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Project On Talent Acquisition

Name: - Aman Bhattacharya Roll No: - A !"

Submitted to: - Prof. Sameer #ormat: Re$ort %ritin&

Submission 'ate: - (!th A$ril !))

*hat is Talent Acquisition+

Talent Acquisition is the process of attracting, finding, sourcing and selecting onboarding of new or existing employees into appropriate positions within the organization. The process applies to all types of employment relationships, including full- and part-time employees, contractors, contingent staff, or outsourced worker relationships. ,ey &oals of the $rocess are to: Attract talented indi iduals to work for the organization. !omplete the full cycle from planning to deployment in a timely manner. "lace the right people in the right positions. #nsure a pool of readily a ailable talent.

*hy is it im$ortant+
The !ommonwealth must ha e the right people to fill the right needs at the right time. $uccess: #ffecti e Acquisition sets the stage for the success of the agency and the employee. !ost: %ultiple sources identify the cost of a bad hire as &.' to (

times)salary. *pportunity +oss: The amount of time a need is left unfilled results in opportunities unrealized and costs incurred.

Plan , The planning phase of talent acquisition in ol es the de elopment of staffing plans to meet the needs of the business strategy and operational plans. $uch plans should co er the number of staff required by organizational or product groups, the timeframe in which staff are needed, the potential source of such staff and the appropriate employment relationship -e.g., full-time, contingent, contractor, etc.., their required skills and competencies, and the appropriate budget for the staffing plan. *nce the staffing plan has been appro ed, /0 personnel work in collaboration with line managers to execute the plan. A typical first step is the processing of personnel requisitions, which are used to obtain internal appro al to hire, and to track progress against these requisitions. 0equisitions may be for a single position or for multiple positions of one or more 1ob titles. 0equisitions are used to track progress in filling the identified positions, and are used as an authorization for staffing firms or sourcing channels to act on this requirement.

Source , The sourcing phase in ol es sourcing these 1ob requisitions through the selected recruiting channels. /uman resource organizations today can easily manage multiple channels for recruitment including an internal career 2eb site, 3nternet 1ob boards, staffing agencies with their own 2eb sites, employee referral programs, uni ersity or association 2eb sites, and directly sent resumes either in electronic or hard copy form. The sourcing process has been transformed by 3nternet technologies that enable human resource organizations to use 2eb-based channels to quickly identify a large number of potential candidates. This has been a mixed blessing since it has increased the challenge of effecti ely screening potential candidates to a manageable number of qualified indi iduals. 3nitial pre-screening may be performed as part of the sourcing process. This in ol es screening of potential candidates to identify those that meet initial qualification criteria. 4ecause of the high olume of responses that are often generated from electronic channels, it may be necessary to conduct an initial screening with automated techniques. Assess , The assessment phase includes a range of acti ities to assess the qualifications of the applicants that pass initial screening criteria, and to select the leading candidates for the position. Assessment acti ities include inter iewing, internal testing programs, third-party assessment ser ices, background checks, employment erification, and reference checks. The timing of assessment acti ities will depend on the company5s policy and the cost or time in ol ed. !ertain assessment testing may be 1ustified prior to inter iewing, whereas more extensi e or costly assessment ser ices may be performed with top candidates only. The selection process in ol es identifying selection criteria or requirements, creating inter iew preparation materials, scheduling and conducting inter iews with appropriate inter iewers, comparing inter iewer assessments, and determining a final selection.

-ire , The hiring phase includes acti ities to coordinate and manage candidate communications and notifications, offer letter creation and appro al, offer making, negotiations and offer acceptance. These acti ities may in ol e one or more top candidates, depending on the outcome of offer discussions with the top candidate. A decision to hire results in updates to the organization5s /uman 0esource %anagement $ystem -/0%$..6or this reason, integration between the talent acquisition solution and the /0%$ is important. Onboard , The on-boarding phase traditionally includes all of the acti ities that need to occur during the first few days of employment. This includes completing the required go ernment and company forms, enrolling in the employee in benefits programs, and pro iding company policies and other information as part of the 7new hire package.8 3t also includes conducting an initial employee orientation to the company , i.e., its policies, practices, and departmental procedures , and introducing the employee to team members. 4eyond these traditional on boarding acti ities, the new approach to on-boarding may include any number of acti ities from the first day of employment up until the employee is producti e on the 1ob. This sometimes in ol es se eral days of training in company administrati e processes, multiple weeks of formal training in 1ob duties, a testing or certification program to ensure the employee has learned basic 1ob duties, and a mentoring program to assist the employee on first assignments. *rganizations are extending the definition of on-boarding, because they realize that the faster new employees become producti e on the 1ob, the more money they sa e. All fi e phases of the talent acquisition life cycle should be focused on the core theme, to 7attract8 talent. 3n this manner, all fi e phases work together to achie e the organization5s talent acquisition goals.

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