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GENERAL INFO Name of Site: URL of Site: Date Visited: Reviewe :

Math Is Fun January 22, 2014 Jessieca rant SITE SUMMARY Math Is Fun $as %ifferent &'amples (sin) *ictures. Math Is Fun +oul" ,e (se" For !ll ra"e -e.els.

Site Des! i"tio# !"" a short "escription of the site here# Co#te#t S$mma % i.e a brief summary of the contents of the site#

Math Is Fun $as %ifferent /abs For %ifferent 0elections 1f Math (sin) *i.

I#fo matio# Is the site content correct, reliable an" accurate2 Is the writer an e'pert in this sub3ect2 C$ e#!% Is the site up9to9"ate2 5hen was new information last a""e"2 5hen were the pa)es last up"ate"2 Co#te#t Is the content interestin), rele.ant, funny, useful or entertainin)2 $ow woul" you "escribe it2

SITE DETAILS 4es, /his 5ebsite Is !ccurate 6 7ery 8eliable I 5oul" (se /hem For Myself.

It 5as -ast (p"ate" In 201:.

I /hin; /his +ontent Is 7ery Interestin) 6 (sful For <i"s 5ho =ee" &'tra &'amples.

& ese#tatio# Is it an attracti.e an" easy to na.i)ate site2 %oes it use a lot of )raphics, soun" or multime"ia files2

4es, It>s 7ery Interacti.e 6 (ses ! -ot 1f (seful *ictures 6 1ther raphics.

Leve' of I#te a!tio# Is the site interacti.e an" )oes beyon" 3ust tutorin)2

SITE DETAILS (continue) 4es, /his 5ebsite Is 7ery Interacti.e 6 +oul" ,e (se" ,eyon" /utorin). /his 5ebsite +oul" ,e (se" For ra"es 1st 9?th.

F$#!tio#a'it% %oes it all wor;2 !re there any bro;en lin;s or missin) pa)es2 %oes it ta;e a lon) time to "isplay pa)es2

4es, /he $ole 5ebsite 5or;s, /here !re =o ,ro;en -in;s 6 It /a;es ! 8easonable !mount 1f /ime /o 5or;.

FINAL SCORE OF WEBSITE &'cellent @ A B 7ery

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