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Wording Set : 1

Nikah Zahera and hantikumar Majithia

Request the honour of your presence on the auspicious occasion of the Nikah Ceremony of their son Tahir (Kevin) with

Daughter of Mrs. Bi qish an! Mr. Na"im Nathani Insha-Allah on #ri!ay$ %%th &u y '(() *t Mahogany$ +he C u,$ D. N. Nagar$ *n!heri (-)$ Mum,ai. Nikah . /.(( pm Dinner . 0.(( pm onwar!s (B essings on y)

Wording Set : 2

Zahera and Shantikumar Majithia
request the p easure of your company to grace the we!!ing Reception of their son Tahir (Kevin) an!

Daughter of Mrs. Bi qish an! Mr. Na"im Nathani on 1atur!ay$ %'th &u y '(() *t Co onia 2a $ +he C u,$ D.N. Nagar$ *n!heri (-)$ Mum,ai. -: Reception & Dinner :0.3( pm onwar!s (B essings on y)

Wording Set : 3

4n the name of * ah$ the Beneficent$ the Mercifu Mrs. & Mr. Amanullah han Request the honour of your presence on the auspicious occasion of the Nikah Ceremony of their 5 !er 1on 4smai 6a,ivu ah Khan with Mohamme! 7arveen 1on of Mrs. Rakshin!a *nsari an! 8ate Mr. *,u 59a" *nsari 4nsha:* ah on 1un!ay$ %;th #e,ruary '(%3 *t the main Banga ore 7a ace$ <asanthnagar$ Banga ore : /'. Nikah . %%.3( *M 8unch thereafter

Wording Set : 4

Begum Tehzeeba Abdul Aziz Ansari & Begum Tahera Abdul Qadeer Ansari Cordially invite you to the wedding reception of their grandson

(son of Mrs. Rakshinda and Late Mr. Abul E a! Ansari" with

(#aughter of Mrs. $elufer and Mr. Aurang %eb" &nsha Allah on 'hursday( )*th May )++, fro- ,.++ p.-. onwards .ollowed by #inner At 'he /Arena/( 'he Corinthian Club( $&0M Road( 1une( &ndia

Wording Set : 5

4n the name of *88*2 +he most ,enificent the most mercifu

Mr. !aji Mahmoodul !a"ue


Request the p easure of your company with fami y on the auspicious occassion of the we!!ing ceremony of their 1on

#aseem Ahmad


Ishrat $ahan
(D=o. +auqeer 2asan 1ahe,) Da%at - & - #alima 4nsha:* ah on Mon!ay ';th May '(() after Nama" 6ohar. *t Khamhariya$ >ainsari$ Ba rampur ?.7. Mo,. @@3/)@00A3$ @)0((/@@AA #ith 'est (ompliments )rom -a!oo!u 2aque Khan$ Baitu ah Khan$ But,u ah Khan$ 1hamim *hma! Khan$ Dr. *teequr Rahman$ 4"haru 2aque Khan * Re ative C #rien!s

Wording Set : 6

4n the Name of *88*2 the most Beneficent C Mercifu

Mrs. Zubeda & Mr. Abbas Ibrahim *akda%ala

Request the p easure in inviting you C your fami y to fe icitate the marriage occasion of their ,e ove! son


(D=o. Mrs. C Mr. 4q,a * ahrakha Chopra) Insha Allah Nikah on 1atur!ay$ the 3%st of May '(() (%'/th &ama!i *wwa %A'@ 2i9ri) at 2ami!iya Mas9i!$ 7y!honie$ Mum,ai : A(( ((3. after Nama":e:*sar Reception (um Dinner ,etween 0.3( p.m. C %(.3( p.m. at 5.5.5. 1asoon >roun!$ 3A($ 1ir &. &. Roa!$ Bycu a$ Mum,ai : A(( ((). R.-.../. Mr. Abbas &. *akda%ala Mariam *partment$ # at DA(/=A(;$ #ith 'est (ompliments )rom *akda%ala0s )amil1 & )riends

''=')$ 4smai Curtay R!$ Mum,ai : A(( ((3. +e . . '3A0 );A0

Wording Set : 7

&n the na-e of 2ALLA32( the -ost beneficent the -ost -erciful

Mrs ! Mr Abdul Ali Azizi

re4uest the pleasure of your co-pany with fa-ily on the auspicious occasion of the "edding #eremon$ of their sons

%aizan Ahmed Azizi


'hu(ran Ahmed Azizi


(#5o. 6anab 3a i 7usuf Ra-!an 'anwar 8aheb"

(#5o. 6anab Mu-ta! Ah-ed 8aheb"

#awat 9 E 9 :ali-a (Reception & #inner" 9; &nsha Allah ;9on 8aturday( )<th April )++, fro- =.>+ p- to ?+.++ pat Manohar 6oshi College @round( 1.M.@.1. Colony( App. Maharashtra $atural 1ark( $ear #haravi 0us #epot( Mu-bai 9 B++ +?=.

Wording Set : 8

4n the Name of * ah$ +he Most Beneficent an! Mercifu Mrs. Rukai1a & Mr. Abdul 2a,,oor -haikh so icit your , essings an! request the p easure of your company at the -e!!ing Reception of their son


Da%at - & - #alima 4nsha:* ah on Mon!ay ';th May '(() after Nama" 6ohar. *t Khamhariya$ >ainsari$ Ba rampur ?.7. Mo,. @@3/)@00A3$ @)0((/@@AA 0 .enue 0 *shyana Banquets %;'( 0/th 1treet$ Downers >rove 48$ ;(/%; Reception fo owe! ,y Dinner . 0.3( pm onwar!s

Wording Set : 9

4n the name of E*88*2 1u,hanavataa aE the most ,eneficient an! mercifu F * ah >ui!e this Marriage to the ,est of un!erstan!ing ove C 2appiness:*meen -ith the , essing from our 7arents 2randdau3hter o, *ate #ahid !ussain 2randdau3hter o, *ate Na4ukjahan #ahid !ussain 2rand dau3hter o, *ate hateja Mehmood -a1ed Termee4i Mr & Mrs. -ar,ara4 !ussain >racious y invite you to ce e,rate the auspicious occasion of the -e!!ing Ceremony of their oving C o,e!ient !aughter


(1=o. Mr. C Mrs. Fmar Ka!ri) : Insha-Allah : on +hurs!ay$ %(th *pri '(() (2i9ri %A'@:3 Ra,i ? akhir) Reception & Dinner : +ime ).(( pm to %%.(( pm .enue : 1ir 5 y Ka!oorie 2a 1hiv!as Chapshi Marg$ Fpp. Chaitya +ower$ Ma"gaon$ Mum,ai:A(( (%(

Wording Set : 10

&n the na-e of /ALLA3 8ubhanavtaala/ the -ost beneficient and -erciful A Allah @uide this Marriage to the best of understanding love & 3appiness9A-een :ith the blessing fro- our 1arents 'randson o( )ate Ansar Begum Mohd Siddi*ue &adri 'randson o( )ate &hateja Mehmood Sa$ed Termeezi Mr ! Mrs +mar &adri @raciously invite you to celebrate the auspicious #awat9e9 :ali-a of their loving son


(#5o. Mr. & Mrs. 8arfara! 3ussain" on .riday ??th April( )++, (3i ri ?B)*9B Rabi Clakhir" 'i-e ; ,.++ p.-. to ??.++ p.-. , -enue , 0o-bay Radio Clubs( on 1ier 8ide ?D= Arthur 0under Road( Colaba( Mu-bai 9 B++ ++D. 1hone E)),B D+)D , "ith Best #ompliments (rom , Relative & .riends

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