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Name of Site: URL of Site: Date Visited: Reviewe :

Online Math Learning 11/14/13 Thalia Sosa SITE SUMMARY

Site Des! i"tio# Add a short description of the site here

It has games that teach build or strengthen some math s ills and concepts while having !un and also have videos. "or ever# math $ grade.

Co#te#t S$mma % Give a brief summary of the contents of the site

%he# have games li e alien addition& !ree algebra wor sheets and an overview o! word problems with videos.

I#fo matio# Is the site content corrected, reliable and accurate? Is the writer an expert in this subject?

%he site is reliable and also !un& the games are not boring and the in!ormation and videos are correct.

C$ e#!% Is the site up to date? !hen new information was last added? !hen the pa"es were last updated?

#o, it was last updated in $%&&'

Co#te#t Is the content interestin", relevant, funny, useful or entertainin"? (ow would you describe it?

It)s useful * entertainin" because it has "ames while also teachin" you what you need to +now'

& ese#tatio# Is it an attractive and easy to navi"ate site? ,oes it use a lot of "raphics, sound or multimedia files?

It)s easy to navi"ate and does you a lot of "raphic'

Leve' of I#te a!tio# Is the site interactive and "oes beyond just tutorin"?

SITE DETAILS (continue) The site is interactive- besides tutorin" it)s also fun'

F$#!tio#a'it% ,oes it all wor+? Are there any bro+en lin+s or missin" pa"es? ,oes it ta+e a lon" time to display pa"es?

.verythin" wo+s * it does not ta+e lon" to display pa"es'


.xcellent / 0 1ery Good / 0 Good / 0 Avera"e / 0 2oor / 0

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