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Test - English language - VIII

1. Make the words in brackets in PAST PERFECT!

- She put on the red dress, which she ___________ (not wear) for years.
- She told me that she _______________ (see) a murderer.
- I went downstairs because I ______________ (hear) a noise.
- I lost the key that he _________________ (give) to me.
- Someone __________ (visit) me in the hospital.

2. Make sentences using the Past Simple and Past Perfect.

- I / run to school / because / I / get up late. ________________________
- When I / arrive / the children / go to bed. _________________________
- They / be hungry / because / they / not eat. ________________________
- We / be tired / because / we / not sleep. ___________________________
- I / not recognize Maria / because / I / not see her for years. ____________

3. Make the Past Perfect:


1. When I arrived at the cinema, the film ____________________ (start).

2. She ____________________ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.
3. After they ____________________ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4. If you ____________________ (listen) to me, you would have got the job.

5. Julie didnt arrive until after I ____________________ (leave).

6. When we ____________________ (finish) dinner, we went out.
7. The garden was dead because it ____________________ (be) dry all summer.
8. He ____________________ (meet) her before somewhere.
9. We were late for the plane because we ____________________ (forgot) our
10. She told me that she ____________________ (study) a lot before the exam.
4. Translate these Apologies


Im sorry ______________
Its not my fault ________________
Dont worry _________________
It is all right ____________________
Doesnt matter __________________

Teacher: Albert Nasufovski

Points: 0-10


TOTAL : 40 / ______



Parent signature ________







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