Rubric For Evaluating Student Blogs

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Rubric for Evaluating Student Blogs Criteria Blog Content and Creativity Unacceptable The student provides no understanding

of the content being addressed. There is no focus and lack of information within the post. No evidence is expressed about the topic. Post is of poor quality with little development. tudent does not express an understanding of the material being discussed. There are several grammar and punctuation mistakes within the blog. "ommentary provided is short, simple, and lacks depth of knowledge. The commentary lacks an understanding of the material being discussed. Acceptable The student provides a basic understanding of the content being addressed. The post is semi-focused and contains information but lacks cohesion and flow. Posts are developed and contain an average understanding of thoughts being expressed. On-Target The student provides comprehensive understanding of the content being addressed. The post is cohesive, focused, and informative. Posts are well written and developed thoroughly. tudent expresses their thoughts and synthesi!es their meaning.

Writing Quality of t e blog

!ra""ar and #unctuation

tudent makes some Proper grammar and grammar and punctuation punctuation is included mistakes within the blog. with few to no mistakes in the blog. "ommentary provided is a moderate length, contains an understanding of materials, and some depth of knowledge. "ommentary provided is the correct length and is thorough with a clear understanding of the materials being discussed. There is a clear level of depth.

Co""entary provided to a fello$ peers% blog

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