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MY SYSTEM 15 Minutes Exercise a Day For Healths Sake Lirut J.P. MULLER THREE SHILLINGS s SIXPENCE MY SYSTEM 15 Minutes’ Exercise a Day fot Health’s Sake BY J. P. MULLER, K.D. Author of “My System for Ladies," “My System for Children,” “My Brcathing System,” “The Daily Five Minutes,” “My Sunbathing and Fresh Air System,” ete, Under the patronage of HR.H. the Prince af Wales, 1922-1035 NEW EDITION REVISED BY CAPT. LP, MULLER WITH 120 ILLUSTRATIONS ATHLETIC PUBLICATIONS, LTD. LINK HOUSE, 24 STORE STREET LONDON, W.C.1 Cinyright in the United States of America, hy Atéletic Publications, Lita. A Few Words about Apoxyomenos The picture on the cover of this book is from a photograph of the antique marble statue, now in the Vatican in Rome, which was found in 1849 in a broken state at Trastévere, near Rome. Apoxyomenos (Greek—the scraper) represents a young man clean- sing himself with a bronze scraper, after athletic exercises, of oil, sweat, and dust. The marble statue is a copy of the bronze statue, well known in ancient times, by the Greek sculptor Lysippos (360-316 B.c.). Much has been written about this statue, but all concur in praising its beauty, and in admiring the Greeks, who, by means of their athletic sports and physical training, were able to produce human forms fit to serve as models for such sculpture. I have expressly chosen Apoxyomenos from among the many beautiful statues of antiquity to decorate the cover of my book because he is the embodiment of the contents of it: he is the Athlete cleansing and caring for his skin after exercise, and is thus the Tdeal towards which my book poitits. Under this pseudonym, generally abbreviated to Apor or Ap, T wrote for a number of years on Athletics in Danish papers. MADE AND PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN DY THE STARHOPE PRESS LTD. KOCHISTER = 0 t)KENT

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