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HARSHIT DOKANIA | hd2361@gmail.

com| +918806273721
PROFILE: -Working in Accentures Technology vertical as a Software Engineer -Passionate for Parallel and Distributed Computing. -Seeks a MS Degree in Computer Science High Performance Computing.
SKILLS: - Parallel Computing: GPGPU -Parallel and multithreaded application development -Socket Programming(Java and C) -Macros TESTING TOOLS: - Hp Quick Test Professional. - Hp Quality Center. - SAPTAO GENERIC PROGRAMMING/ PACKAGES: -Visual Basic. -C, C++. -Java. - MPI - OpenCL, CUDA -Perl -BASH WEB PROGRAMMING AND DATABASE: -HTML/CSS. -JavaScript -VB Script
EDUCATION: SRM University, Department of CSE, Chennai, India Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering. CGPA: 8.43/10
May 2012

RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Member of Application Management Outsourcing Test Team, Accenture. Contributed in creating automation scripts for testing different modules in SAP. Optimized the code using shared repository and local repository in HP Quick Test Professional. Regression testing on different modules in SAP after the changes done by development team.

Pune, India August 2012 Present

Infoyez 11 (Technical Symposium)-Coding event- Head of Technical committee. Designed technical rounds to be conducted. Configured all computers for the event. Developed software for the quizzing round using Visual Basic and C programming in 2 days. Internship at Computational Research Laboratory (CRL) Implemented and optimized Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) on the GPU using OpenCL and optimized code using techniques such as coalesced memory access, loop unrolling. Completed a mini project: Parallel Matrix Multiplication using Cannons Matrix multiplication algorithm in MPI, C and optimized further using POSIX-Threads

SRM University, Chennai March 2011

Pune, India June 2011- April 2012 (Onsite and Offsite)

May 2010

Internship at Accenture Attended Head Start Foundation Programme in C, Java, Databases, Unix- Shell Scripting.

Bangalore, India March 2012 July 2012

ACADEMIC PROJECTS: Implemented a secure Intrusion detection system against DDOS attack in wireless. Anomaly Detection Signature Based Misuse

Chennai, India Jan. 2012

Peer to peer data sharing in unstructured networking. Implementation of File sharing in unstructured Peer to Peer Networks. Degree, link bandwidth, files shared were samples of peer properties.

Chennai, India July 2010

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