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Role Department Location Reports to Education Experience Role Ob ecti!e Executive Assistant to Director HR Human Resources Head Office, Gurgaon Director HR MBA or Diploma in Human Resources Management 3 ! "ears in related field #andling similar profile $o assist Director HR in t#e complete gamut of HR administrative activities and provide secretarial assistance Principal Accountabilities Ma%ing $ravel Arrangements Ma%ing arrangements for &onference calls &ollating t#e data from t#e regions and ma%ing reports for DirectorHR as per t#e re'uirement &oordination (it#in and outside HR department &ommunication c#annel for inter as (ell intra departmental communication Assimilation of data from multiple sources and preparation of reports Departmental )udgeting and )udget anal"sis Routine support to Director HR Monitoring HR *"stems+Am(a" site ,-eave . Attendance Management *"stem/ Assisting &orporate HR for data)ase management and related (or% &reating various data)ases and -etters &oordinating vendor pa"ments for t#e department Administrative formalities for 0oining Handling resignations and coordinating for full . final settlements 1ersonnel 2ile 3pdation and management Birt#da" &ele)rations &oordinating (it# flo(er vendor for )ou'uets on special occasions &reation and Deletion of Distri)utor 4D for emplo"ees Arrangements for *taff meetings &reation + 3pdation of Holida" -ist for A4E ever" "ear &onsolidating and creating 1resentations for t#e DirectorHR and Department 1rovide data to various departments as per t#e re'uirements5 Pro"ile Excellent (or%ing %no(ledge of M* Office *"stems 6no(ledge E"e for Detail Multi tas%ing Good interpersonal s%ill &ommunication s%ill $eam pla"er Read" to ta%e on responsi)ilit" 6een learner

#omputer Literac$% &no'led(e and s)ill set


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