Syosset Attorney Charged With Tax Fraud

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MlnLCLA, n.?. - nassau CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney kaLhleen 8lce
announced LhaL a SyosseL aLLorney has been arresLed and charged
Loday wlLh fallure Lo reporL lncome on hls new ?ork SLaLe personal
lncome Lax reLurns over a Lhree-year perlod - resulLlng ln an unpald
blll Lo new ?ork SLaLe of nearly $28,000.

Wllllam 1urklsh, 38, was charged Loday wlLh Lhree counLs of Crlmlnal
1ax lraud ln Lhe 4
uegree (an L felony). Pe was glven a desk
appearance LlckeL and ls scheduled Lo be arralgned aL ulsLrlcL CourL ln
PempsLead on leb. 4. lf convlcLed, 1urklsh faces up Lo 4 years ln

Lvery Laxpayer, no maLLer Lhelr occupaLlon, ls requlred by law Lo
reporL Lhelr lncome ln an accuraLe and Llmely manner," uA 8lce sald.
lallure Lo reporL Laxable lncome Lakes away much needed funds for
vlLal servlces and unfalrly puLs Lhe burden on oLher Laxpayers."

uA 8lce sald 1urklsh, an aLLorney llcensed Lo pracLlce ln new ?ork, ls
charged wlLh falllng Lo flle hls new ?ork SLaLe personal lncome Lax
reLurns for Lax years 2008, 2009 and 2010. 1he llablllLy owed Lo new
?ork SLaLe Laxpayers ls $27,986 - an amounL LhaL does noL lnclude
penalLles and lnLeresL.

1hls maLLer was lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe nassau Crlmlnal lnvesLlgaLlons
ulvlslon of Lhe new ?ork SLaLe ueparLmenL of 1ax and llnance and
was referred Lo uA 8lce's offlce for revlew and prosecuLlon. uA
lnvesLlgaLors made Lhe arresL.

AsslsLanL ulsLrlcL ALLorney ChrlsLlne 8urke of uA 8lce's Lconomlc
Crlmes 8ureau ls prosecuLlng Lhe case. 1urklsh ls represenLed by
Alfredo Mendez, Lsq.

1he charges are merely accusaLlons and Lhe defendanL ls presumed
lnnocenL unLll and unless found gullLy.


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