Plan A Career Research Guide Worksheet2013 Done

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Name: Arlene Jenkins

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): li!ht Attendant Job o"er"ie#$What the% do (&ro"ide a para!raph description of the job' What #ould a t%pical da% on the job look like(): A t%pical da% at the airport bein! a fli!ht attendant is hard to sa% because there is no t%pical da%' )"er% da% is different fl%in! from place to place da% in and da% out' *eetin! ne# people on %our #a% around the #orld' Gettin! to kno# %our team in a #a% no one else can' +eein! thin!s %ou couldn,t if %ou #ere sittin! on %our computer or in front of the -.'

Workin! conditions (/ours %ou can e0pect to #ork( Risk of injuries( -ime of da%$time of %ear( 1ndoors$outdoors( Clothin! re2uired( )tc3): 4 4 /ours: *ost da%s in the #eek Risk of injuries: not "er% common

4 You are e0pected to be reall% fle0ible because %ou ma% be asked to relocate to a different cit%' )speciall% earl% on in %our career the airline mi!ht ask %ou to relocate to farther %our career' 4 5ein! fluent in more than one lan!ua!e is mandator% #hen fl%in! international fli!hts'

4 All fli!ht attendants must ha"e a hi!h school diploma' *an% airlines #ill onl% consider candidates #ho ha"e a colle!e de!ree' 4 Closed toes shoes6 hair up6 little or no makeup6 a smile6 blouse 6 pants$skirt6 scarf

+alar% (#hat #a!e can %ou e0pect to earn(): An estimate of 789':; per hour'

uture outlook (#ill this job be in demand in the future( Wh%$#h% not(): 1 belie"e that this job #ith al#a%s be needed' -here #ill al#a%s be more fli!ht attendants needed to assist people durin! fli!hts'

Post-Secondary Institute !rainin" Pro"ram #$

%ocation and name of pro"ram& (Where the school is located' What is the name of the pro!ram( Also tell us #h% this school appeals to %ou) 'anadian !ourism 'o((a"e - )ancou*er or Surrey 'ost& (first %ear AN< total cost of pro!ram6 includin! tuition6 books6 and supplies)

1f plannin! on attendin! a major uni"ersit%: ###'%ou'ubc'ca to calculate an appro0imate cost 1f plannin! on attendin! a colle!e: ###'okana!an'bc'ca$tuition to calculate an appro0imate cost Pre-re+uisites of pro"ram& (courses %ou need to be takin! in hi!h school in order to !et in6 re2uired G&A)

What are : related occupations %ou could take if this one didn,t #ork out for %ou (#hat #ould %ou do if %ou don,t end up doin! this career and #h%():
4 4 4 Costumer ser"ice assistant Customs officer &ilot

And most importantl%3 Wh% are %ou interested in this career( (/o# lon! ha"e %ou been interested in it( What led %ou to #antin! this job( /o# does it suit$fit %our personalit%6 interests6 characteristics6 stren!ths6 etc3(): 1 am interested in this career because 1 !et to #ork #ith people and make !ood mone%' 1 ha"e been interested in this career for a couple months no#' 1 #as lookin! around and started "olunteerin! at the airport and it !ot me thinkin! about all the job that need done at the airport' 1 lo"e meetin! ne# people and #ork #ell in a team6 1 think it #ould be a !ood job because 1 lo"e #orkin! #ith people'

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