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Graduation Transitions: Planning 10 10 hours Work Experience/Community Ser ice !

ame:""#ylie $ill ""

%ates Worked Work Experience/Community Ser ice %escription $ours Contact Person &'/ phone num(er) Signature

0arista E ery Sunday mornin gs *rom +,1 starting -ugust .1 /01. until present day

-t the Perking 1ot at the 105 #elo'na General $ospital2 3aking co**ee4 latte4 hot chocolates and many other 'arm (e erages as 'ell as selling (aked goods to the doctors and nurses as 'ell as patients at the hospital2

6os -nd 1eslie *rom the olunteer ser ices at the hospital

7uly 18th 9 7uly 1+th

:olunteer camp counselor

-t camp ;'aissi (i(le 1/0 camp2 Working and playing 'ith kids ages +, 1.2 Sleeping in the ca(ins 'ith them and making sure they are sa*e and happy Taking photos4 de eloping4 'orking cash and using 7PEG operations +/

6ick *orm the (oard o* ;'aissi2

!o /., %ec /<4 /01.

Santas helper/ Photographers assistant

$o an guan 6ain(o' photo orchard park mall

-ll o* summe r /01.

=arm hand

Working 'ith horses2 Cleaning pens and grooming sheep2 =eeding goats

Sandy 0aker

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