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USE OF doPDF Printer (the SOFTWARE!" PRO#IDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT$ DO NOT INSTALL AND%OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. USER&S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE 'Y USER WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. License grant Thi( EULA )r*nt( +o, the ri)ht to (tore$ -o*d$ in(t*--$ e.e/,te or di(0-*+ ,n-i1ited /o0ie( o2 the SOFTWARE on +o,r DE#ICES. DE#ICE 1e*n( * /o10,ter$ in2or1*tion *00-i*n/e$ 0eri0her*- or )*d)et. DE#ICE 1,(t 3e 4ho--+ o4ned$ rented or -e*(ed 3+ +o,. 5Yo,5 1e*n( the /o10*n+$ entit+ or indi6id,*- 4ho re/ei6ed the SOFTWARE. Co10,ter! 1,(t 3e 4ho--+ o4ned$ rented or -e*(ed 3+ +o,. Yo, 1*+ not 1odi2+ the SOFTWARE or di(*3-e 2e*t,re( o2 the SOFTWARE e./e0t *( *n intended 0*rt o2 the SOFTWARE&( 0ro)r*11in) 2e*t,re(. 2. Restrictions Yo, 1*+ not rent$ -e*(e$ (,37-i/en(e$ tr*n(2er or (e-- the SOFTWARE. Yo, *)ree not to 1odi2+$ *d*0t$ tr*n(-*te$ re6er(e en)ineer$ de/o10i-e$ di(*((e13-e or other4i(e *tte10t to di(/o6er the (o,r/e /ode o2 the SOFTWARE. Yo, 1*+ not *-ter or 1odi2+ the in(t*--er 0ro)r*1 or /re*te * ne4 in(t*--er 2or the SOFTWARE. 3. Freeware Thi( SOFTWARE i( 2ree 2or 0er(on*- or /o11er/i*- ,(e. When +o, o3t*in * /o0+ o2 the SOFTWARE$ +o, *re )r*nted *n ,n-i1ited ,(*)e 0eriod. Yo, *re e.0e/ted to ,(e the SOFTWARE on +o,r (+(te1 *nd to thoro,)h-+ e6*-,*te it( ,(e2,-ne(( *nd 2,n/tion*-it+. Thi( *00ro*/h i( the ,-ti1*te ),*r*ntee th*t the SOFTWARE 4i-- 0er2or1 to +o,r (*ti(2*/tion8 there2ore$ +o, ,nder(t*nd *nd *)ree th*t there i( no /o10en(*tion 0o-i/+ 2or the 1*-2,n/tion o2 the SOFTWARE. 4. Ownershi The SOFTWARE i( o4ned *nd /o0+ri)hted 3+ SOFTLAND. Thi( -i/en(e /on2er( no tit-e or o4ner(hi0 o2 the SOFTWARE *nd (ho,-d not 3e /on(tr,ed *( * )r*nt o2 *n+ ri)ht in the SOFTWARE. !. Distri"#tion Yo, 1*+ 1*9e *nd di(tri3,te ,n-i1ited /o0ie( o2 the SOFTWARE$ *( -on) *( e*/h /o0+ th*t +o, 1*9e *nd di(tri3,te /ont*in( thi( *)ree1ent$ the SOFTLAND doPDF Printer in(t*--er$ *nd the (*1e /o0+ri)ht *nd other 0ro0riet*r+ noti/e( 0ert*inin) to thi( SOFTWARE. I2 +o, do4n-o*d the SOFTWARE 2ro1 the Internet or (i1i-*r on7-ine (o,r/e$ +o, 1,(t in/-,de the SOFTLAND /o0+ri)ht noti/e 2or the SOFTWARE 4ith *n+ on7-ine di(tri3,tion *nd on *n+ 1edi* +o, di(tri3,te th*t in/-,de( the SOFTWARE. Yo, *re not *--o4ed to inte)r*te the SOFTWARE in +o,r *00-i/*tion( or (er6i/e(. $. Licensed Fonts

So1e 2ont( *re (,3:e/t to * -i/en(e )r*nted 3+ the o4ner o2 the 2ont. Thi( -i/en(e 1*+ 0ro6ide th*t the 2ont 1*+ NOT 3e e13edded or other4i(e di(tri3,ted 4itho,t * -i/en(e 2ro1 the 2ont o4ner. U(er( o2 the SOFTWARE *re re(0on(i3-e 2or o3t*inin) the ne/e((*r+ -i/en(e 2ro1 the o4ner o2 the *2ore1entioned 2ont( i2 the ,(er 4i(he( to e13ed the1. F*i-,re to o3t*in the ne/e((*r+ -i/en(e( 1*+ e.0o(e the ,(er to -e)*/-*i1( 3+ the o4ner( o2 the(e 2ont(. SOFTLAND *nd it( (,00-ier( *((,1e no re(0on(i3i-it+ 2or (,/h /-*i1(. %. Program credits Thi( SOFTWARE 1*9e( ,(e o2 the 2o--o4in) 2ree4*re /o10onent(: &;-i3& )ener*- 0,r0o(e /o10re((ion -i3r*r+ 6er(ion <.<.=$ M*r/h <<th$ >??> Co0+ri)ht (C" <@@A7>??= Be*n7-o,0 G*i--+ *nd M*r9 Ad-er htt0:%%444.;-i3.or)% The Inde0endent BPEG Gro,0&( BPEG (o2t4*re 5thi( (o2t4*re i( 3*(ed in 0*rt on the 4or9 o2 the Inde0endent BPEG Gro,05 Co0+ri)ht (C" <@@<7<@@C$ Tho1*( G. L*ne. &. 'o (right The SOFTWARE *nd *-- ri)ht( *re o4ned 3+ SOFTLAND *nd%or it( (,00-ier( *nd *re 0rote/ted 3+ /o0+ri)ht -*4 *nd intern*tion*- /o0+ri)ht tre*tie(. Yo, */9no4-ed)e th*t no tit-e to the inte--e/t,*- 0ro0ert+ in the SOFTWARE i( tr*n(2erred to +o,. Yo, 2,rther */9no4-ed)e th*t tit-e *nd 2,-- o4ner(hi0 ri)ht( to the SOFTWARE 4i-- re1*in the e./-,(i6e 0ro0ert+ o2 SOFTLAND *nd +o, 4i-- not */D,ire *n+ ri)ht( to the SOFTWARE e./e0t *( e.0re((-+ (et 2orth in thi( -i/en(e. ). *ermination The Li/en(e i( in e22e/t ,nti- ter1in*ted. Yo, 1*+ ter1in*te thi( Li/en(e *t *n+ ti1e 3+ /e*(in) *n+ *nd *-- ,(e o2 the SOFTWARE$ *nd de-etin) or de(tro+in) the SOFTWARE. Thi( *)ree1ent (h*-- ter1in*te *,to1*ti/*--+ ,0on 3re*/h o2 *n+ ter1 o2 thi( *)ree1ent. U0on ter1in*tion +o, (h*-- de(tro+ *-- /o0ie( o2 the SOFTWARE. Se/tion( tit-ed 5O4ner(hi05$ 5Re(tri/tion(5$ 5Co0+ri)ht5$ 5No W*rr*nt+$ No Li*3i-it+5$ 5Go6ernin) L*45 *nd 5Entire A)ree1ent5 (h*-- (,r6i6e *n+ ter1in*tion o2 thi( *)ree1ent. 1+. ,o -arrant(. ,o Lia"i/it( SOFTLAND AND ITS SUPPLIERS DO NOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OR RESULTS YOU MAY O'TAIN 'Y USING THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. SOFTLAND AND ITS SUPPLIERS MAEE NO WARRANTIES$ EFPRESS OR IMPLIED$ AS TO NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS$ MERCHANTA'ILITY$ OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO E#ENT WILL SOFTLAND OR ITS SUPPLIERS 'E LIA'LE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEGUENTIAL$ INCIDENTAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES$ INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST SA#INGS$ E#EN IF A SOFTLAND REPRESENTATI#E HAS 'EEN AD#ISED OF THE POSSI'ILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES$ OR FOR ANY CLAIM 'Y ANY THIRD PARTY. YOU HERE'Y ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISE OF ALL USE OF THE COPIES OF SOFTWARE CO#ERED 'Y THIS LICENSE. 11. 0o1erning Law Thi( *)ree1ent i( )o6erned 3+ the -*4( o2 Ro1*ni*. An+ /-*i1$ di(0,te or /ontro6er(+ 4ith re(0e/t to$ in /onne/tion 4ith or *ri(in) o,t o2

thi( *)ree1ent (h*-- 3e (,3:e/t to *nd de/ided 3+ *r3itr*tion in the Cit+ o2 C-,:7N*0o/*$ Co,nt+ o2 C-,:$ Ro1*ni*. I2 *n+ 0*rt o2 thi( *)ree1ent i( 2o,nd 6oid *nd ,nen2or/e*3-e 3+ * /o,rt o2 /o10etent :,ri(di/tion$ it 4i-- not *22e/t the 6*-idit+ o2 the 3*-*n/e o2 the *)ree1ent$ 4hi/h (h*-- re1*in 6*-id *nd en2or/e*3-e *//ordin) to it( ter1(. 12. Entire Agreement Thi( *)ree1ent i( the 2in*-$ /o10-ete *nd e./-,(i6e *)ree1ent 3et4een +o, *nd SOFTLAND th*t (,0er(ede( *n+ 0rior *)ree1ent or ,nder(t*ndin)$ 4hether 4ritten or or*-$ re-*tin) to the (,3:e/t 1*tter o2 thi( -i/en(e. Co0+ri)ht H >??I7>?<< So2t-*nd. A-- ri)ht( re(er6ed.

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