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has been shortlisted for the Creative Place Awards 2014

The Creative Place Awards were established three years ago to celebrate and recognise the hard
work and imagination that contribute to the rich cultural life of a community, as well as its social and
economic well-being. The initiative focuses on creative programmes in areas outwith Scotlands main
cities. Awards are made across three categories: Places with up to 2,500 residents / Places with up to
10,000 residents / Places with up to 100,000 residents. With a population of just over 800 Helmsdale
falls into the first category. The other nominees in the first category are Ullapool and Kingussie.
Without the place and its people, without the activity that goes on behind the scenes being
recognised by being shortlisted would not have been possible. It is thanks to everyone for
their generous local support, for taking initiative, for making things happen that Helmsdale is such a
special community.

The winner will be announced on the 29 January at the Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock fingers crossed!
Click here to see the Creative Scotland Press Release

What does it all mean?

If Helmsdale is the successful winner in its category Timespan will create an additional programme of
activities in 2014 called Serendipitous North. It will map the creative connections that exist within the
remote community, making visible the often unseen and unrecognised creativity of Helmsdales
inhabitants. The project will investigate six creative artforms: sculpture, music, crafts, painting, dance
and writing/storytelling. An established creative practitioner from within each field will be invited to
work in Helmsdale over a period of 6 weeks, finding and mapping the creative activity existing within
the community related to their artform.

Here is an example: an invited pianist will give small private performances on every piano in the
village, asking the host to invite friends along. The pianist will enter a discussion about all the
instruments that people have in their homes, also mapping peoples skills. This may bring people with
a joint interest together to make music.

Financial support and developmental assistance will be made available to participating community
members and groups in order to harness the momentum Serendipitous North generates.

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