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Almost every product is marked with a Universal Product Code. Saying UPC Code is a little redundant. But what do the lines represent?

Each pair of lines represent a digit. I wonder why the indicated are longer and pairs not

included in the !decode"? And what digits do a pair of close narrow lines represent.?

#here are some variations in the code $ou can see that the %&s' (&s ) *&s are not the same in this code. But the indicated pairs are the

same. $ou&ll find this same pattern on every +complete, Bar-Code


#he first . num/ers +sometimes more, is the company I0 +/rand,' representing the manufacturer +or marketing company' if farmed-out,. #he last . is the individual product. 1ost grocery chains have their own house /rand' yet they do not produce any of the goods. #hese items could /e made /y any well known +or lesser known, provider and 2ust have the store la/el .
In this e3ample ( 45(5 indicates

1E167E8 9 (.:;;( indicates a . pack of 0<0&s. An interesting fact here is the pair of lines a/ove the :9 2ust like the first middle and last pairs... =mmmm... Every UPC contains :------:------:... <ery Interesting . >hat does all this mean???? $ou make the con2ecture.

Another interesting item? =ow many digits are in a u@A Aip code +if you use all B,? =ow many digits in a @@C. Add these and you get %*. %* in
623456-62 !"6-65#$6%

parts is (as example =

groups of :9 or perhaps an %* digit /ar code preceded /y :

separated /y : and followed /y :? + 6xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx6%. Universal Person Code???

Dah... Couldn&t /e....

If you take the alpha/et and let AE:' BE%; 'CE%*'0E;4' etc.' I wonder how many words other than !Fissenger" and !Computer" add up to :::? Gust something to think a/out

%%(;-%%(;-%%(; %((%(%%(((;


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