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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 6 th Judicial Region !

anch "# Iloilo Cit$ PEOPLE O% T&E P&ILIPPINE' C!i(inal Case No) 6*+,- ./e!sus. %o!) RAPE 0A!ticle 166.A2 pa!ag!aph 30b4 of The Re/ised Penal Code2 as a(ended4 CARLO JINE52 Accused6 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 IN%OR8ATION The unde!signed Associate Cit$ P!osecuto! accuses CARLO JINE52 a !esident of !g$6 utong2 Oton2 Iloilo2 Philippines of the c!i(e of RAPE2 defined and penali9ed unde! A!ticle 166.A2 pa!6 30b42 of the Re/ised Penal Code2 as a(ended2 co((itted as follo:s) That on o! about the 1, th da$ of Janua!$ 1-312 in the Cit$ of Iloilo2 Philippines2 and :ithin the ;u!isdiction of this &ono!able Cou!t2 the abo/ accused2 did then and the!e2 :illfull$2 unla:full$ and feloniousl$ !aped the pe!son of 8a!ie Juana Lope92 b$ inse!ting his penis into the co(plainant<s /agina2 :hile she :as dep!i/ed of !eason and :hile she :as unconscious6 That the said /icti( suffe!ed actual and (o!al da(ages in the a(ount as (a$be !e:a!ded b$ the &ono!able Cou!t unde! the p!o/isions of the Ne: Ci/il Code of the Philippines6 CONTRAR= TO LA>6 Iloilo Cit$2 Philippines2 August 62 1-31 ATT=6 ?RI' PIN Associate Cit$ P!osecuto! I he!eb$ ce!tif$ that a p!eli(ina!$ in/estigation ha/e been conducted in this case2 the :itnesses ha/ing been e@a(ined unde! oathA that on the basis of the s:o!n state(ent and othe! e/idence sub(itted befo!e2 the!e is !easonable g!ound to belie/e that the offense cha!ged ATT=6 ?RI' PIN 'ubsc!ibed and s:o!n to befo!e (e this + th da$ of August 1-3"2 in the Cit$ of Iloilo2 Philippines6 >ITNE''E') Julia A!o B !g$6 Pandac2 Pa/ia2 Iloilo 'PO1 ang Ros and PO3 8a!ia O9a:a B Celgado Police 'tation2 Celgado 't62 Iloilo Cit$ AIL RECO88ENCEC) T>ENT= T&OU'ANC PE'O' 0PhP 1-2---4 Add!ess of Accused) !g$6 utong2 Oton2 Iloilo APPRODEC TILA TEEUILA Cit$ P!osecuto! Roll No6 F-31" 8CLE Co(liance No6

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