HCL Candidate Profile Sheet

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Candidate Profile Sheet

Date: Time:

Name & DOB Email ID Contact Number Source (Please tick the appropriate one): Not to be le!t Blank"

#$ Consultant Source Details

%$ &ob Portal

'$ Emplo(ee )e!erral

*$ Direct

+$ ,-.ertisement

Passport -etails (Not man-ator($ Please pro.i-e -etails i! a.ailable at the time o! inter.ie/) Passport No$ E0pir( Date Place o! Issue Stampin1 i! an( 2amil( -etails Sl$ No 1 2 3 4 ,ca-emic -etails: S3$ No 2rom on/ar-s SS3C School 4 Colle1e 5ni.ersit( 4 6ear o! Passin1 7arks score8 Class )elationship Occupation

1) 2) 3)

E0perience Summar(: (9ork E0perience) S3$ No Compan( Name &ob Title 2rom To Total E0perien ce Skill Set

1 2 3 4

: skill set marked in italics have been leadership roles where I have managed large teams. Technical Skills: Sl$ No E0pertise Con!i-ence 3e.el E0cellent 1 2 3 4 5 7 ; <oo<oo2air

Other Details i! an(: )e!erence Name: __ ___ Company: Position: Tel: ____ Email ID: _______ Name: Company: Position: Tel: Email ID:

Correspon-ence ,--ress (7an-ate)

(All f t !e "o!!espon#en"e $ill %e #one to t&is a##!ess f!om 'C( te"&nolo)ies* please ens !e t&e a##!ess is "o!!e"t an# a"" !ate)

Correspon-ence ,--ress

Name: A##!ess: Conta"t No: +es : ,o%:

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