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EFISIENSI IMPLANTASI ANALOG LH-RH DAN 17a-METILTESTOSTERON SERTA PEMBEKUAN SEMEN DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI BENIH IKAN JAMBAL SIAM (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Olch Yunizar Ernawati PROGRAM PASCASARJANA. INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR 1999 Ikan Jambal Siam (Pangasius hypophthatmus) ABSTRACT The Efficiency of LH-RH Analogue and 170-Methyitestosterone Implantation and Freezing of Semen in the Effort to Increase the Production of “Sambal Siam” Fish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Y. Ernawati, M. R. Toelihere, H. M. I Effendie, A. Hardjamulia, T. L. Yusuf and A. A. Mattjik The objectives of this experiment were to test the efficiency of several combinations of LH-RH analogue (LH-RH-a) and 170-Methyitestosterone (17a-MT) on the rate of egg maturity, and the type and doses of cryoprotectants on the quality of frozen semen of Jambal Siam fish. In the first experiment LH-RH-a and 17a-MT were used separately with a total dose of 800 j1g/fish and 1000 jig/fish respectively. These hormones were administered with different frequencies of four times, twice and once within four months. The second experiment was based on the result of the first experiment, in which a combination of LH-RH-a (200 ig, 400 pg, 600 yg) and 17a-MT (250 ng, 500 yg, 750 4g) were administered twice within four months. The third experiment was the eryopreservation of semen using two kinds of eryoprotectants (DMSO and glycerol) in a Ringer solution. The result of the first experiment revealed that the administration of LH-RH-a (800 1g) four times, 200 j1g each, within four months gave a positive response towards the development of the gonad (one month), egg maturity (98.02 %), egg diameter (1.12 mm), fertility rate (92.93 %) and hatching rate (68.75%). On the other hand, the administration of a single dose of 1000 j1g of 17a-MT resulted in the development of the gonad within two months, 98.03 % egg maturity, egg diameter 1.18 mm, 95.62 % fertility rate and 60.84 % hatching rate. The best result in the second experiment was the combination of LH-RH-a 200 jig plus 17a-MT 250 jig, LH-RH-a 400 yg plus 170 MT 500 pg and LH-RH-a 600 jig plus 17a-MT 750 ig, in which the condition of egg cells reached stadium TV within five months. The largest egg diameter (0.95 mm) was achieved by the treatment of LH-RH-a 600 ug plus 170-MT 250 ug. Satisfactory results of the fertility rate and hatching rate were achieved under the treatment with LH-RH-a 400 hig plus 170-MT 250 pg, 93.50 % and 91 % respectively. In the third experiment DMSO (5 %) and egg yolk (5 %) in a Ringer solution of 90 % gave the best result, ie. 50% after thawing motility, with a fertility rate ranging between 82 and 92 percent, and hatching rate ranging between 77 and 88 percent.

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