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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

FIELD MANUAL INDEX Sl.No. Content Description Page Nos 4 5 ! 7

C AP!E" # I 1 Introduction 2 Ground control net work 3 Control Point Numbering Sy tem 3 "et#odology C AP!E"$ II 1 $ield work organi%ation 1&1 'rgani%ation tructure of Im(lementing )gency 1&2 'rgani%ation tructure of *P'+ ,#u ,#arati 2 3 $ield /eam com(o ition "et#odology )do(ted for field work 3&1 0alidation of 'rt#o image and ,romide (rint 3&2 *ata )de1uacy 3&3 2ecei3ing Claim and 'b4ection 3&4 *i tribution of $inal 5P" wit# .627 8 19627 notice 4 5 ! 7 . 19 :1ui(ment re1uired 8 2ecord to be carried by field team 4&1 2ecord to be carried : tabli #ing 3illage com(uter centre Conducting Grama Sab#a /ra3er e u ing :/S for e tabli #ing control (oint /ertiary control (oint ; "onumentation *elineating 3illage boundary Sur3ey of agriculture; Non<agriculture land 0illage ite ur3ey

. . 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 17 17 11. 1. 29 21 234!

a7 *raft 5P" Generation 8 *i tribution 11 *ata collection (rocedure 12 *o= 8 *on=t C AP!E" # III "odel Pre cribed $ormat

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

C AP!E"$ I

Integrated 5and Information Sy tem Pro4ect+ i&e&+ t#e >Bhu Bharati= i a uni1ue (ro4ect w#ic# #a been concei3ed by Go3ernment of )nd#ra Prade # a an inno3ati3e (ro4ect u ing *igital (#otogrammetry wit# in(ut from *ifferential Ground Po itioning Sy tem

6*GPS7; :lectronic /otal Station 6:/S7& It will co3er all urban and rural (ro(ertie + recording all t#eir attribute + including gra(#ical dimen ion + owner #i(+ u age and ot#er
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

related data in digital format in an integrated manner& /#e y tem will record conclu i3e title and will #a3e feature record & /#i domain e?(ert like detail of tran fer of (ro(ertie been taken u( a and auto u(dation of a (ilot for Ni%amabad y tem called ,#u ,#arati #a

di trict co3ering -999 S1 km & 0ariou met#odologie were t#oug#t of+ o(inion of t#e were called for and finally arri3ed at a met#odology i&e&+ *igital ur3ey u ing aerial (#otogra(#y and (#otogrammetry w#ic# i (ro3ing to be more economical and efficient com(ared to t#e traditional met#od & /#e met#odology for conducting wit# ground u((lementation #a ado(ting different met#odologie & N2S) i identified a t#e )gency to conduct )erial (#otogrammetry a 5td and @i(ro infotec# 5td&+ con ortium i a (art of elected a been finali%ed after e?(erimenting micro (ilot

re ur3ey& NISG i a((ointed a con ultant for monitoring t#e im(lementation of t#e ,#u ,#arati (ro4ect& S(eck Sy tem a Im(lementing )gency& Sur3ey and 2e3enue taff from Go3t& ide #a been em(loyed to i t and u(er3i e t#e work of Im(lementing )gency for im(lementation of t#e (ro4ect& geo<referenced and controlled by geodetic network& Primary and /#e entire *i trict i

Secondary control (oint are e tabli #ed and coordinate data i obtained& /#e I) will u e t#e 4A ,romide (rint during t#e field ur3ey and u e t#e ort#o(#oto ma( toget#er wit# data ma( & ) #ybrid tec#nology in3ol3ing 4udiciou ur3ey met#od i t#e key u e of P#otogrammetry and ground tec#ni1ue for cale ur3ey under ,#u ,#arati& )erial cale for u((lemented from $ield ur3ey for creation of t#e 3illage ma( and land (arcel

u ing *ifferential Global Po itioning Sy tem; :lectronic /otal Station and con3entional a((roac# (#otogrammetry will be done at 1B19+999 for rural area and 1B4999

urban area from w#ic# ma( will be generated to t#e cale 1B2999 for rural area and 1B599 for 3illage ite and 1B259 for urban area & 2e1uired le3el of accuracy for rural area would be 6C;<7 25 cm and for urban area 6C;<7 19 cm & /#e entire (atial data of ,#u ,#arati i ba ed on D/" co<ordinate y tem wit# @GS -4 datum


/#e ob4ecti3e of ground control network i to #el( during re ur3ey in future& /#e ground control (oint generation will be carried out u ing *ifferential Global Po itioning Sy tem 6*GPS7 and :/S& : tabli #ing Ground Control Network 6GCN7 i t#e key acti3ity in ,#u ,#arati (ro4ect& /#e accuracy of data recei3ed t#roug# re ur3ey de(end e tabli #ed Ground Control Network& Eierarc#y of control net work i
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on t#e

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

i7 ii7 iii7 i37

Primary control (oint u ing *GPS Secondary control (oint u ing *GPS /ertiary control (oint u ing :/S )u?iliary control (oint u ing *GPS and;or :/S will be e tabli #ed u ing *GPS and monumented u ing 2CC

Primary control (oint and i a

(illar & /#e i%e of eac# (rimary control (oint i (re cribed a 25 cm ? 25 cm ? !5 cm igned wit# uni1ue identification number w#ic# will be engra3ed on t#e #all be e tabli #ed 1 No (er eac# 3illage& )(art from econdary control (oint (er 3illage+ t#e network i (lanned to monument& Secondary control (oint con idering at lea t one

di tribute t#e control (oint e3enly t#roug#out t#e area o t#at on an a3erage one (oint will be e tabli #ed for e3ery 5 S1&Fm of area& Secondary control (oint are generated u ing t#ree ba e i (re cribed a tation of (rimary control

data& /#ey will be e tabli #ed u ing *GPS and monumented u ing 2CC (illar & /#e i%e of eac# Secondary control (oint a 29 cm ? 29 cm ? !5 cm& /#ey are on (#otogra(# igned uni1ue identification number w#ic# will be engra3ed on t#e monument&

)ccuracy to be maintained w#ile marking t#e location of t#e e (oint after identification on ground& /ertiary control (oint (#otogra(# & /#e e (oint

#all be well defined on t#e ground and (o t (ointed on will be ur3eyed u ing :/S mac#ine & Sketc#e of all t#e e

(oint wit# de cri(tion #all al o be (re(ared& /ertiary control (oint are elected at an inter3al of 599 meter & /#e e (oint cm & )n au?iliary control (oint will be e tabli #ed for eac# (rimary+ econdary and tertiary are e tabli #ed u ing :/S and monumented wit# 2CC (illar & /#e i%e of eac# tertiary control (oint i (re cribed a 15cm ? 15 cm ? !5

control (oint& /#e e (oint are ca(tured u ing t#e way t#eir corre (onding control (oint are ca(tured& /#e au?iliary control (oint need not be monumented but t#ey #ould be ca(tured in control (oint& In t#e entire *i trict of Ni%amabad encom(a (rimary control (oint and 1999 ing a((ro?imately -999 S1&Fm + 399 econdary control (oint + one in eac# 3illage are uc# a way t#at t#ey #ould be wit# in t#e line of ig#t from t#eir (arent

e tabli #ed& )bout 25+999 tertiary (oint are e timated for t#e entire *i trict G 25 to 39 number in eac# 3illage 6599 metre guide7&

3. Control Point Numb rin! "#$t m%

a& Sur3ey of India /o(ogra(#ical and large cale ma((ing 6o(en erie ma( 7 on datum @GS -4 and D/" (ro4ection will be followed for ado(ting control (oint &
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

(er t#e o(en #a



of *atum @GS-4 and D/" (ro4ection+ S&'&I+ 1 9 ? 19

Ni%amabad *i trict i co3ered in :44 Grid w#ic# i ! 9 ? 49 and it i on t#e cale of 1B1999999& /#i al(#abet numbering from ) to A& :ac# Grid cell i w#o e cale i 1B2+59+999 and t#i #a 1! Grid cell ranging from 91 to 1! and eac# Grid i on 1B59+999 cale& *e ired cale of 1B5999 #a to be generated by t#e Im(lementing )gency& b& 'nly Primary and Secondary control (oint will #a3e %P & S' uffi? at t#e end& /ertiary control (oint will not #a3e %!' uffi? eit#er in record or on tone & /#e Primary control (oint 8 Secondary control (oint will bear () digits< a& i& c& d& e& e.g.*$ ,941991P< in ca e of Primary control (oint & ,941991S< in ca e of Secondary control (oint & /#e /ertiary control (oint will bear (+ digits< e.g.*$ ,941991< in ca e of /ertiary control (oint & @#ere ,94 re(re ent 1B59+999 cale i&e&+ 15 1 ? 151 + 19 re(re ent 1B5999 cale i&e&+ 1&51 ? 1&51 + 91P re(re ent Primary control (oint and 91S re(re ent Secondary control (oint f& bar Control (oint will be (refabricated wit# concrete mi? of 1B2B4 wit# 4 iron of 12 mm in ide+ wit# 4 ring of ! mm iron rod & "onument will bear a /riangle on to( wit# a (lummet #ole in t#e middle of t#e triangle& 'ut of t#e 4 ide of t#e monument+ on one ide an arrow mark (ointing toward Nort# will be in cribed& g& #& i& i%e & 'utcome B /#e Control network con i t /ertiary control (oint /#e ketc# for eac# control (oint #owing t#e location of t#e control (oint wit# Identification Number and Co<ordinate & of monumented Primary+ Secondary and Primary 8 Secondary control (oint will #a3e >-= digit & 4 digit on one ide and ot#er 4 digit on t#e ot#er ide& ) regard tertiary control (oint + it con i t of >7= digit >3= digit on one ide and four digit on ot#er ide& /#e font i%e of eac# letter will be 5 cm ? 5 cm wit# a de(t# of 4 mm& /#e i%e of t#e font will be 5 cm ? 5 cm for all t#e monument irre (ecti3e of t#eir

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

$igB 1 H Numbering of /ertiary control (oint

&. 'ET(ODOLOG)%*
/#e o3erall ur3ey met#odology will in3ol3e t#e following broad te( & i& ii& iii& i3& 3& 3i& 3ii& 3iii& i?& ?& )erial (#otogrammetry Ground Control Network Pre<field (lanning;(re(aration Ground 3erification on bromide (rint of aerial (#otogra(# & P#otogrammetry (roce ing and generation of ort#o<image & Incor(oration of field detail & Generation of 3illage ma( and (arcel ma( & Publication of record & *i (o al of claim & Confirmation of record &

/#e ur3ey #all be bound by t#e )P Sur3ey and ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23 or any ot#er act t#at will be in force during t#e (eriod of Sur3ey&

1. ,i l-.or/ or!ani0ation

1.1 Pro1o$ - Or!ani0ation $tru2tur

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o3 Im1l m ntin! +! n2#

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

District Pro,ect Manger

Ca-p .//icer

Ca-p .//icer

Ca-p .//icer

Ca-p .//icer

Field !ea2 $30

Field !ea34 $ 0)

Field !ea01 $ )(

E!S !ea2 $ 0(

/#e (ro(o ed organi ation

tructure of Im(lementing agency for field work at t#e

di trict le3el will be a follow B /#e *i trict Pro4ect "anager will coordinate and monitor (rogre t#e di trict le3el& Ee will be a field team & ) e(arate cam( will be etu( for t#e :/S team of t#e ur3ey at

i ted by Cam( 'fficer eac# being re (on ible for 72 wit# an 'fficer in

c#arge& In addition u((ort er3ice will be (ro3ided by a E2 (er on re (on ible for recruiting and training+ a (er on #eading a team to u((ort #ardware and oftware in t#e field and an accountant& /#e *P"= re (on ibilitie will includeB < < < < Setting u( field team Conducting training for field team 5iai on wit# t#e *i trict aut#oritie 'rgani ing and (lanning fieldwork+ in (articular mobili ation and (re(aration of nece ary re ource and e1ui(ment+ uc# a 3e#icle + and allocation of mandal and 3illage to t#e re (ecti3e field team < "onitoring and back to((ing fieldwork+ including tec#nical and logi tic u((ort to field team + in order to en ure data 1uality and #omogeneity among field crew < Controlling and 3alidating t#e 3ariou u ed in t#e field < < Controlling data and e3aluating it 1ualityI )naly i of re ult being obtained and ada(tation+ if needed+ of met#od being re(orting tem(late and regi ter to be

followed in t#e field in order to obtain t#e o(timum re ult &

1.2 Pro1o$ - Or!ani0ation $tru2tur

o3 DPO4 Bhu Bharati

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

District Pro,ect .//icer Asst. Director 6Sur7e58 .//ice Esta9lish-ent D5. District Pro,ect .//icer

"D !ea-



D5. !ahsildar

D5. !ahsildar

D5. !ahsildar











2. ,i l- t am 2om1o$ition%* :ac# team con i ting of one *y& /a# ildar and one *y& Sur3eyor;Sur3eyor from Go3t& ide& Im(lementing )gency 6I)7 #all em(loy t#e following taff in eac# team& i& *emarcator ii& :/S '(erator i3& Eel(er 3& Co<ordinator < 93 No & < 91 No& < 4 No & < 1 No&

iii& Com(uter '(erator < 91 No

/#e role and re (on ibilitie of t#e abo3e team are a follow B< Deput5 !ahsildar*$ Ee #all u(er3i e and monitor t#e (erformance of t#e team and #e i o3erall in< c#arge of t#e 1uality of work& Ee #all be re (on ible for generating (ublic awarene of t#e ur3ey including

conducting of t#e Grama Sab#a in t#e 3illage & Ee #all mobili%e t#e farmer and en ure t#eir (re ence in t#e field to #ow t#eir (arcel boundarie #am(ered& Ee #all en ure t#at t#e en4oyer collect t#e draft 5P" from t#e de ignated during ur3ey work o a t#e efficiency of t#e ur3ey i not

Centre in t#e 3illage& 'b4ection ob4ection I) #all be recei3ed by #im and entered in a e(arate regi ter and t#e e #all be re ol3ed wit# t#e a i tance of I)& in t#e bromide (rint + generate t#e

#all carryout nece

ary correction

re3i ed 5P" and di tribute t#em to t#e concerned ryot &

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual


#all maintain t#e regi ter of ob4ection

and al o t#e documentation of t#e

re olution of t#e e ca e & Ee #all guide t#e I) team in (re(aring t#e field regi ter and re (on ible for

filling correct data in t#e column of t#e field regi ter & :o7ern-ent Sur7e5or*$ Ee #all a o o o o i t and guide t#e ur3ey team on t#e following&

*emarcation of 3illage boundarie & Identification of old Sur3ey No & *emarcation of 3illage ite boundarie & *emarcation of Go3ernment land gra3eyard + gra%ing land Identification of a uc# a Poramboke land + tank<bed + on Go3ernment land +

etc&+ encroac#ment

igned land etc&

Ee #all al o be a3ailable to t#e team to clarify t#eir doubt during ur3ey&

Co$ordinator /ro- IA*$ Ee #all be re (on ible for ac#ie3ing 1uality of work and reali%ing t#e target by t#e /eam & Ee #all #a3e (ecific re (on ibility of generating t#e draft 5P" immediately

after entering t#e rele3ant te?t in t#e com(uter & )ll 5P" #all be (rinted on )4 #eet and w#ere nece ary t#e cale will be

c#anged o t#at t#e 5P" can fit t#e )4 #eet& Ee #all ign t#e draft 5P" and i ue t#em to t#e en4oyer after obtaining t#e

ignature ;t#umb im(re Ee

ion in t#e field regi ter& and generation of 3illage

#all be re (on ible for 1uality c#eck and 5P"

ma( & De-arcators*$ *emarcator #all mark t#e boundarie of t#e land (arcel on t#e bromide (rint #own by t#em& uc# a electric

in t#e (re ence of en4oyer a /#e demarcator

#all al o undertake t#e marking of to(o detail etc&+ by mean

line + bore well + tele(#one (ole identified bend on t#e (arcel & /#e demarcator

of ta(e mea urement from

#all t#em el3e make t#e tran fer from t#e bromide (rint on

to t#e digital ort#o (#oto at t#e de ignated center to en ure ma?imum accuracy& E!S .perator*$ :/S o(erator #all attend to t#e following item of work& o o o o 0illage boundarie & Secondary and tertiary (oint & Camouflaged (oint t#at cannot be identified on t#e bromide (rint & 5and (arcel accuracie &
Confidential and for internal circulation only Page 19 of 47


of le

t#an 25?25 meter

to en ure acce(table

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

3. ' tho-olo!# a-o1t - 3or 3i l- .or/%* 2e ur3ey o(eration are conducted a (er t#e (ro3i ion of S8, )ct+ 1.23& Publication of notification under ection 5 of )&P& Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23 #all be done in State and *i trict Ga%ette& Publication of notification under ection !617 of Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23 #all be done in two ucce i3e i ue of *i trict Ga%ette+ in3iting all (er on #a3ing intere t in t#e land or in t#e boundarie of w#ic# t#e ur3ey #a been ordered+ to attend eit#er in (er on or by agent at a (ecified (lace and time and from time to time t#ere after w#en called u(on for t#e (ur(o e of (ointing out boundarie connection t#ere wit#& /#i notification i and u((lying information in a 3alid notice to e3ery (er on #a3ing any

intere t in t#e land or in t#e boundarie of w#ic# ur3ey #a been ordered& ) detailed c#edule of t#e 3i it of ur3ey team to eac# re3enue 3illage #all be (re(ared "andal wi e and (ubli #ed at *i trict and "andal le3el& /#e (rogram gi3en wide (ublicity& /#e detailed wit# *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer& )t t#e "andal le3el+ re3enue 3illage #ould be taken a a unit& )ll #abitation wit#in t#e re3enue 3illage #ould be enli ted along wit# t#eir total area detailed day<wi e ur3ey (rogram #ould be drawn u(& /#e 3illage le3el (lan #owing detail of day wi e Program of ur3ey #all be (ubli #ed in t#e concerned "andal and 3illage at lea t 19 day before commencement of field ur3ey& 3.1 5ali-ation o3 Ortho ima! $ an- Bromi,efore t#e ur3ey work tart 1rint$ % nece ary to 3alidate t#e a #ould al o be c#edule will be (re(ared by t#e I) in con ultation

in earne t in eac# 3illage it i

accuracy of t#e ort#o<rectified image u((lied by t#e N2S)& $or t#i (ur(o e two clearly identifiable (oint are marked on t#e bromide& /#e di tance between t#e (oint mea ured u ing t#e /otal Station i taken a accurate& /#e (oint from t#e bromide are t#en tran ferred on t#e ort#o<image on t#e la(to( and t#e di tance mea ured& /#e two mea urement are com(ared to 3alidate t#e accuracy of t#e ort#o<image& /#i e?erci e i re(eated for anot#er et of mea urement (er(endicular to t#e fir t one& If any di cre(ancy beyond t#e tolerance limit i noticed t#e ur3ey will not (roceed furt#er and t#i fact will be broug#t to t#e notice of t#e *P" for furt#er action& /#e Im(lementing )gency #all ubmit detailed re(ort along< <wit# t#e re ult of accuracy c#eck along wit# data and ketc#e for eac# 3illage& 3.2 Data +- 6ua2#%

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4A ,romide (rint tart of t#e (rint re (ect

and ort#o<rectified image


u((lied by N2S) /#e 52"IS data i

a3ailable wit# t#e 2e3enue *e(artment in t#e *i trict and mu t be u(dated before t#e ur3ey& It i t#e re (on ibility of t#e *P" to en ure t#at all t#e rele3ant of any (articular 3illage are a3ailable and com(lete in all ur3ey& /#e e #ould be #anded o3er to t#e team by and com(uter file before t#e

tart of t#e

*P"& In no ca e #ould ur3ey work be tarted wit# incom(lete data& @it#in eac# re3enue 3illage+ #abitation will be taken a bromide (rint relating to t#e (articular 3illage for w#ic# a unit& /#e I) ur3ey i #all take t#e

taken u( and #and

o3er t#em to t#e 3illage le3el ur3ey team& Sur3ey team #ould 3erify all (rint of t#e 3illage at lea t 3 day before commencement of field work& Grama ab#a in t#e 3illage #ould be conducted at lea t two day ab#a t#e entire (roce c#edule #ould al o be di cu before t#e #ould be

commencement of fieldwork and in t#e Grama e?(lained& /#e day wi e ur3ey concerned #ould be mobili%ed&

ed and farmer

/#e filed work #all commence a (er t#e c#edule (ubli #ed in t#e 3illage& *uring t#e ur3ey t#e team #ould take care t#at ridge + w#ic# are not boundarie of (arcel + are a3oided& Similarly ca e w#ere collecti3e culti3ation i done or boundarie not formed for 3ariou rea on #ould be fir t got demarcated on ground by t#e concerned owner and identified wit# t#e owner; en4oyer and t#ey #ould not uc# demarcated (arcel alone #ould be accorded& /#e team #ould take care to en ure t#at eac# indi3idual (arcel i Sur3ey no&; uni1ue I*& /#e Sur3ey team (rint a carry t#e bromide (rint 6aerial (#otogra(# 7 (ertaining to t#e record a grou( of name again t a gi3en (arcel& :ac# (ro(erty; (arcel #all be gi3en a

concerned 3illage to t#e field & /#e 5and Parcel boundarie are marked on t#e bromide #own by t#e indi3idual land #older in t#e (re ence of ad4acent land #older & of t#e land & /#e ground trut#ing data collected in t#e field will be loaded on to t#e com(uter at t#e recorded in t#e Simultaneou ly+ field 2egi ter i (re(ared in t#e field a (er t#e information furni #ed by t#e en4oyer tran ferred on to t#e ort#o rectified imagerie generated and u((lied to t#e land #older

de ignated (lace in t#e 3illage w#ic# i called 3illage center& *raft 5and Parcel "a( are along wit# t#e (articular field regi ter eit#er on t#e ne?t day or on t#e ub e1uent day& 3.3 R 2 i7in! Claim$ 8 Ob9 2tion$%

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/#e land #older will be informed to ubmit ob4ection + if any+ after (eru ing t#e draft 5P" and t#e draft filed regi ter are recorded in a u((lied to t#em wit#in 3 day from t#e

date of recei(t of t#e draft 5and Parcel "a( & /#e e ob4ection e(arate regi ter called J2egi ter of ue of

ob4ection K& /#e ob4ection ubmi

#all be recei3ed u(to 3 day from t#e date of i i tance of Im(lementing )gency&

draft 5P" and di (o ed off by t#e *y& /a# ildar wit# in 3 day from t#e date of ion of a((lication wit# t#e a /#e Sur3ey team (etitioner will go to t#e field after informing t#e concerned ob4ection and conduct detailed en1uiry on t#e

and neig#boring land #older

content of t#e re(re entation and di (o e t#e ca e & /#u + t#e di (ute are re ol3ed and t#e ignature of t#e ob4ection (etitioner are taken in t#e regi ter in in (ection and en1uiry& Nece ary correction + if any+ noticed during t#e en1uiry+ will be carried out in t#e u((ort of t#eir (re ence in t#e field during t#e field

5P" and field regi ter& In ca e+ t#e ob4ection cannot be dealt wit# immediately t#ey will be recorded and tran mitted to t#e a((ro(riate aut#ority for future action& )fter rectification re3i ed 5P" will be generated and #anded o3er to t#e econd Grama ab#a will be

concerned ryot & )fter com(letion of abo3e work+ conducted in t#e 3illage&

*e(uty /a# ildar w#o i t#e team leader #all organi%e Grama ab#a and en ure t#at wide (ublicity i gi3en in t#e 3illage and (ublic are informed t#e date+ time and 3enue of conducting econd Grama ab#a&

3.& Di$tribution o3 ,inal LP'$ .ith :;2< 8 1=;2< noti2 $ /#e re3i ed 5P" + after making nece ary correction will be i ued to t#e land

#older along wit# a tatutory notice under Section .627 8 19627 of Sur3ey and ,oundarie )ct 1.23& /#e land #older wit#in 627 mont# will be informed t#at t#ey may file furt#er ob4ection + if any+ from t#e date of recei(t of t#e tatutory notice i ued under

Section .627 of Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23& *uring t#e cour e of Sur3ey+ t#e land #older can (refer claim and ob4ection to t#e Sur3ey 'fficer about any wrong demarcation of t#e boundarie of t#eir land (arcel or any ot#er omi ion ;error etc&+ t#at #a3e come to t#eir notice under Section 19617 of t#e Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23& Suc# claim and ob4ection will be #eard in (er on by t#e Sur3ey 'fficer and after making uc# en1uiry a #e con ider nece ary+ #all determine t#e boundary and record it in accordance wit# #i deci ion& /#e Sur3ey 'fficer #all record in writing+ t#e rea on for #i deci ion and communicate #i deci ion under Section 19627 Notice w#ic# will be
Confidential and for internal circulation only Page 13 of 47

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

ued in t#e (re cribed manner to t#e (artie concerned w#o are affected by t#e tage + to rai e any ob4ection + ur3ey+ to get t#e

deci ion& /#u + t#e ryot are gi3en o((ortunitie at 3ariou if any+ during t#e cour e of defect ; error ; omi /#e *e(uty /a# ildar #a to

ur3ey and after com(letion of ubmit weekly (rogre

ion + rectified if any+ noticed by t#e ryot & re(ort in t#e (re cribed

format No&! for t#e week ending wit# Saturday to t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad+ o t#at t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad will collect all t#e (rogre re(ort and ubmit a con olidated re(ort in t#e ame format on "onday in t#e Pro4ect *irector= office& &. E6ui1m nt$ r 6uir - an- R 2or-$ to b 2arri - b# ,i l- T am

/#e e1ui(ment needed to carry out t#e ur3ey con i t ofB 5a(to( Com(uter Printer Stationery /otal Station e1ui(ment 4A bromide co3ering t#e 3illage agriculture land 'rt#o rectified image co3ering t#e 3illage 2 elf rolling mea uring ta(e 19<39 m 6metric7I @ater(roof (la tic #eeting to (rotect bromide and e1ui(ment @ater(roof outfit for team member 'ld 3illage ma( ; e?i ting 3illage ma( $ield 2egi ter $ield manual *raft 5and 2egi ter ary material and e1ui(ment to enable

In addition+ eac# team will carry all t#e nece

t#em to cam( in t#e 3illage for t#e duration of t#e ur3ey& &.1 R 2or-$ to b 2arri -%* :3ery day+ t#e ur3ey team i& *aybook< It

#all reac# t#e field by 7&99 )&"& /#ey

#ould carry work

following 2egi ter ;record along wit# t#em& #ould be maintained day wi e+ 3illage wi e+ eac# day= #ould be recorded in 2 (art & Part-I #ould contain t#e ur3ey (rogram c#eduled for t#at dayI ) ur3ey (rogre e during t#e day+ ignature of farmer w#o attended t#e #all ur3ey #all be taken in t#e daybook& Signature of t#e (ro(erty owner be taken in ca e of 3illage ite (ro(ertie &

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

In part-II, day wi e account S&No co3ered during t#e day&

#all be recorded

#owing t#e number of old demarcated and t#e e?tent

co3ered+ number of new land (arcel

In ca e of 3illage ite + t#e number of (ro(ertie #ou e #old 6E&E&7 co3ered+ E&No& locality name #all be recorded& ii& *emarcation regi ter< It #all be (re(ared in t#e (re cribed (roforma& iii Current;late t Pa#ani& i3& /a? 2egi ter of t#e (anc#ayat& 3& Immo3able (ro(ertie 2egi ter of (anc#ayat& 3i& 5ayout 2egi ter of (anc#ayat& 3ii& )((ro3ed layout co(ie & 3iii&"ea uring ta(e<magnifying gla 52"S data& >. E$tabli$hin! 5illa! Com1ut r C nt r$ %* + com(a & i?& Pre (rinted *raft 5and 2egi ter in t#e (re cribed format by incor(orating

5ocation for t#e 0illage Com(uter Centre in t#e 3illage #all be located+ generally in t#e Panc#ayat 'ffice or t#e Go3t& Sc#ool ,uilding& It i e electric connection wit# (ro(er eart#ing ma( will be done at t#i center& 2yot ential t#at t#e Centre #a a table not #am(ered& and and generation of 5P" o t#at t#e office work i

/ran ferring of ground trut#ing data on to t#e com(uter regi ter (articular will be u((lied to t#em at t#i centre&

#ould be informed t#at t#e draft 5P" and $ield

?. Con-u2tin! Grama "abha$ %* ,efore conducting Grama Sab#a t#e following acti3itie *y&/a# ildar

#all be com(leted by t#e

/o arrange for beat of tom tom in t#e 3illage informing t#e (ublic about t#e date and time of conducting Gram Sab#a& /o di tribute Pam(let about ,#u ,#arati Sur3ey& )ffi?ture of notice on Grama Panc#ayt office notice board&

?.1. +2tion to b

ta/ n 3or 2on-u2tin! Grama "abha*I

1& Ee #ould en ure t#at mobili%ation of ryot + local (eo(le+ elected re(re entati3e of t#e 3illage and ot#er concerned (eo(le attend t#e Grama Sab#a& 2& /#e Go3ernment official mu t briefly e?(lain t#e conce(t of ,#u ,#arati and it aim+ met#odology being ado(ted for ur3ey and it utility to t#e 3illager ; ryot & 3& /#ey #all an wer all 1ue tion rai ed by (eo(le and clarify t#eir doubt and reduce entire (roceeding to writing&
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

4& /#e team (am(#let di cu 5& /#e aim

#all take t#e 4? ,romide (rint

6aerial (#oto 7 (ertaining to t#e am(le of 5P" and to facilitate t#e to a3oid

concerned 3illage+ :lectronic /otal ion & of cada tral ur3ey

tation e1ui(ment+

on ,#u ,#arati bot# in /elugu; :ngli # 3er ion mu t be e clearly


mi under tanding or rai ing fal e e?(ectation + among t#e ryot & !& Co<o(eration and ryot & 7& /#e need for t#e Co<o(eration of ryot 3illage+ 0illage organi%ation in t#e 3illage& -& 5ocation for t#e ,#u ,#arati center ,#arati center& It .& 2ecord t#e minute Grama Sab#a& 19& *y& /a# ildar #ould maintain a record called JPlanning and Su(er3i ion regi terK in w#ic# t#e 3illage ob er3ation ur3ey (rogramme minute ;(roceeding by t#e of Grama Sab#a+ made during in (ection u(er3i ory officer + re3iew of t#e #ould be decided may be ufficiently in ad3ance& table electric Panc#ayat 'ffice or t#e Sc#ool ,uilding elected for location of ,#u #all #a3e a #ould be clearly e?(lained& )cti3e co< er3ant uc# a t#e o(eration of t#e 0illage 2e3enue officer;Panc#ayat Secretary+ Sar(anc# of t#e #ould be enli ted& 0illage Faamdar etc&+ #ould attac#ed to t#e team during t#e entire (eriod of t#e ur3ey u((ort of local (eo(le i ential to carryout t#e field work& /#en it will be ea ier to ac#ie3e t#e target and reac# to t#e e?(ectation of t#e

#all be en ured t#at t#e centre

connection o t#at t#e office work i not #am(ered& in t#e 2egi ter maintained wit#out fail and obtain t#e ignature of t#e (artici(ant of Grama Sab#a in t#e 2egi ter after conducting t#e

work+ im(ortant in truction i ?.2 +2tion to b 1& ) Notice

ued to field ur3ey team from time to time&

ta/ n 3or 2on-u2tin! Grama "abha*II. #all be i ued by t#e *y& /a# ildar mentioning t#e detail + uc# a

*ate; time 8 (lace of conducting Grama Sab#a& /#i notice #all be (ubli #ed in Grama Panc#yat 'ffice Notice ,oard+ and al o at (rominent (lace in t#e 3illage a(art from informing t#e farmer ad3ance& 2& :n ure mobili%ation of ryot a(art from 3illage elder + (rominent (er on etc&+ to attend t#e Grama Sab#a& 3& /#e Go3ernment official conducting Grama Sab#a& 4& .627 notice along<wit# final 5P" to be i t#eir 3erification of detail informed t#at it i a uc# a ued to t#e indi3idual ryot ;en4oyer for #all be ion mu t briefly e?(lain t#e main aim and ob4ect of by beat of tom;tom in t#e 3illage well in

title+ e?tent and ot#er detail & /#ey

tatutory notice and if t#ey notice any mi take ;omi

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

;error + t#ey may file ob4ection to t#e (re cribed officer wit# in 627 mont# from t#e date of er3ice of notice& 5& /#ey #ould obtain ignature of t#e indi3idual ryot ;en4oyer on w#om .627

notice are er3ed in t#e acknowledgment regi ter& !& 2ecord t#e minute in t#e 2egi ter maintained wit#out fail& 7& 'btain t#e ignature of t#e (artici(ant of Grama Sab#a in t#e 2egi ter after

conducting t#e Grama Sab#a& -& In ca e of oral claim minute 8 ob4ection t#ey #all be recorded in t#e Grama Sab#a filed in writing #all be recei3ed

,ook and for t#e claim

8 ob4ection

under (ro(er acknowledgement and maintain indi3idual file e(arately& .& In ca e of t#e oral claim 8 ob4ection w#ic# are not of /ec#nical in nature and if t#ey are clerical mi take Surname; $at#er= ;Eu band= uc# a mi take in recording indi3idual name; name etc&+ 8 incorrect /itle may be rectified after

3erification in t#e Grama Sab#a it elf& 19& /#e Claim 8 'b4ection w#ic# are of /ec#nical in nature #all be 3erified

(articularly in t#e (re ence of t#e (etitioner and neig#boring (attadar ; en4oyer on t#e field wit#out fail& *uring t#e cour e of Sur3ey+ t#e land #older any ot#er omi can (refer claim and ob4ection to t#e

Sur3ey 'fficer about any wrong demarcation of t#e boundarie

of t#eir land (arcel or

ion ;error etc&+ t#at #a3e come to t#eir notice under Section 19617 of uc# en1uiry a #e con ider nece deci ion& ary+ #all

t#e Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23& Suc# claim and ob4ection will be #eard in (er on by t#e Sur3ey 'fficer and after making determine t#e boundary and record it in accordance wit# #i under Section 19627 Notice w#ic# will be i concerned w#o are affected by t#e deci ion& @. Tra7 r$ 3or T rtiar# 1oint$A 'onum ntation % /#e Sur3ey

'fficer #all record in writing+ t#e rea on for #i deci ion and communicate #i deci ion ued in t#e (re cribed manner to t#e (artie

"onumentation #a already been carried out for t#e econdary control (oint in all t#e 3illage & /#e ite i u ually in t#e com(ound or clo e to a (ublic building uc# a t#e Sc#ool+ PEC+ Panc#ayat 'ffice etc&+ /#e tra3er e to e tabli # tertiary control (oint begin and end at t#i location& /#e tra3er e mu t (erambulate along t#e (eri(#ery of t#e 3illage and (oint mu t be e tabli #ed at inter3al of a((ro?imately 599 mt & and in a manner t#at en ure an e3en di tribution of t#e (oint & /#e :/S o(erator tran fer t#e (oint e tabli #ed 6and t#e a ociated de cri(tion7 to a com(uter located at t#e Cam( 'ffice and mail t#e file to t#e ,ack 'ffice on a daily ba i &

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

B. D lin atin! 7illa! /#e outer boundarie (oint

boun-ar#% of t#e 3illage are demarcated on t#e bromide& /#e tri4unction er3ant and t#e demarcation ential t#at t#e 3illage er3ant accom(any t#e demarcation

are identified by t#e go3ernment official;3illage

(roceed from #ere& It i e

team for t#i (ur(o e becau e of t#eir familiarity wit# t#e 3illage boundarie &

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

:. "ur7 # o3 a!ri2ultur

lan-$ 8 Non*a!ri2ultur


1& )fter identifying boundarie in t#e (re ence of owner;en4oyer and marking t#em in t#e ,romide (rint+ t#e team #ould obtain an acknowledgement from t#e ati faction& owner t#at t#e boundarie are recorded in #i (re ence and to #i 2& @#ere3er t#ere i re er3ed fore t+ concerned fore t officer identifying boundarie & 3& )rea for w#ic# to(o detail are not clearly 3i ible in (#otogra(# and mea urement recorded wit# :/S or ta(e& 4& /#e current cro( culti3ation (articular and irrigation (articular etc& #all al o be collected by t#e ur3ey team& 5& 5and owner w#o intend to (lant tone in t#eir field 4unction may be #own #all be 3i ited

#ould be in3ol3ed in

(oint w#ere tone are to be (lanted& !& *etail of )gricultural+ non<agricultural land and 3illage ite (ro(ertie recorded in t#e 3illage land ur3ey regi ter 6)nne?ure 3 $ormat 1827& :.1. "ur7 # o3 Go7 rnm nt o3 Lan-$% 1& /#e 3illage wi e li t of Go3ernment; community land (ri3ate land ad4oining t#e go3ernment land 2& Go3ernment land boundarie of boundarie land #ould be worked out& 3& 2econcile t#e area Pa#ani etc& 4& Identify Go3ernment land w#ere t#e area decrea ed by 5L or more& C#eck t#e e?tent in t#e ad4oining (atta & If t#ere i increa e in t#e ad4oining (atta land + ad4u t t#e area in t#e y tem it elf by deleting t#e e?ce adding it to go3t& land& Suc# ad4u tment #all be done only to t#e e?tent go3t& land feel #ort by& 5& If t#e i ue cannot be re ol3ed by t#i met#od or if t#e 3ariation are too #ig#+ #all be carried out ba ed on factual ground (o ition& e?tent from (aata land o worked out wit# Set#war;diglot;k#a ra Pa#ani;current wit# area and t#e li t of #ould be

#all be (re(ared&

#ould be (rima facie decided by fi?ing boundarie

(ri3ate (arcel & )fter fi?ing t#e boundarie + area of go3ernment

field in (ection #all be done to 3erify t#e ground (o ition wit# reference to t#e old record and correction


o3 Tah$il-ar%

/a# ildar i t#e cu todian of Go3t& land & Ee #all furni # t#e (articular of ur(lu land + a igned land and ot#er detail t#e boundarie of of Go3t& land Go3t land + o to t#e Sur3ey team & Ee ur3ey i will be t#at t#ey #all de(ute for from eit#er *y& /a# ildar or 2e3enue In (ector to t#e field w#ile #owing encroac#ment &
Confidential and for internal circulation only Page 1. of 47

in (rogre (rotected

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

1=. 5illa!


$ur7 #%

1& /#e team #all fir t mark t#e 3illage ite boundary a it e?i t on t#e day of 3i it& 2& /#e boundarie (anc#ayat land (rint & 3& Indi3idual (ro(ertie (rint or it #ould be demarcated in t#e (re ence of and boundarie marked in t#e bromide #all be gi3e a Sur3ey of all Go3ernment land + (ri3ate (ro(ertie + road + etc&+ #all be identified and marked on t#e bromide

concerned owner ; en4oyer no&;uni1ue I*& 4& /#e (ro(ertie

co(y& :ac# (ro(erty; (arcel

belonging to 3ariou

Go3t& *e(artment

uc# a

:ndowment + 28,+ Panc#yat 2a4+ $ore t etc&+ #all be marked on t#e bromide (rint + a (er t#e boundarie #own by t#e concerned *e(artmental official + in t#eir (re ence+ wit# reference to t#e document furni #ed by t#em& 5& )((ro3ed layout ur3eyed a w#ic# are away from t#e 3illage ite #all be

e(arate ur3ey number& #all be marked u ing :/S for t#e

!& ,oundarie of indi3idual (ro(ertie

area+ w#ic# can=t be generated by )erial P#otogra(# & 2ig#t of way i to be recorded and to be marked in t#e (ro(erty ketc# al o& 7& )ll treet + road and lane wit# t#eir a3erage a((ro?imate widt#

#ould be marked in&

1=.1. Dra3t LP'$ G n ration 8 Di$tribution % i. LPM generation and printing* 5P" no longer be u ed for field work& /#e la(to( o(erator #ould tran fer t#e (oint in t#e (re ence of and wit# t#e #el( of t#e concerned demarcator & /#i i im(ortant for accurate (lacement of (oint onto t#e ort#o<image& *emarcator t#e daytime in t#e 3illage #ould en ure t#at t#eir work i and becau e of t#i tran ferred to t#e wit# long<life 5a(to( on t#e ame day it elf& It i well known t#at electricity u((ly i erratic during la(to( com(uter batterie 619 #our 7 are being u((lied& Printing will be done in a batc# mode during t#e nig#t w#en t#e (ower u((ly i more reliable& /#e 5P" will be (rinted in du(licate to enable acknowledgement and for t#e record &
Confidential and for internal circulation only Page 29 of 47

will be generated u ing t#e module


S(eckada tre oftware (ecially de3elo(ed for t#e (ur(o e& Eencefort# )utocad will

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

ii. Deli7er5 o/ LPMs* ) far a (o t#e entrie

ible (eo(le mu t be encouraged to come to t#e

Centre to collect t#eir 5P" & )t t#e time of deli3ery of t#e 5P" it will be en ured t#at in t#e $ield 2egi ter (ertaining to t#at indi3idual are com(lete in all re (ect & 'n deli3ery an acknowledgement will be taken on t#e du(licate co(y& Dndeli3ered 5P" to t#e /a# ildar& /#e *y& /a# ildar #a to ubmit weekly (rogre re(ort on 5P" generation and will be #anded o3er to t#e *e(uty /a# ildar for furt#er action& ion

5P" (ertaining to go3ernment land will al o be #anded o3er to #im for tran mi

di tribution on e3ery "onday to t#e Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad and to t#e *i trict Pro4ect officer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad on t#e Saturday it elf o t#at t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer will con olidate t#e information of t#e all t#e team and ubmit a con olidated re(ort in t#e (re cribed format No&5 on "onday in Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati office+ Eyderabad& 11. Data 2oll 2tion 1ro2 -ur % For-at $2* It i a (reliminary re(ort of t#e 3illage *e(uty /a# ildar #a to fill u( t#e re(ort wit# t#e rele3ant data of all t#e 3illage allotted to #im and kee( ready for reference& For-at $3* It di clo e t#e detail of eac# team working on t#e field& /#i information #a al o to be filled u( by t#e *e(uty /a# ildar& For-at $;* It i t#e format of (roceeding of Grama Sab#a<I to be followed cru(ulou ly a (er t#e in truction a((ended& For-at $; 6A8* It i t#e format of (roceeding of Grama Sab#a<II to be followed cru(ulou ly a (er t#e in truction a((ended& For-at $0* It i t#e format of weekly (rogre re(ort on ur3ey work to be ubmitted by t#e *e(uty /a# ildar 8 Im(lementing )gency on e3ery Saturday by 19B39 am to t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad& /#e *P' will con olidate t#e information on Saturday it elf by con3ening a meeting wit# t#e field le3el taff and bring t#e u(date con olidated information on "onday and re3iew meeting wit#out fail& For-at $4* It i t#e format of weekly (rogre re(ort on 5P" generation and di tribution #a to be ubmitted by t#e *e(uty /a# ildar 8 Im(lementing )gency on e3ery Saturday by 19B39 am to t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad& /#e *P' will con olidate t#e information on Saturday it elf by con3ening a meeting wit# t#e field le3el taff and bring
Confidential and for internal circulation only Page 21 of 47

ubmit to t#e Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati before weekly

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

t#e u(date con olidated information on "onday and ubmit to t#e Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati before weekly re3iew meeting wit#out fail& For-at $<* It i t#e format of weekly (rogre be re(ort on recei(t of ob4ection on draft 5P" #a to ubmitted by t#e *e(uty /a# ildar 8 Im(lementing )gency on e3ery Saturday by elf by con3ening a meeting wit# t#e field

19B39 am to t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad& /#e *P' will con olidate t#e information on Saturday it le3el taff and bring t#e u(date con olidated information on "onday and ubmit to t#e Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati before weekly re3iew meeting wit#out fail& For-at $+* It i a model format of field regi ter to be ado(ted wit#out fail& For-at $)* It i t#e format of weekly (rogre to re(ort on /ertiary control (oint : tabli #ed and "onumented #a to be ubmitted by t#e :/S o(erator to t#e *e(uty /a# ildar inturn t#e *e(uty /a# ildar #a ubmit to t#e *P' on e3ery Saturday by 19B39 am to t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad& /#e *P' will con olidate t#e information on Saturday it elf by con3ening a meeting wit# t#e field le3el taff and bring t#e u(date con olidated information on "onday and before weekly re3iew meeting wit#out fail& For-at $1* It i t#e format of clo ing re(ort wit# original record & /#i #a to be ubmitted after com(letion of 3illage ur3ey in re (ect of )gricultural land and 3illage ite by t#e team leader i&e&+ *e(uty /a# ildar along wit# original record and record of en1uiry in t#e *P' office under (ro(er acknowledgement 6Item wi e7 wit#out fail& For-at $2(* It i t#e format of weekly (rogre re(ort on rectification of 5P" to be ubmitted by t#e I) to t#e *P' on e3ery Saturday by 19B39 am to t#e *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad& /#e *P' will con olidate t#e information on Saturday it elf by con3ening a meeting wit# t#e field le3el "onday and wit#out fail& For-at $22* It i t#e model format of draft 5P"& For-at $23* It i t#e model format of final 5P" t#e name of land #older= wit# fat#er= 8 #u band= name #a to be included by t#e Im(lementing )gency& taff and bring t#e u(date con olidated information on ubmit to t#e Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati before weekly re3iew meeting ubmit to t#e Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati

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12. DoC$ an- DontC$ Set o/ /or-ats enclosed /#e ur3eyor #all not u e t#e (en for marking of t#e (oint or line on bromide (rint & Ee #all not forget to take t#e acknowledgement of t#e owner after ur3ey of t#e indi3idual (ro(erty i com(leted& ,efore going to t#e field #e #a to en ure t#at #e i carrying t#e bromide (rint of t#at (articular area& 'n t#e back ide of eac# bromide (rint+ ad4acent tile recorded to #a3e continuity w#ile making t#e 3illage ma(& @#ile entering t#e information in land regi ter;town ur3ey land regi ter care #a to be taken to enter t#e detail of t#e owner and (ro(erty No & etc& erial number #all be

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

Chapter $ II Model Prescri9ed For-ats

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

F."MA!$ 2 P"ELIMINA"= "EP."! .F >ILLA:E 6A! A :LANCE8 1& 2& 3& 4& 5& !& 7& -& Name of t#e 3illage Name of t#e Gram Panc#yat Name of t#e "andal Name of t#e 2e3enue *i3i ion Name of t#e *i trict /otal Sy& No & /otal No& of F#ata a (er 2'2 I, 2egi ter /otal :?tent 6)c H Gt 7 a7 @et b7 *ry c7 Co--unal lands 6Cla ification 8 /y(e7 Andhra Area* 6i7 )&@&*& !elangana Area * i& Poramboke ii& Gairan iii ,anc#arai i3& F#ari4 k#ata 3&Ceiling ur(lu 5and 3i& Gowtan 6Grama Fantam7 3ii& :3acuee Pro(erty 5and 3iii& )c1uired land & 3ii& :ndowment 5and & 3iii @akf 5and & i? Grama Panc#yat 5and & ?& Gra3e Mard & ?i& ,urial Ground

6ii7 0&)&N 6iii7 Poramboke 6i37 Pat# 637 0illage ite Poramboke 63i7 2oad 62<P&2oad & National Eig#way 63ii7 /ank + tank bed 63iii7 $ore t 6i?7 6?7 6?i7 6?ii7 6?iii7 6?i37 6?37 6?3i7 $i #erie $errie "ine "ineral /o(e 5anka Inam wit# )yan 5and Cart tract (oramboke

6?3ii7 5i t of land in t#e water (read 'f Irrigation ource & 6?3iii7 ,aling wet land 6?i?7 Ground rent or (ecial rate land in town 6??7 5i t of land wa #ed away by 2i3er + tream + etc& 6??i7 "ana3ari land 6??ii7 *F/ land .& 19& Garden Categor5 o/ /ar-ers* i& Small farmer
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

ii& "arginal farmer 11& 12& 13& iii& ,ig farmer a7 /otal )rea of t#e 3illage 6S1& Fm &7 b7 /otal )rea of 3illage ite )3erage 2ain fall Irrigation Source "a4or; "edium;Small 6notified; not notified7 Pro4ect canal B a7 No& of /ank b7 No& of Funta c7 No& of @ater u er ) ociation 6@D)S7 d7 No& of @ater S#ed "anagement Committee



14& 15& 1!&

No& of ,ore well No& of '3er Eead 2e er3oir 6'E2S7 /otal (o(ulation of t#e 3illage a7 "en b7 @omen /otal No& of SC= a7 "en b7 @omen



/otal No& of S/= a7 "en b7 @omen /otal No& of Eou e #old 6a (er "PES data7 /otal No& of Pattadar (a ,ook a7 Pre(ared b7 I ued /otal No& of /itle *eed a7 Pre(ared b7 I ued No& of (olling tation No& of $air Price S#o( /otal No& of 2ation card i ued /otal No& of Go3ernment :ducational In titution a7 Primary b7 D((er (rimary c7 Eig# Sc#ool d7 Nunior College /otal No& of Pri3ate :ducational In titution No& of Non $ormal :ducation Center

1.& 29&


22& 23& 24& 25&

6located in G,&;P,7 Number G,;P,

2!& 27&

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual


Community Eall Percentage of literacy a7 5iterate b7 Illiterate Men @o-en

39& 31& 32& 33& 34&

)nganwadi Center NoB No& of Samab#a3ana grou( ; Self Eel( Grou( Gram Panc#ayat office 5ibrary 6Grand#alayam7 Primary Eealt# Centre 6M:S;N'7 Sub Centre 6M:S;N'7

5ocated in 6G,;P,7

5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7

35& 3!& 37& 3-& 3.& 49& 41& 42& 43& 44& 45& 4!& 47& 4-&

0eterinary Center 6M:S;N'7 No& of milk collection center 6M:S;N'7 Sub < Po t 'ffice 6M:S;N'7 /elegra(# 'ffice 6M:S;N'7 No& of ,ank 6Nationali%ed; Coo(erati3e ocietie 7 No& of ub tation 6:lectricity7 No& of Nur erie 6Sericulture; Eorticulture7 )PS2/C ,u tation ; ,u Sto(

5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G,;P,7 5ocated in 6G5;P57 5ocated in 6G5;P57

)uditorium 6In ma4or Gram(anc#ayat7 Police tation 6In ma4or Gram(anc#ayat7 No& of /em(le No& of "o 1ue No& of C#urc#e 't#er 62eligiou In titution 7 i& ii& iii& 5ocated in 6G,;P,7

NoteB G, H 6Go3ernment ,uilding7; P,<Pri3ate ,uilding7< G5< 6Go3ernment 5and7; P5 H 6Pri3ate 5and7& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

F."MA!$3 "EP."! .N F."MA!I.N .F EAC I. !ea- Super7isor* i7 ii7 Name of t#e *e(uty /a# ildar Name of t#e *y&Sur3eyor; Sur3eyor


B Sri B Sri

II. Sta// deplo5ed 95 the IA 6I-ple-enting Agenc58* i7 Name of t#e *emarcator 17 Sri 27 Sri 37 Sri ii7 Name of t#e :/S o(erator 17 Sri
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual


Name of t#e Com(uter o(erator 17 Sri 1 2 3 4 5

i37 37 3i7 3ii7

Eel(er Coordinator

H 94 No= < 91 No& 1 2 3

Note* 'ne *y& /a# ildar and one Sur3eyor for two 2e3enue 0illage work&


u(er3i e t#e

D5. !ahsildar

SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA! $; :"AMA SAB A $I For-at o/ Proceedings*$ "inute of Grama Sab#a<I #eld on OOOOOOOOOOO at Pre ent Sri OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *y& /a# ildar No. :ra-a Sa9ha #I A A(+ 1& "PP 2& PP/C member 3& "P/C member 4& 0illage Sar(anc# 5& DP) ar(anc#
Page 2. of 47


OOOOOOOOOOO 3illage of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO/a# il 6"andal7 Ni%amabad *i trict&

dt. Non$ o//icials


.//icials present 1& *i trict Collector 2& Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati 3& Noint Collector 4& 2*' 5& S(ecial 'fficer
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

!& 't#er *i t& 'fficer 1& 2& 3& 7& /a# ildar -& 't#er "andal 'fficer 1& 2& 3& .& ) i tant *irector+ S852+ ,,&NP,*& 19& I'S+ ,,& 11&*y& /a# ildar 12& *y I'S+ ,, 13& Sur3eyor 14& 0illage 2e3enue 'fficer 15& Panc#ayat Secretary I. Pre :ra-a Sa9ha* a. ,eat of tom tom b& Su((ly of (am(#let 6=esANo8

!& Pre ident @D) 7& SEG Grou( 5eader -& )dar #a 2ytu .& Pre ident @S) 19& "2P= 11&@ard H "ember 6No &7 12& /otal 0illager 6No &7

c& )ffi?ing notice two day before on t#e notice board of Gram Panc#ayat d& @all writing & II. :ra-a Sa9ha* 6Agenda Ite-s8 a7 Conce(t of ,#u ,#arati b7 Conce(t of re ur3ey c7 Problem e?i ting in t#e (re ent y tem d7 Conclu i3e title e7 /itle en1uiry III. Sur7e5 Methodolog5* a7 )erial Sur3ey& b7 *emarcation of indi3idual (arcel & c7 /ran fer of data on to ort#o (#oto & I>. Dra/t LPMs* a7 Generation b7 *i tribution >. Feed BacD* a7 :?(lain t#e ryot for filing ob4ection + if any >I. EnEuir5 into the clai-s* >II. "edressal* a7 "et#od of en1uiry
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b7 correction to be carried out >III. Inputs to :ra-a Sa9ha* a7 )erial (#oto b7 Sam(le 5P" c7 Sam(le 3illage ma( d7 Sam(le 5and 2egi ter e7 Pam(#let i7 'n *t& OOOOOOO at OOOOOOOOOOO )";P" in OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3illage Grama Sab#a<I wa conducted in t#e (re ence of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *y& /a# ildar 8 3illager & ii7 Sugge tion ; 3iew if any gi3en by t#e royt + Signature *y& /a# ildar ';o& t#e /a# ildar OOOOOOOOOOOO 6"andal7& Encl* In truction enclo ed Signature of all t#e (artici(ant B 1& 2& 3& NoteB Grama Sab#a #all be concluded by recording t#e (oint Sab#a& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

rai ed during Grama

F."MA!$; :"AMA SAB A # I 6Shall 9e conducted 9e/ore co--ence-ent o/ "e$sur7e5 ForD8 Instructions to 9e /olloFed 9e/ore conducting :ra-a Sa9ha* 1& /#e *e(uty /a# ildar+ i team leader and #e i re (on ible for conducting t#e Grama Sab#a& 2& In truction on #ow Grama Sab#a #ould be conducted are i Panc#ayat# 2a4 *e(artment& /#ey #all be followed& 3& It mu t be en ured t#at mobili%ation of farmer good attendance of (eo(le in t#e Grama Sab#a& 4& /#e Go3ernment official and it 3illager ; ryot & mu t briefly e?(lain t#e conce(t of ,#u ,#arati ur3ey and it utility to t#e aim+ met#odology being ado(ted for i done o t#at t#ere i ued by t#e

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

5& /#e team #all take t#e 4? ,romide (rint 6aerial (#oto 7 (ertaining to t#e concerned 3illage+ :lectronic /otal tation e1ui(ment+ am(le of 5P" and (am(#let di cu !& /#e aim on ,#u ,#arati in /elugu; :ngli # 3er ion of cada tral to facilitate t#e ion & ur3ey mu t be clearly e?(lained to a3oid ential to carryout t#e field

mi under tanding or rai ing fal e e?(ectation + among t#e ryot & 7& Co<o(eration and u((ort of local (eo(le i e e?(ectation of t#e ryot & -& /#e im(ortant (oint to note are t#at ade1uate notice and (ublicity i #ould be clearly e?(lained& )cti3e officer; Panc#ayat Secretary+ #ould be enli ted& 0illage organi%ed by beat of tom<tom one day before t#e Grama Sab#a& .& /#e need for t#e Co<o(eration of ryot co<o(eration er3ant of t#e 0illage 2e3enue work& /#en it will be ea ier to ac#ie3e t#e target and reac# to t#e

Sar(anc# of t#e 3illage+ 0illage organi%ation t#e (eriod of t#e ur3ey& 19& 5ocation for t#e ,#u ,#arati center location of ,#u ,#arati center& It

uc# a t#e Faamdar etc&+ #all be attac#ed to t#e team during #ould be decided may be ufficiently in elected for #all

ad3ance& Panc#ayat 'ffice or t#e Sc#ool ,uilding

#all be en ured t#at t#e centre

#a3e a table electric connection o t#at t#e office work i not #am(ered& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$; 6A8 :"AMA SAB A #II For-at o/ Proceedings*$ "inute of Grama Sab#a<II #eld on OOOOOOOOOOO at Pre ent Sri OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *y& /a# ildar No. :ra-a Sa9ha #II A .//icials present 1& *i trict Collector 2& Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati 3& Noint Collector 4& 2*' 5& S(ecial 'fficer
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OOOOOOOOOOO 3illage of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO/a# il 6"andal7 Ni%amabad *i trict&

A3(( 1& "PP 2& PP/C member 3& "P/C member 4& 0illage Sar(anc# 5& DP) ar(anc#

dt. Non$ o//icials


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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

!& 't#er *i t& 'fficer 1& 2& 3& 7& /a# ildar -& 't#er "andal 'fficer 1& 2& 3& .& ) i tant *irector+ S852+ ,,&NP,*& 19& I'S+ ,,& 11&*y& /a# ildar 12& *y I'S+ ,, 13& Sur3eyor 14& 0illage 2e3enue 'fficer 15& Panc#ayat Secretary I. Pre :ra-a Sa9ha* a& ,eat of tom tom 6=esANo8

!& Pre ident @D) 7& SEG Grou( 5eader -& )dar #a 2ytu .& Pre ident @S) 19& "2P= 11&@ard H "ember 6No &7 12& /otal 0illager 6No &7

b& )ffi?ing notice two day before on t#e Notice ,oard of Gram Panc#ayat II. :ra-a Sa9ha* a7 *i tribution of final 5P" along wit# notice u; .627 to t#e ryot of undi (uted area& b7 *i tribution of notice u; 19627 to t#e ryot for t#e di (uted area& c7 )cknowledgement #ould be obtained in t#e 2egi ter maintained& i7 'n *t& OOOOOOO at OOOOOOOOOOO )";P" in OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3illage Grama Sab#a<II conducted in t#e (re ence of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *y& /a# ildar 8 3illager & ii7 Sugge tion ; 3iew of t#e royt &

Signature *y& /a# ildar ';o& t#e /a# ildar OOOOOOOOOOOO 6"andal7&

Encl* In truction enclo ed Signature of all t#e (artici(ant B 1& 2& 3&

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

NoteB Grama Sab#a Sab#a&

#all be concluded by recording t#e (oint

rai ed during Grama

SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$; 6A8 :"AMA SAB A #II 6A/ter co-pletion o/ Sur7e5 o/ Agriculture lands & >illage site8 Instructions to 9e /olloFed 9e/ore conducting the :ra-a Sa9ha$ II i7 ) notice to be i ued by *y& /a# ildar mentioning detail + uc# a *ate; time

8 (lace of conducting Grama Sab#a& /#i notice #all be (ubli #ed in Grama Panc#yat office Notice ,oard+ 8 al o at (rominent (lace in t#e 3illage a(art from informing t#e farmer by beat of tom;tom in t#e 3illage well in ad3ance& ii7 /#e Go3ernment official conducting Grama Sab#a& mu t briefly e?(lain t#e main aim 8 ob4ect of

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.627 notice along<wit# final 5P" to be i

ued to t#e indi3idual ryot for t#eir

3erification of title e?tent and ot#er detail & 'b4ection rai ed eit#er orally or in writing during t#e Grama Sab#a may be acce(ted& i37 In ca e of oral claim 8 ob4ection + t#ey #all be recorded in t#e Grama Sab#a minute ,ook and for t#e claim 8 ob4ection filed in writing #all be recei3ed under (ro(er acknowledgement and recorded in file 37 #all be maintained& 8 ob4ection w#ic# are not of /ec#nical in nature mi take in recording indi3idual name etc&+ 8 incorrect /itle+ may be #all be 3erified 8 uc# a In ca e of t#e oral claim e(arate regi ter Indi3idual

and if t#ey are clerical mi take name; Surname; $at#er= ;Eu band= 3i7 /#e Claim 8 'b4ection

rectified after 3erification in t#e Grama Sab#a it elf& w#ic# are of /ec#nical in nature (articularly in t#e (re ence of t#e (etitioner 8 neig#boring (attadar en4oyer on t#e field wit#out fail& 3ii7 *uring t#e cour e of Sur3ey+ t#e land #older can (refer claim and ob4ection to t#e Sur3ey 'fficer about any wrong demarcation of t#e boundarie of t#eir land (arcel or any ot#er omi ion ;error etc&+ t#at #a3e came to t#eir notice under Section 19617 of t#e Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23& Suc# claim and ob4ection will be #eard in (er on by t#e Sur3ey 'fficer and after making uc# en1uiry a #e con ider nece rea on for #i ary+ #all determine t#e boundary and record it deci ion under Section 19627 in accordance wit# #i deci ion& /#e Sur3ey 'fficer #all record in writing+ t#e deci ion and communicate #i Notice w#ic# will be i 3iii7 ued in t#e (re cribed manner to t#e (artie concerned a(art from 3illage elder + (rominent (er on

w#o are affected by t#e deci ion& :n ure good gat#ering of ryot etc&+ in t#e Grama Sab#a&

i?7 ?7

2ecord t#e minute in t#e 2egi ter maintained e(arately wit#out fail& 'btain t#e ignature of all t#e (artici(ant of Grama Sab#a in t#e 2egi ter after conducting t#e Grama Sab#a& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

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F."MA!$0 @EEBL= P".:"ESS "EP."! .N SU">E= @."B AS .N GGGGGGG 6E7er5 Monda58 6B5 the D5. !ahsildar & IA8 1& /eam CodeB 2& 3& 4& 5& !& Name of t#e 3illageB Name of t#e /a# il 6"andal7 B /ile&No& /otal 'ld Sy&No of 3illage /otal area of t#e 3illage

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual


/eam member de(loyed for field work i7 ii7 Go3t& ideB */ 8 Sur3eyor& I) ideB 2 *emarcator + 1 Coordinator i7 ii7 iii7 i37 D(to 5a t week *uring t#e week /otal ,alanceB


'ld Sy& No= co3eredB


Number of new 5P" created 6) (er ort#o image 7B iii7 i37 iii7 D(to 5a t week *uring t#e week /otal


i37 ,alanceB /otal )rea co3ered B 6)c< Gt ; Eec< )re 7 37 D(to 5a t week 3i7 iii7 i37 *uring t#e week /otal ,alanceB SignatureB< *e ignationB<


2emark B

Su9-itted to the *$ 17 Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad 27 *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad Note* In truction to t#e *y& /a# ildar are a((ended to t#i format #all be followed cru(ulou ly& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$4 @EEBL= P".:"ESS "EP."! .N LPM :ENE"A!I.N AND DIS!"IBU!I.N AS .N GGGGGGGG 6E7er5 Monda58 6!o 9e su9-itted 95 the D5. !ahsildarAIA8 1& 2& 3& 4& /eam CodeB Name of t#e 3illageB Name of t#e /a# il 6"andal7 /otal No& of 5P" generated 8 recei3ed i7 D(to 5a t week
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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

ii7 5&

*uring t#e week

iii7 /otal *i tributed i7 ii7 D(to 5a t week *uring t#e week

!& 7&

iii7 /otal ,alance 5P" to be di tributed 2emark B SignatureB< Name 8 *e ignationB<

Su9-itted to the *$ 17 Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad 27 *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad

SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$< @EEBL= P".:"ESS "EP."! .N "ECEIP! .F .BHEC!I.NS .N D"AF! LPMs F." ! E @EEBL= ENDIN: @I! 1& 2& 3& 4& /eam Code& Name of t#e 3illageB Name of t#e /a# il 6"andal7B /otal ob4ection recei3edB i7 ii7 iii7 u( to la t week *uring t#e week /otal GGGGGGGGG6.n e7er5 Monda58 6!o 9e su9-itted 95 the D5. !ahsildarAIA8

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

5& 'b4ection cla ified i7 )rea 3ariationB ii7 @rong entry of name in t#e $ield 2egi terB iii7 Non< recei(t of 5P" B i37 Noint Patta B 37 't#er B Note*

D( to la t week

*uring t#e week


1& )ll t#e ob4ection 2& /#e ob4ection ubmi


#all be entered date wi e in J2egi ter of ue of draft

ob4ection recei3edK& #all be recei3ed u(to 3 day from t#e date of i 5P" and di (o ed off by t#e *y& /a# ildar wit# in 3 day from t#e date of ion of a((lication wit# t#e a i tance of Im(lementing )gency&

Su9-itted to the *$

SignatureB< Name 8 *e ignationB<

1& Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad& 2& *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$+ M.DEL F."MA! .F FIELD "E:IS!E" 6NoF 9eing -aintained in NiIa-a9ad8 1& 2& 3& 4& 5& !& 7& -& .& 19& Sl&NoB *ate of Sur3eyB /ile NoB 'ld& Sy&No& :?tent a (er (a#ani; )dangal B Name of t#e (attadar a (er (a#aniB i7 Pattadar (a ,ook NoB ii7 /itle *eed NoB 2ation Card NoB 6@#ite;Pink7 Parcel No& C#alta&NoB Name of t#e en4oyerB
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11& 12& 13& 14&

:?tent a (er en4oymentB Name 8 Signature of t#e Sur3eyorB Signature of t#e (attadar; en4oyerB 2emark B

SignatureB< Name 8 *e ignationB< Su9-itted to the *$ 1& Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad 2& *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad

SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$) @EEBL= P".:"ESS "EP."! .N !E"!IA"= C.N!".L P.IN!S ES!ABLIS EDA M.NUMEN!ED A .BSE">A!I.NS MADE AS .N GGGGGGG6E>E"= M.NDA=8 6!o 9e su9-itted 95 the E!S operator to the super7isorC super7isor inturn su9-it to the 1& 2& 3& 4& ead o//ice dail58

/eam NumberB Name of t#e 3illageB Name of t#e /a# il 6"andal7B /otal No& of /ertiary control (oint e tabli #ed i7 ii7 D(to la t week B *uring t#e weekB


iii7 /otalB /otal No& of /CP= ob er3ation carried out of e tabli #ed /CP i7 D(to la t week B

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

ii7 *uring t#e weekB !& iii7 /otalB 2emark B SignatureB< Name of t#e :/S o(eratorB< Su9-itted to the *$ 17 Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad 27 *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad

SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$ 1 CL.SIN: "EP."! @I! ."I:INAL "EC."DS 6!o 9e su9-itted a/ter co-pletion o/ 7illage sur7e5 in respect o/ Agriculture lands & 7illage site 95 the !ea- Super7isor8 1& 2& 3& 4& 5 !& 7& -& .& /eam NumberB Name of t#e 3illageB Name of t#e /a# il 6 "andal7B *ate of ! 617 Notification (ubli #ed in t#e *i trict Ga%ette B *ate on w#ic# Grama Sab#a HI conducted B No& of ,romide 4? ma( recei3edB No& of 'rt#o image 6C* 7 recei3edB /otal number of /ertiary Control Point e tabli #ed;"onumentedB :/S ur3ey i7 *ate of commencementB 19& 11& ii7 *ate of Com(letion /otal No& of *raft 5P" di tributedB /otal claim 8 ob4ection recei3ed
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i7 ii7

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17 No& of claim 8 ob4ection recei3ed wit#in t#e (re cribed (eriod of time limit of 637 day & ii7 No& of claim 8 ob4ection recei3ed after t#e time limit of 637 12& day & Nature of t#e ob4ection recei3ed in time i7 ii7 iii7 i37 37 13& )rea 3ariationB @rong entry of name in t#e field 2egi terB Non< recei(t of 5P" B Noint (attaB If anyB

3i7 /otal claim 8 ob4ection di (o ed off i7 ii7 iii7 i37 )rea 3ariationB @rong entry of name in t#e $ield 2egi terB Non< recei(t of 5P" B Noint Patta B


If anyB ,alance (ending i7 ii7 iii7 i37 )rea 3ariationB @rong entry of name in t#e field 2egi terB Non< recei(t of 5P" B Noint (attaB

15& 1!& 17&

37 If anyB /otal No& of final 5P" generatedB *ate on w#ic# Grama Sab#a HII conducted B /otal No& of final 5P" along wit# .627 notice di tributed and 19627


notice B Nature of t#e ob4ection recei3ed in time 3ii7 3iii7 )rea 3ariationB @rong entry of name in t#e field 2egi terB

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

i?7 ?7 1.&

Non< recei(t of 5P" B Noint (attaB

?i7 If anyB /otal claim 8 ob4ection di (o ed off i7 37 3i7 3ii7 )rea 3ariationB @rong entry of name in t#e $ield 2egi terB Non< recei(t of 5P" B Noint Patta B


If anyB ,alance (ending i7 ii7 iii7 i37 If anyB 2emark B Note B< 1& *uring t#e cour e of Sur3ey+ t#e land #older can (refer claim and ob4ection to t#e Sur3ey 'fficer about any wrong demarcation of t#e boundarie of t#eir land (arcel or any ot#er omi ion ;error etc&+ t#at #a3e came to t#eir notice under Section 19617 of t#e Sur3ey 8 ,oundarie )ct+ 1.23& Suc# claim and ob4ection will be #eard in (er on by t#e Sur3ey 'fficer and after making uc# en1uiry a #e con ider nece ary+ #all determine t#e boundary and record it in accordance wit# #i deci ion& /#e Sur3ey 'fficer #all record in writing+ t#e rea on for #i deci ion and communicate #i deci ion under Section 19627 Notice w#ic# will be i ued in t#e (re cribed manner to t#e (artie concerned w#o are affected by t#e a well a ob4ection #own in t#e categorie for deci ion& )rea 3ariationB @rong entry of name in t#e field 2egi terB Non< recei(t of 5P" B Noint (attaB



/#e balance (ending claim w#ic# ome court ca e

mig#t be (ending in t#e ci3il court

and com(etent

aut#oritie cannot be ol3ed by t#e Sur3ey team on t#e (ot& SignatureB< Name 8 *e ignationB< Su9-itted to the *$ 1& Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad 2& *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad

Confidential and for internal circulation only

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

F."MA!$2( @EEL= P".:"ESS "EP."! .N "EC!IFICA!I.N .F LPMs AS .N GGGGGGGGGGG 6!o 9e su9-itted 95 the IA8 1& 2& 3& 4& /eam CodeB Name of t#e 3illage Name of t#e /a# il 6"andal7B /otal 5P" rectified i7 ii7 5& !& D(to la t weekB *uring t#i weekB

iii7 /otalB ,alance (ending for rectificationB 2emark B

SignatureB< Name 8 *e ignationB< Su9-itted to the *$ 1& Pro4ect *irector+ ,#u ,#arati+ Eyderabad 2& *i trict Pro4ect 'fficer+ ,#u ,#arati+ Ni%amabad SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect DirectorC Bhu Bharati

Confidential and for internal circulation only

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

F."MA!$22 M.DEL F."M .F D"AF! LPM

Confidential and for internal circulation only

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Bhu Bharati Field Manual

Confidential and for internal circulation only

Page 4! of 47

Bhu Bharati Field Manual

F."MA!$23 M.DEL F."M .F FINAL LPM Note* Name of t#e 5and Eolder #a to be included in t#e final 5P"& /#e Im(lementing )gency may be informed to incor(orate t#e Name of land #older wit# $at#er ;Eu band Name in final 5P" format& SdA$ B.>i,a5anand Pro,ect Director Bhu Bharati

Confidential and for internal circulation only

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