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23rd January, 2014.

Dear Parents, Theatre Visit We would like to invite year 1 to share with our year 2 pupils to watch a performance of Hansel and Gretel . We have invited The Storytellers Theatre Company in to school to perform the story and we feel it would be a great unique opportunity for your child to watch this live performance. The performance will be on Friday 24th January in the KS1 hall starting at 10:00am. The cost of the visit will be 3.50 per child. We would appreciate your donation and ask that this is paid by Friday 31st January. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Mr. Shields.

CHILDS NAME CLASS I enclose 3.50 in payment for the Storytellers Theatre Company visit on the 24th January 2014. (Cheques payable to LCC) OFFICE USE ONLY. Childs name.... class. Received with thanks 3.50 for the Theatre Visit .

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