Outline28 2theinnerplanets

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Outline 28.

2 Julia Nguyen B5
Terrestrial Planets
Because the four inner planets have similar density to earth and have solid, rocky surfaces, they are called terrestrial planets. Internal conditions have average densities which is an important indicator.

1. Mercury
Mercury is difficult to see from Earth because it is the closest planet to the sun; has no moons Has a smaller mass and is only the size of Earth Mercury rotates 1 times in one orbit around the sun Two complete Mercury years equal three complete Mercury days

A. Atmosphere
Solar winds replenish Mercurys atmosphere constantly, unlike other planets and Earth Largest day-night temperature difference among planets; 427 degrees C during daytime and -173 degrees C during night fall

B. Surface
Plains on surface of Mercury is smooth and almost crater free Surface gravity is greater than the moon Scarps are planetwide system of cliffs. Mercurys scarps are much larger than Earths

C. Early Mercury
If Earths mantle and crust was removed, it would resemble Mercury Mercury may have originally been much larger with a mantle and crust but was lost in collision

2. Venus
Venus has no moons; since it is the closest planet to Earth, Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and its albedo is 075 which is the highest of any planet First bright star to be seen in western sky after sunset and last to be seen before sunrise Often called evening and morning star

A. Retrograde Rotation
Venus rotates slowly and a day on Venus is the same as two hundred and forty three days on Earth. Retrograde rotation is a backward spin which is when an observer on Venus would see the sun rise in the west and set in the east Retrograde rotation may be result of of collision between Venus and other body

early in solar systems history

B. Atmosphere
Physical properties are most similar to Earth (diameter, mass, density) however its atmosphere and surface conditions are very different from Earth Atmosphere composed primarily of nitrogen and carbon dioxide which is kind of similar to Earths Venus has clouds that consist of sulfuric acid

C. Greenhouse Effect
Venus has a more efficient greenhouse effect on Earth; its effects are similar to Earths Greenhouse gases in Earths atmosphere trap infrared radiation and also keeps Earth warmer than having no atmosphere Concentration of carbon dioxide is really high in the atmosphere of Venus that the surface is extremely hot; no liquid can exist in the planet because it is incredibly hot on the surface

D. Surface
Venus has volcanic lava flows that smooth the surface and few impact craters

E. Interior
It may be that Venuss internal structure is similar to Earths because of their similar size and density Theories from astronomers have a liquid metal core that halfway extends to surface. No measurable magnetic field possibly because of slow rotation

Earth allows water to exist on its surface in all three states (solid, liquid and gas) because of its distance from the sun and its almost circular orbit; Liquid is required for life and is important for development and existence of life on Earth Its mild greenhouse effect and moderately dense atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen provide conditions suitable for life Most dense/ tectonically active of all the terrestrial planets Only plate tectonics occur; also has a moon

Smaller and less dense than Earth and has two irregular shaped moons (Phobos and Deimos)

A. Atmosphere
Has similar compositions as Venus; Density and pressure are more lower than Venuss thus Mars doesnt have strong greenhouse effect like Venus does The atmosphere is turbulent and thin with a constant wind; dust storms lasts weeks at time

B. Surface
Southern/ northern hemispheres vary greatly; southern is heavily cratered and highland region resembling highlands of moon while northern is sparsely cratered plains Near the equator, theres four gigantic volcanoes near a region called Tharsis Plateau; Largest volcano: Olympus, Mons.

Erosional Features
Erosional features on the surface suggests liquid water may have existed once Relatively small amount of ice at the poles

Ice Caps
Both poles on Mars are covered in Ice Caps; with the seasons, the caps grow and shrink Made by dry ice (carbon dioxide ice)

Internal structure remains unknown but astronomers hypothesize the core is iron, nickel and possibly sulfur (possibly extends somewhere 1200-2400 km from center) has no magnetic field so core is probably solid no evidence of current tectonic activity/plates on surface of crust

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