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Civitas Europica Centralis Foundation

The historical churches and the Holocaust in Czechslovakia and Hungary 1938 1945

19 e!te"#er$ %&13
'enue( Cultural Insitute of the lovak )e!u#lic 1&88 *uda!est$ )+k,czi -t 15.
/rganised #y( Civitas 0uro!ica Centralis 1oundation 2rogra""e( 1&.&& 1&.15 1&.15 1&.3& Introductory address Erika Trzsk Attila Jakab The relationshi! #et3een the historical churches and the 4e3ish co""unity in Czechoslovakia and Hungary fro" 1938 until the Holocaust Mt Grdonyi 5'esz!r6"7 The fate of the 'esz!r6" 4e3ry fro" 1938 to 1944 as reflected in 0!isco!al docu"ents and the local Catholic !ress Attila Simon 58una9ska treda7 The Holocaust and the Christian society of 8unaszerdahely 58una9ska treda7 Tmea Veres 5:osice7 The fate of the 4e3ish co""unity in :osice after the ;er"an occu!ation of Hungary Attila Jakab Catholics and 4e3s in <#uda 5/ld *uda7 in 1938= 1944

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Lunc Lszl! "arsai The truggle of 2a!al >uncio ?gr. @ngelo )otta for the Hungarian 4e3s in 1944

Civitas 0uro!ica Centralis 5C0C7 H=1115 *uda!est$ zent!6teri. u. 1&.. A3B3& 9&4 B1B4$ htt!(CC333.ceucent.netC ad"

Civitas Europica Centralis Foundation

14.3& 14.45 Judit Molnr The #ody of Calvinist !astors has contri#uted to a great eEtent to the stagnating$ s3a"!y state of souls.F @l#ert *ereczkyGs Talks 3ith /tt, :o"oly in 1944 "in#a $ro%imo&ics Conversion in 1938=1939 according to the 8ocu"ents of the >eolog 4e3ish Co""unity of 2est 'oundtable discussion ?oderator( Csa#a 1azekas 2artici!ants( Ta"+s ?a9sai$ 0szter ;o"#ocz$ 26ter Huncik$ Hgnes Harkai$ @ttila *aki$ @ndr+s *. za#,

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Civitas 0uro!ica Centralis 5C0C7 H=1115 *uda!est$ zent!6teri. u. 1&.. A3B3& 9&4 B1B4$ htt!(CC333.ceucent.netC ad"

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