send RP-announce message every 60 sec to this address. Uses RP agent send RP-group message via RP-discovery message When the upstream router receives the Join/Prune, one of four situations may occur: The router is not the RP, and it is on the shared tree. The router adds the interface on which it received the Join/Prune to the outgoing interface list for the group. The router is not the RP, and it is not on the tree. The router creates a (*, G) entry and sends its own Join/Prune upstream toward the RP. The router is the RP, and it has an entry for the group. The router adds the interface on which it received the Join/Prune to the outgoing interface list for the group. The router is the RP, and it has no entry for the group. The router creates a (*, G) entry and adds the receiving interface to the outgoing interface list for the group. Source registration: SRC-DR sends the first multicast packet to RP (unicast) encapsulated inside Register message. RP sends Register-stop if: SPT is formed between SRC DR and RP. (S,G) entry No members/downstream routers available for that group. PIM-SM also try to form SPT from receiver to source (might be via RP) Shifting from RPT to SPT can be controlled via ip pim spt-threshold <kbps/infinity> CLI. By default, receiver will try to form SPT after its first MC packet received Flags associated with an entry in mroute table: Flags D-Dense Description Entry is operating in dense mode.


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S-Sparse C-Connected L-Local P-Pruned R-RP-bit set F-Register flag T-SPT-bit set J-Join SPT

Entry is operating in sparse mode. A member of the multicast group is present on the directly connected interface. The router itself is a member of the group The route has been pruned Indicates that the (S, G) entry is pointing toward the RP. This is typically prune state along the shared tree for a particular source. Indicates that the software is registering for a multicast source. Indicates that packets have been received on the shortest path tree. For (*, G) entries, indicates that the rate of traffic flowing down the shared tree is exceeding the SPT-Threshold set for the group. (The default SPT-Threshold setting is 0 Kbps.) When the J-Join SPT flag is set, the next (S, G) packet received down the shared tree triggers an (S, G) join in the direction of the source, thereby causing the router join the source tree. For (S, G) entries, indicates that the entry was created because the SPT-Threshold for the group was exceeded. When the J-Join SPT flag is set for (S, G) entries, the router monitors the traffic rate on the source tree and attempts to switch back to the shared tree for this source if the traffic rate on the source tree falls below the groups SPTThreshold for more than 1 minute. Comments Default value CLI /Comment ip igmp query-interval <seconds> ip igmp query-max-response-time <seconds>

Timer table: Timers IGMP query IGMP query response

The frequency at which the router queries 60 sec for group members on the interface The Max-Response-Time value advertised in IGMP query messages, telling hosts how long the router waits before deleting the group. The command is valid only for IGMPv2. 10 sec

IGMP query timeout

The time the router waits to hear a query 120 sec from another router before taking over as the querier. (2x query interval) Changes the interval at which PIMv2 Hello or PIMv1 Router Query messages are sent Time that a router waits to hear a Hello message from a PIM neighbor before declaring the neighbor dead Changes the interval at which sparsemode Join-Prune messages are sent 30 secs

ip igmp query-timeout <seconds>

PIM hello interval

ip pim query-interval <seconds>

PIM hold-down timer.

105 sec

The holdtime is 3.5 times the Hello interval.

PIM-SM join/leave interval Join expire/hold-down timer

60 sec

ip pim message-interval <seconds> Thrice the join/leave interval.

If a PIM-SM router does not hear a 3 mins Join/Prune for a known group from a downstream neighbor within the holdtime, it prunes the downstream router from the outgoing interface list of the group entry 2.5 mins (150 sec) In PIM-DM, after receiving prune message, expiration time starts 3.5 mins (210 sec)

(S,G) expiration time Prune Expiration time Prune override

In multi-access environ, the upstream 3 sec router starts this timer to stop the packets after receiving prune When the timer expires, the router again sends its multicast packets to the RP in Register messages. 60 sec.

Register-suppression timer

5 seconds before this occurs, the DR sends a Register message with a flag set, called the Null -Register bit, and with no encapsulated packets. If this message triggers a Register Stop from the RP, the RS timer is reset.

Bootstrap message Bootstrap timer

BSR sends RP-set every 60 sec to all routers. BS wait timer

60 sec 130 sec When a router is configured as a candidate BSR, it listens for any BS message for 130 sec, after which it declares itself as BSR


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