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1. Work function of sodium is 2.3eV. Does d\sodium show photoelectric emission for oran e li ht ! " #$%% &o'. (i)en h " #.#3 * 1%+3, -s. 2. .i ht of wa)e wa)elen th /%%%& falls on a sensiti)e plate with photo electric work function " 1.0% eV. 1ind !i' ener 2 of the photon. !ii' kinetic ener 2 of the photo electrons emitted and !iii' stoppin potential. (i)en h " #.#2 * 1%+3, -s. 1 eV " 1.# * 1%+10 -.3 3. The wa)elen th of a photon is 1.,&o. it collides with an electron. 4ts wa)elen th after collision is 2.% &o. 5alculate the ener 2 of the scattered electron. (i)en h " #.#3 * 1%+3, -s. ,. /. #. 9. Does each incident photon essentiall2 e6ect a photoelectron. Wh2 are de 7ro lie wa)es with a mo)in foot7all not )isi7le.

What do u meant 72 photoelectric effect8 What r the factors on which it depends8 What is photoelectric cell8 E*plain one of these.

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