The Royal Court of Octavian Letter To MR - Kane Packman

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The Royal Court of Octavians Mother

13 Dennis Ville Street City of Leonardo EVOCITY EV031TY Dear Mr. GoldenwolfenbojanglewanglesmithingtongodmazyIII It has come to the Attention of the Courts that you have filed a Lawsuit against a Mr. Boberthy Bobinsky. We have found enough Sustainable Evidence in his defense on this matter and after an inquiry into the case; we have found him Not Guilty of breaking Copyright or Pickle Donut Laws. Therefore you are to pay Mr. Bobinsky the Full Sum that he has requested plus 600 Hours Community Service for making these false allegations. If these Orders are not met by the 2nd of January 2014 then you will be requested to return to the court and face a further inquiry. May I remind you that attempting to leave Evocity is futile as you are not an Admin and cannot exit the map.

Yours Sincerely Fatass Kane Packman

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