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1. Twelve equal wires each of resistance r are joined to form a skeleton cube. The current enters at one corner and leaves it at the dia onall! o""osite corner. #ind the total resistance between these corners. 2. %. &. '. +. .. 0. $h! do we "refer a "otentiometer to measure e.m.f of a cell rather than a voltmeter. $h! the current should not be "assed throu h a "otentiometer wire for lon time. $h! we "refer "otentiometer of lon er len th for accurate measurements. (t what "osition of the jocke! on slide $ire )rid e* the result is most accurate. ,ow can !ou make a "otentiometer of a iven len th more sensitive b! usin a resistance bo-. /escribe the "rinci"le of "otentiometer. State and e-"lain 1irchoff2s law.

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