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Art Gallery - 1st Grand Opening Exhibition

The Grand Opening of CASTOR & POLLUX Art Gallery on the 9th May. There were G!e"t Arti"t" e#hi$it their artwor%" together with & 'n(ho!"e Arti"t of CASTOR & POLLUX for the fir"t e#hi$ition e)er.. *+ore"t Of ,rea-"..*

The painted wall" of the Gallery area..

Golden Tree" in the fore"t..

Another pie.e of the wall in the "t!dio a" a part of the Art Gallery..

+ar left Art Gallery area. Art pie.e" fit" in the "pa.e" $ea!tif!lly..

+ar right Art Gallery area. Art pie.e" fit" in the "pa.e" $ea!tif!lly..

Art pie.e" fit" onto the white wall perfe.tly..

*/hy ,on0t 1o! Co-e And +ly /ith Me..2 $y Ar$aayah 3ain4A$$y5

*Gold Serie"* $y 6eatri.e Looi..

*/hat The 7oot* "erie" $y 6ennylita 8a"!tion..

*Mandala* "erie" $y 9a"on 3e.% Lee.. hand drawn *Poe- Colle.tion* and *+ine Tho!ght" Colle.tion* $y :llie 8g..

,on The Cat "erie" and 8ai)e Art $y +eli.ia Loh..

*Mother '" My 9o$0" 8a-e* $y Mira 9a-al. ; 't wa" "!.h an intere"ting e#hi$ition and ha)e drawn a .rowd $igger than we ha)e

e#pe.ted. Than%" to all art "!pporter".. and we are loo%ing forward for -ore intere"ting e#hi$ition" in the f!t!re.

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