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Portfolio Reflection Sheet Math

Name: Lance Stosiak Date: 12/20/13 Hour: 1st

Check one: Academic Achievement Personal Time Management Teamwork 1. Aside from the grade that you received, what makes this item one of your best in math? It makes it one of my best because I showed all of my work so my teacher could easily see what I did right or wrong. 2. What math concepts or skill development does this item show? This item shows that I can do rates and unit rates. It also shows that I can graph rates.

3. Are there parts of this item that show you have especially good math skills? Which parts? Yes the part where I had to solve and graph a proportion because that took a lot of time and work to get the answer.

4. This item shows that you are getting better at It shows I am getting better at showing my work and doing rates and unit rates. 5. If you did this over again, what would you change or do differently? I would have made my graph a little neater by using a straight edge to connect the points not just eyeballing it.

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