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The SongMix Method

By Dan-O at

How to Write a Hit Rock Song in 1 Hour

SongMix Method: How to Write a Hit Rock Song in 1 Hour

Table of Contents Part 1: Change How You Look At Songwriting How to Become a Great Artist What You Will ee! Be"ore You Start: #n!erstan!ing the $ock Genre Part %: How to Write a Hit $ock Song Constructing the Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' *P$L(+: 1, minutes -magining a Stor' or .heme: / minutes Writing L'ric Lines: %, minutes Structuring an! 0ine1.uning the Song: 1, minutes Choosing Chor!s: / minutes 2 $ules "or Singing the 3elo!': 1, minutes Part 4: What to 5o With Your Songs Putting -t All .ogether A Better Wa' to Write Commercial Songs

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

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Part 1: Change How You ook !t Songwriting

How to "eco#e a $%reat& !rtist Bad artists copy. Great artists steal. - Pablo Picasso $ea!ing this 6uote change! m' &iew o" songwriting "ore&er7 We all know that co8'ing songs an! selling them as 'our own is illegal7 We also know that co8'ing a certain artist9s st'le lea!s to an unoriginal soun! that au!iences hate7 .hat9s not what Picasso is sa'ing to !o an! neither am -7 What this 6uote means to me is that all great art "orms ha&e an un!erl'ing &oca)ular' o" i!eas: themes an! images that great artists ha&e learne! to shamelessl' steal "rom7 $ock songs are no !i""erent7 You ma' not )elie&e it now: )ut a"ter 'ou start anal';ing tunes in the wa' 8resente! here: 'ou will )e stunne!7 0or instance: think o" the hun!re!s o" hit rock song titles that use the wor! 0ire or Black7 .he 5oors: #%: the Stones: Pearl <am: an! man' more ALL ha&e songs with those wor!s in the title7 5o 'ou= -" 'ou !on9t steal enough "rom the un!erl'ing &oca)ular' o" rock wor!s: themes an! chor! 8rogressions: large au!iences will not i!enti"' 'our music as the t'(e of #usic the' like7 But i" 'ou steal too much "rom a 8articular artist: soun! or song: then 8eo8le will see 'ou as )lan! or a soun!1alike: an! 'ou ma' e&en in"ringe on a co8'right7 You 3#S. "in! the )alance )etween these e>tremes i" 'ou want to create a hit song e&er' time 'ou sit !own to write7 -" 'ou want an' commercial success: sitting !own with 8en an! 8a8er to write a trul' original song "rom scratch is 'our "ormula "or "ailure7 #sing onl' 'our own min!: most o" 'our songs will ine&ita)l' soun! too !i""erent "rom the 8u)lic9s "amiliarit' with the genre to e&er )e hits7 When 'ou look at a mega1hit rock writer: 'ou9ll see how the' )orrow !irectl' "rom their 8re!ecessors an! use common rock themes7 0or instance S8ingsteen9s Born in the #SA talks a)out war: home: an! America7 He uses the wor!s 8enitentiar': town an! "ire: which are straight out o" man' other rock tunes7 .hese themes an! wor!s ha&e )een use! o&er an! o&er "or instance )' 5'lan *3asters o" War: Su)terranean Homesick Blues+: #% *A Sort o" Homecoming: Sun!a': Bloo!' Sun!a'+ an! .he $olling Stones *%,, Light Years "rom Home: Gimmie Shelter+7 But 'ou ma' ask: what a)out Beck= He9s com8letel' !i""erent an! he still has hits: right= Wrong: "or instance he uses the su8er common8lace rock wor! Black in tons o" his songs 1 Black .am)ourine: Black Hole: Black"ire Choke! ?ur 5eath: Su8er Gol!en Black7 #n!erneath all that sam8ling: Beck9s songs ha&e sim8le: stan!ar! chor! 8rogressions7 Like 5e&il9s Haircut @ 5 G C an! Hotel Cit' A A 0B7 B' the wa' 5e&il an! Cit' are also highl' reuse! rock wor!s7 So !o 'ou ha&e a song a)out the war: or a)out longing "or home: that has the wor!s 5e&il or 0ire in the title= You shoul!: an! 'our target au!ience will eat it u8C

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to "efore You Start: )nderstanding the Rock %enre All genres ha&e stan!ar! themes an! structures7 Blues are usuall' a)out trou)le! relationshi8s an! !i""icult li&es an! set to the 1% )ar )lues7 Countr' is a)out 8ick u8 trucks an! cheaters an! rest on C an! G7 $ock is no e>ce8tion7 -" 'ou want to write a hit song: the 8u)lic nee!s to i!enti"' with the to8ics 'ou are talking a)out: the )asic "orm o" the song: a "amiliar chor! 8rogression an! the wor!s an! small 8hrases that are use! to )e recogni;a)le as the art "orm known as $ock7 ?ne weir! line: wor! or chor! 8rogression can turn o"" a listener who is use! to a certain st'le o" music7 You nee! to stick to what au!iences know as the t'8e o" music the' like7 A&en an out1there )an! like .ool sticks the common rock themes o" se> an! !rugs: an! )asicall' re&ol&es aroun! the 8entatonic rockD)lues scale7 ?riginalit' onl' counts i" 'ou ha&e a "irm "oun!ation in the genre an! then 'ou a!! 'our own slight twist7 .hink a)out it7 .here are onl' three elements to a song 1 the wor!s: melo!' an! chor! 8rogression7 So what !etermines whether or not a song is a hit: is the wor!s: melo!' an! chor!s that are chosen to make u8 that song7 0or 'our song to )e a hit 'ou must choose wor!s: chor!s an! a melo!' that 'our au!ience i!enti"ies with imme!iatel' as that9s cool: that )an! soun!s like so an! so: )ut with a new original soun!C7 #sing wor!s: 8hrases: songs structures an! chor! 8rogressions that are common to 'our genre is not co8'right in"ringement: its 8art o" carr'ing on a tra!ition7 At "irst it "eels reall' strange to outright )orrow "rom other artists7 -n "act: it9s a hum)ling e>8erience to 8ut asi!e the nee! to make a song totall' mine7 Howe&er: 'ou9ll come to un!erstan! that that9s Eust how things work when 'ou are in the )usiness o" 8leasing 8eo8le who are "ans o" a certain genre7 What i" Snoo8 5og starting ra88ing a)out his new 8ick1u8 truck or how much he lo&es his son== .hat woul! )e ri!iculous o" course: )ecause those are 8o8ular countr' themes7 ?r what i" BB Fing starte! singing a)out !oing !ri&e )' shootings= -t9s eas' to 8in8oint the themes in countr': ra8 an! the )lues7 But !o 'ou know the common themes in rock= Sure: there9s se> an! !rugs: )ut 'ou9re a rock songwriter so !o 'ou know at least 4 more o" the to8 o" 'our hea!= Woul! 'ou )e sur8rise! when - tell 'ou that the i!ea o" "ree!om: certain colors: an! &arious elements o" the earth 8ermeate songs "rom e&er' maEor rock )an!= Soun!s o!!: - know: )ut - can 8ro&e it i" 'ou kee8 rea!ing7 When - !isco&ere! how )latantl' all the maEor rock stars ri8 each other9s i!eas o"": it actuall' ma!e me ma! that - wasn9t in on it the whole timeCC .hat9s until - un!erstoo! that $ock is an art "orm Eust like -m8ressionism or Cu)ism7 .hat means there is a school o" thought: mentors: teachers: tra!itions: themes: 8hiloso8hies an! images that are a 8art o" that art "orm7 Great writers like 5'lan: 3a'nar! "rom .ool: Furt Co)ain: Sting an! all the others all know this instincti&el'7 .hat9s wh' not so great writers struggle "or i!eas: get writers )lock an! throw out hal" the songs the' write7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to A "ew e>am8les o" commonl' use! wor!s in rock 0ree Fee8 on $ocking in the 0ree Worl! 0ree 0allin 0ree Bir! -" You Lo&e Some)o!' Set .hem 0ree $i!ers $i!ers on the Storm .wo ri!ers were a88roaching: the win! )egan to howl - Fnow You $i!er Ghost $i!er 3i!night $i!er 0ire -9m ?n 0ire $ing o" 0ire .he #n"orgetta)le 0ire Pla' With 0ire Light 3' 0ire Sun -n&isi)le Sun House o" the $ising Sun Waiting "or the Sun - know 'ouGll )e a sun in some)o!' elseGs sk' .hat9s Eust a han!"ul o" !o;ens o" common wor!s that ha&e )een 8ro&en to soun! cool in a rock song an! that 'our au!ience will su)consciousl' recogni;e7 ?riginal line e>am8le -9m Eust using these "ew wor!s in a new wa'H An! the ri!er "eels "ree un!er the "ire o" the sun Without knowing some o" the s8eci"ic un!erl'ing wor!s in rock an! without ha&ing a re"erence in "ront me: it coul! take me a week to come u8 with a line that !ecent7 #sing this metho! - came u8 with it in a)out 4, secon!s7 .hat coul! e&en )e a chorus an! the song woul! )e calle! 0ire o" the Sun7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Some e>am8les o" common themes I imager' in rock $e)ellion *against societ': e!ucation I religion+ @ Like a $olling Stone: <erem': All Along the Watchtower: 3' Generation: .he Wall: Ants 3arching: Losing 3' $eligion 0ree!om @ Born to Be Wil!: Born to $un: 0ree Bir!: 0ree!om *$age Against .he 3achine: <imi Hen!ri>: 0leetwoo! 3ac an! man' more+ .he elements an! the uni&erse *the sk': "ire: water: sun: moon: sk': rain an! snow+ 1 Light 3' 0ire: 0iel!s o" Gol!: Har&est 3oon: 0ire *#%: <imi Hen!ri>: $e! Hot Chili Pe88ers: S8ringsteen+ Home @ $ocketman: Hometown: A Sort o" Homecoming: Home *Stain!: Sher'l Crow: Smashing Pum8kins: Collecti&e Soul an! man' more+ Se> @ Brown Sugar: Crash -nto 3e: Su""ragette Cit': Your Bo!' -s a Won!erlan! 3omD5a! @ Ali&e: Let -t Be: .he Wall: 0i> You: 3other *.he Police: Blin! 3elon: <ohn Lennon: 5an;ig: etc7+ 5rugs @ #n!er the Bri!ge: Luc' in the Sk' with 5iamon!s: Ca8tain <ack 5eath @ American Pie: 3an in the Bo>: ?r!inar' Worl! .he 5e&il 1 S'm8ath' "or the 5e&il: 5e&ils Haircut: 5e&il *Staine!: .ears "or 0ears+ S8iritual Searching I Go! 1 Stairwa' to Hea&en: -magine: 5ream ?n: Pur8le Ha;e: - Still Ha&en9t 0oun! What -9m Looking 0or Lo&e I $elationshi8s @ La'la: A&er' Breath You .ake: Heart Sha8e! Bo>: Gl'cerine: .he Scientist: <ust Like Hea&en Prostitutes @ Honk' .onk Woman: $o>anne: House o" the $ising Sun Anti1materialism 1 Hotel Cali"ornia: - CanGt Get o Satis"action: 3one': Cali"ornication War @ Won9t Get 0oole! Again: Gimme Shelter: Sun!a' Bloo!' Sun!a': .he $ooster America 1 Born in the #SA: America *<ewel: 3oterhea!: Santana: Yes: Gar' uman+ An original theme e>am8le Here is an original stor'line using the l'ric a)o&e an! a common rock themeH A gu' Eust got out o" 8rison an! he9s li&ing li"e again as a "ree man

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to What You Will *eed You will nee! an o8en min!7 0irst 'ou will nee! to get o&er the "act that to )e a commercial success: 'ou can )e original: )ut 'ou also nee! to ha&e a soun! that the 8u)lic is "amiliar with7 You will nee! to acce8t the "act that 'ou !o not ha&e total "ree creati&e reign o&er 'our own songs i" 'ou want to 8lease a certain au!ience7 Some !isci8line7 <ust gra))ing 'our guitar an! strummingDsinging what comes to min! is eas'7 .hat9s wh' songwriting that wa' !oes not get great results7 Learning a cra"t an! art "orm takes some work an! commitment to the 8rinci8als in this )ook7 -t will take time an! e""ort to master the &oca)ular': imager': themes an! 8rogressions in rock: )ut it9s worth it7 .o get the kin! o" ama;ing results that this )ook claims to !eli&er: 'ou nee! to 8atientl' rea! a)out these techni6ues thoroughl' an! "ollow the instructions in or!er an! com8letel' at "irst7 ?nl' once 'ou ha&e mastere! the outline! metho!s: shoul! 'ou a!Eust the 8rocess to 'our own liking7 A soli! i!ea o" what $ock genre 'ou want to "it into7 0or instance: Har! like Staine!: Classic like .he $olling Stones: Alternati&e like Pearl <am: <am Ban! like 5a&e 3atthews: or an' other o" the !o;ens o" rock su)1genres7 You will nee! to know this in or!er to create a Pro&en $ock (oca)ular' in the st'le that 'ou ha&e !eci!e! to "it into7 You can !o this )' making a list o" )an!s 'ou ha&e )een tol! 'ou soun! like: or that 'ou lo&e an! want to soun! like7 You shoul! )e "le>i)le7 .his )ook 8resents a 8hiloso8h' on )ecoming a great songwriter7 -t also 8resents a 8recise metho! as to how to write a song in an hour7 You ma' come u8 with 'our own metho! that im8lements the o&erall 8hiloso8h' o" )ecoming an e""ortless master o" the rock art "orm7 0or instance: use! to Eust use cut u8 engine so"tware *more on this later+ to generate wor!s an! 8hrases "or ins8iration7 But sometimes - !i!n9t ha&e access to a com8uter an! - a!Euste! m' techni6ue to looking through C5 slee&e l'rics an! 8icking out themes an! 8hrases - thought were cool an! writing them !own in a list on 8a8er7 Some )asic music an! writing skills: You !on9t nee! to )e great or e&en &er' goo!: )ut 'ou !o nee! some a)ilit' to imagine stories an! themes an! to write )asic lines that !escri)e 'our i!eas7 You also nee! to )e a)le to sing a )asic melo!' an! an instrument like guitar or 8iano7 -" 'ou !on9t then "in! a songwriting 8artner that has the skills 'ou !on9t7 A com8uter with -nternet access to get to all the resources 'ou9ll nee! or get a large note8a! with 8encil: ma')e a co8' o" )ill)oar!: some C5s an! a rh'ming !ictionar'7 Pre"era)l' use a 8ro"essional wor! 8rocessor like 3S Wor! to a&oi! s8elling an! )a! grammar mistakes7 -" 'ou want to market 'our songs commerciall' 'ou will nee! the a)ilit' to 8er"orm li&e or 'ou will nee! to "in! 8eo8le who can 8la' them li&e7 0or commercial success: the 8er"ormance o" 'our songs: either )' 'ou or someone else: must )e e>cellent in some wa'7 A&en i" 'ou Eust want to market 'our songs to recor! la)els an! 8ro!ucers "or other esta)lishe! artists to co&er on their C5s: the song !emo 'ou sen! must )e a &er' goo!: i" not great 8er"ormance7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to

Part +: How to Write a Hit Rock Song

Constructing the $Pro,en Rock 'ric -ocabular'& .PR -/: 10 #inutes 17 0in! / hit songs that are similar to the one 'ou want to write7 .he' shoul! )e in the current Bill)oar! to8 1,,: in the to8 1,, all time rock or 8o8 C5s or the to8 / hit songs o" a certain artist that in"luences 'ou7 You can )e creati&e in 8icking the songs7 What9s im8ortant is that the songs 'ou choose ha&e (ro,en a88eal to the au!ience 'ou want to gain "ans within7 -" 'ou want to write a song "or a "ilm: 8ick tunes that ma' ha&e ne&er ma!e it on the Bill)oar! charts: )ut were themes to hit mo&ies7 -" 'ou want to a88eal to college market: then look at the College 3usic <ournal charts7 .he i!ea is that certain songs use wor!s: 8rogressions an! stories that 8eo8le naturall' an! instincti&el' like more than others7 As a songwriter 'ou nee! to "in! out what those elements are exactl' in or!er to )e a success7 %7 Get the l'rics an! chor! 8rogressions to the tunes7 0in! them on the -nternet: on C5 slee&es: in sheet music or listen to the song an! write them !own7 47 3ake a list o" wor!s an! small 8hrases that are in the song7 1 .o !o this 'ou can 8ut the entire songs in a cut u8 engine7 A cut u8 engine is so"tware that ran!oml' !issects the hit song l'rics into an uni!enti"ia)le )unch o" wor!s an! 8hrases7 1 ?r 'ou can &isuall' go through each song an! make a list o" wor!s an! 8hrases on 'our note8a!7 We9ll call the result o" "ree1"loating wor!s an! 8hrases 'our Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular'7 5on9t )e concerne! that 'ou are stealing songs7 Words and s#all (hrases are not co('rightable1 onl' #elodies and l'rics lines are2 o one can own the Anglish language7 .hink o" how man' songs use the 8hrase rolling stone9C .o a!! 'our own uni6ue twist: what9s im8ortant is to choose wor!s an! 8hrases that 'ou like an! resonate with 'ou 8ersonall'7 0or instance: i" 'ou9re anal';ing ir&ana9s Heart Sha8e! Bo> an! the 8hrase um)ilical noose is too e>treme "or 'ou: then Eust !on9t use it7 ?r instea! o" the whole 8hrase magnet tar 8it tra8: ma')e 'ou Eust like the wor! magnet7 .hat will still work an! 'ou9ll "in! 'our own use "or the wor!: so gra) itC Ha&e "un with it7 You can mi> an! cut u8 a Pink 0lo'!: Police an! ir&ana tune i" 'ou want an! 'ou9ll come u8 with a &er' uni6ue &oca)ular' that will still "eel goo! to a rock "an7 So 'ou see how 'ou can steal !irectl' "rom "amous 8ro&en artists )ut still come u8 with uni6ue lines that 'ou can co8'right as 'our own= .he more 'ou !o this 'ou will see how these maEor recor!ing artists ruthlessl' !o this in almost e&er' song the' write7 .hat9s wh' the 8u)lic lo&es them: an! the "ans !on9t e&en reali;e itC

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to $Pro,en Rock 'ric -ocabular'& Resources Here are some 8laces to look "or artists an! songs with esta)lishe! "an a88ealH .o8 Artist an! Hit Sites
htt8:DDwww7angel"ire7comD"lJDmone'chor!sDclassicrock1,,,7html htt8:DDmo!ernrock7comDchartsD htt8:DDwww7rockonthenet7comDarchi&eD%,,,D&h1rocksongs7htm htt8:DDwww7!igital!ream!oor7comD8agesD)estKsongs!!!7html htt8:DDwww7rock1songs7comD htt8:DDwww7)ill)oar!7comD))comDchartsDchartK!is8la'7Es8=gLSinglesI"L3ainstreamM$ock htt8:DDwww7wo>'7comDmusicDmr/,,1,/78h8

.hen 'ou can go here to get the l'rics an! chor! 8rogressionsH L'ric I Chor! Sites
htt8:DDwww7a;l'rics7comD htt8:DDwww7l'rics7comD htt8:DDwww7sing42/7comD htt8:DDwww7chor!ie7comD

?ne wa' to create the Pro&en $ock (oca)ular' is to 8ut the l'rics in cut u8 so"tware that 'ou can "in! hereH Cut #8 So"tware Links
htt8:DDwww7la;aruscor8oration7co7ukD&JDcutu8Dte>tin8ut78h8 htt8:DDwww7languageisa&irus7comDcutu8machine7html htt8:DDwww7esoteric1sensationalism7comD

Histor' o" Cut #8 .echni6ue


.hese ha&e a )uilt in rh'ming !ictionar': thesaurus: an! man' other con&enient "eatures that will cut !own 'our songwriting timeH All -n ?ne
htt8:DDwww7masterwriter7comD htt8:DDwww7&irtualstu!ios'stems7comDcontent78h8=8gLlK"eatures

Brainstorming Anter 'our P$L( songs in the c')ernetic 8oet "or some automaticall' generate! lines to gi&e 'ou some thematic an! l'rical ins8irationH
htt8:DDwww7kur;weilc')erart7comD8oetr'Drkc8Ko&er&iew78h84 htt8:DDwww78aramin!7netD

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to We9ll use some Pearl <am tunes with lots o" ra!io 8la' as e>am8les to write an original song calle! Picture o" Clou!s7 Pearl <am Song List A>am8le Ali&e <erem' Black Al!erl' Woman )ehin! the Counter in a Small .own 5aughter ow that 'ou ha&e the songs: go through an! 8ick out wor!s an! small 8hrases 'ou think are cool an! make a list7 ?r: stick the entire l'rics "rom all the songs in cut u8 so"tware7 You9ll get a list o" great wor!s that imme!iatel' create 8ower"ul images that are nati&e to rockH7 Pearl <am P$L( A>am8le A small set o" the Pearl <am@)ase! Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular': Chil! Go! Can!le Heart Wicke! Han! Whis8ering Butter"lies 3other #nleashe! Ali&e Picture 3emor' Haunting 5ream $ecogni;e 3other Star&e $oam Sur&i&e Porch Sun 0ierce Lion .attoo

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to 3#agining a Stor' or The#e: 4 #inutes Look through 'our Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' an! see what kin!s o" stories an! images come to 'our min! )ase! on the wor!s an! small 8hrases 'ou see in "ront o" 'ou7 ?nce 'ou ha&e a "ew 8ossi)le i!eas in min! an! then mo&e to the ne>t ste87 You will )e sur8rise! how "ast 'ou can come u8 with an i!ea "or a song while looking at the )asic wor!s an! 8hrases that make u8 the genre7 Fee8 a list o" common rock themes "rom tunes that make u8 'our P$L( so 'ou can use them i" 'ou nee! some ins8iration7 0or the Pearl <am e>am8le it coul! )e a &ague i!ea like Something a)out a trou)le! ki! an! it ma' )ecome clearer like the theme )elow as 'ou write the l'rics in the ne>t ste8: Picture o" Clou!s .heme A>am8le 0rom glancing at the Pearl <am P$L( - )rainstorme! a )it an! thought o" a stor' line that - thought was interesting an! - knew a little a)out7 .he relationshi8 )etween a )ur!ene! mom an! a gi"te! !aughter -t9s similar to <erem' which was a hit an! there"ore 'ou know "or sure it9s a stor' man' 8eo8le in 'our au!ience will relate to7 But it9s !i""erent enough that the theme is still &er' much m' own i!ea7 Coming u8 with a theme is a &er' im8ortant 8art o" writing a great song 6uickl'7 -t gui!es the writing o" l'ric lines7 .his "ormula !emonstrates the i!eaH Pro,en Rock The#e 5 PR - 6 Su(er fast high 7ualit' l'rics You shoul! work o"" o" themes an! stories in esta)lishe! songs: )ut 8ick those that mean something to 'ou an! that 'ou can relate to in some wa'7 .hen a!! a slight new angle to it7 0or instance: sa' 'ou want to write a song a)out War )ecause this is something 8eo8le ha&e !ee8 8assionate "eelings a)out an! it9s a stan!ar! rock theme7 .he 8ro)lem is 'ou ha&e ne&er )een in a war an! !on9t know an')o!' that has )een in a war7 So what !o 'ou write a)out then= Well: 'ou coul! write a)out what 'ou think it woul! "eel like to )e in a war7 ?r 'ou coul! write a)out 'our res8ect "or 8eo8le who go to war to ensure 'our sa"et'7 Here is a great e>am8le o" an artist outright e>8loiting a 8o8ular theme7 Prisoners throughout the #S all thought <ohnn' Cash ha! )een to 8rison )ecause he wrote 0olsom Prison Blues7 At the time Cash wrote that song: he ha! ne&er ste88e! "oot insi!e o" a 8risonC He wrote the song )ecause he was thinking o" how it woul! "eel to )e in 8rison7 -n the mo&ie Walk the Line his 5a! e&en makes "un o" him "or it7 Well Cash laughe! all the wa' to the )ank )ecause that song ma!e him "amousC

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Writing 'ric ines: +0 #inutes Pick an! choose wor!s an! 8hrases !irectl' "rom 'our Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' an! use them to write e,er' other line that "its with a )asic stor' or theme7 Write / sets o" % sentence l'ric lines7 3an' rock songs are a)stract: an! the song is not "ull' "orme! 'et: so the lines !on9t ha&e to make 8er"ect sense7 .hese will e&entuall' make u8 'our &erses: chorus an! )ri!ge7 5on9t re8eat wor!s "rom 'our P$L( in 'our songs: e>ce8t "or in the choruses which will )e !iscusse! later7 .here is a &er' goo! chance 'ou will run out o" wor!s "rom 'our / song Pro&en $ock (oca)ular': so Eust go 8ick wor!s an! 8hrases "rom / more songs7 Choose two or three P$L( wor!s an! 8hrases at a time an! let the theme 'ou chose in the last ste8 gui!e 'ou to )rainstorm a line that uses them7 Fee8 "illers in min! to use an! also throw in your own words. ?&er time: 'ou9ll come to know instincti&el' man' commonl' use! rock wor!s that 'ou can throw in to 'our l'ric linesH A>am8le o" some 8ro&en rock "illers Ba)': )a)e ?h: ah: ooh Sk' La!' Li"e Satur!a': Sun!a' Black: re! Go! o: no Yeah 3an: woman Chil! $ain Stars Cali"ornia He': he' Girl 5a': night Sea: ocean Gol! #SA: America 0l' You will "in! man' more recogni;e! "iller wor!s a"ter 'ou ha&e create! a "ew !i""erent P$L(s7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to So now - wrote some lines using wor!s "rom the P$L( an! a "ew common wor!s that -9&e learne! are use! in all rock songs like 0ree an! Slee87 - use the theme - ma!e u8 to write lines o" a stor'7 All the wor!s in bold are "rom the Pearl <am1)ase! Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' or wor!s that - ha&e come across "rom other P$L(sH Picture o" Clou!s A&er' ?ther Line A>am8le .he child8s !rawing %od in candle wa> Line written later Whis(ering a)out butterflies to her Mo# in the morning Line written later othing is free an! 'ou can star,e alone Line written later Willing to "ace things she can slee( without sinking Line written later Rh'#ing and "ack 9illing 'ric ines ow take the last word "rom e&er' line 'ou ha&e written: an! "in! a rh'ming or close to rh'ming wor! "rom the Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' or a rh'ming !ictionar' an! 8lace that wor! un!erneath e&er' other line7 You can also rh'me the secon! to last wor!s o" the songs: two wor!s at the )eginning an! en!ing o" a single line: wor!s in e&er' other or a se6uential line: or an' other wa' 'ou can think o"7 The i#(ortant thing is that 'our lines rh'#e in so#e wa'2 -!eall' the last wor!s o" the lines shoul! rh'me: )ut that9s not alwa's 8ossi)le when 'ou9re tr'ing to create a stor': so tr' 'our )est7 3#(ortant: You9re lines must rh'me in or!er "or the melo!' to "all together naturall' at the en! o" this 8rocessCC Also: au!iences must hear rh'mes to "eel com"orta)le7 $h'ming is not o8tional "or commercial songs7 Picture o" Clou!s $h'ming A>am8le 0in! a rh'ming or similar soun!ing last word )e"ore writing the remaining linesH othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone :ho#e Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking :(ainting -t can all come together with a gentle touch :#uch othing has )een )etter since she arri&e! :sur,i,e

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to $h'ming 5ictionar' Links

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.hen )ack "ill the remaining 1, lines with sentences that make sense in the conte>t o" 'our stor' or theme7 You will ha&e written / sets o" J lines7 4 o" the sets will )e &erses7 1 o" the sets will )e 'our chorus an! 1 will )e 'our )ri!ge7 Picture o" Clou!s / Sets o" J A>am8le All the wor!s in bold are "rom the Pearl <am1)ase! Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' or wor!s that - ha&e come across "rom other P$L(s7 All the lines are )ase! on the main themeH .he child8s !rawing %od in candle wa> 3aking "inger 8aint hearts with tin' hands Whis(ering a)out butterflies to her Mo# in the morning Ha&ing breakfast with her daughter an! in lo,e with the stor' othing is free an! 'ou can star,e alone We! to her #an an! a 8lace an! a ho#e Willing to "ace things she can slee( without sinking An! sta' ali,e )' thinking a)out her bab' (ainting a Picture o" clou!s: (icture o" clou!s .he little one 8la's &iolin like it was a #e#or' insi!e .he tune is haunting like a drea# 'ou can recogni;e Mother can hear her through the door an! is 8rou! Hel8ing her min! esca(e "rom the !e)t an! their town -t can all come together with a gentle touch o nee! to roa# when 'ou ha&e so much *othing has )een )etter since she arri,ed Yeah life can ha88en an! 'ou !o more than sur,i,e ?n the (orch coloring can&as with s(inning suns .he girl is fierce like a lion not 'et unleashed on the world 0ar "rom things wicked an! tattooed now she 8la's cello Mother sur8rises her with le#onade an! <ell1o 0inall': "ine1tune 'our l'rics to make some sense7 You shoul! gi&e the listener an i!ea o" a )asic stor' or theme: )ut in rock most 8eo8le like to rea! their own meaning into the song7 A&en i" 'ou were to s8ell out 'our stor' 8er"ectl': most o" the au!ience will inter8ret it their own wa' an'wa'7 Be more concerne! with getting across a theme: 'our l'rics soun!ing cool an! interesting: an! creating rock genre1)ase! imager' than on making com8lete sense7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Structuring and 9ine<Tuning the Song: 10 #inutes Important: How to Pick the Chorus an! .itle Look at 'our "i&e sets o" l'ric lines an! normall' one will Eum8 out at 'ou at the most interesting7 .his will )e 'our chorus an! 'our hook7 -" none o" them seem cool or interesting enough to )e chorus1worth': it9s &er' im8ortant that 'ou kee8 writing J line sets using the P$L( until 'ou ha&e one7 .hen 8ick the most interesting short 8hrase: "rom the most interesting &erse an! re8eat it a cou8le o" more times at the en! o" the chorus: or )e"oreDa"ter each line o" the chorus7 .hat9s e>actl' how - came u8 with Picture o" Clou!s7 This short (hrase or hook #ust also be the title of the song== Another J line set ma' Eum8 out at 'ou as a little !i""erent an! this coul! )e 'our )ri!ge7 Cut an! 8aste the chorus a"ter each &erse7 Cut an! 8aste 'our )ri!ge a"ter the secon! chorus7 Stick to the 8ro&en song "orm )elow or the "orm o" one o" the 8ro&en hit songs 'ou chose to create 'our Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular': Structuring %olden Rule: The choruses of great rock songs are always played and sung stronger louder or higher than the !erses. The bridge can go either way. .he #ni&ersal $ock Pattern You ma' not like it: )ut it9s true that the &ast maEorit' o" rock songs on the ra!io "all loosel' into the "ollowing 8attern in >?> ti#e7 But that9s Eust how things are7 -n <a;; its (erse @ (erse @ Bri!ge 1 (erse -n Blues it9s the twel&e )ar )lues re8eate! An! the stan!ar! 8rogression in rock isH -erse @ Chorus @ -erse @ Chorus @ "ridge @ Solo @ -erse @ Chorus @ Chorus .hat9s itC 5on9t )e scare! o" it: Eust use itC Yes: 'ou ma' want to a!! an intro: outro an! other ri""s7 But it is &er' im8ortant that 'ou !o that a"ter the song is com8lete as !iscusse! in the Putting it All .ogether section7 Your song shoul! not )e )ase! on a cool com8licate! ri"": )ut on sim8le chor!s that an'one can 8la'7 At this 8oint 'ou can also come u8 with an e>tra line or two or three at the &er' en! o" the song "or a!1 li))ing on the last chorus

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Picture o" Clou!s 0ull' Structure! A>am8le .he chil!9s !rawing Go! in can!le wa> 3aking "inger 8aint hearts with tin' han!s Whis8ering a)out )utter"lies to her 3om in the morning Ha&ing )reak"ast with her !aughter an! in lo&e with the stor' othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone We! to her man an! a 8lace an! a home Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking An! sta' ali&e )' thinking a)out her )a)' 8ainting a Picture o" clou!s: 8icture o" clou!s .he little one 8la's &iolin like it was a memor' insi!e .he tune is haunting like a !ream 'ou can recogni;e 3other can hear her through the !oor an! is 8rou! Hel8ing her min! esca8e "rom the !e)t an! their town othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone We! to her man an! a 8lace an! a home Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking An! sta' ali&e )' thinking a)out her )a)' 8ainting a Picture o" clou!s: 8icture o" clou!s -t can all come together with a gentle touch o nee! to roam when 'ou ha&e so much othing has )een )etter since she arri&e! Yeah li"e can ha88en an! 'ou !o more than sur&i&e ?n the 8orch coloring can&as with s8inning suns .he girl is "ierce like a lion not 'et unleashe! on the worl! 0ar "rom things wicke! an! tattooe! now she 8la's cello 3other sur8rises her with lemona!e an! <ell1o othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone We! to her man an! a 8lace an! a home Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking An! sta' ali&e )' thinking a)out her )a)' 8ainting a Picture o" clou!s: 8icture o" clou!s .he suns alwa's shining: the stars are aligning -n a 8icture o" clou!s

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Choosing Chords: 10 #inutes 0in!ing a great chor! 8rogression is the easiest 8art o" the whole 8rocess7 You ma' not )elie&e this at "irstH Chords (rogressions are not co('rightable1 onl' #elodies and l'rics lines are2 -" the' were: e&er' )lues artist in e>istence woul! )e a criminal "or using the 1% )ar )lues7 When 'ou get to know the &er' limite! range o" 8o8ular rock chor! 8rogressions 'ou will un!erstan!7 0eel "ree to use an' chor! 8rogression "rom an'where7 <ust get the chor!s to the songs that "orme! 'our Pro&en $ock L'ric (oca)ular' )' "iguring them out or getting them o"" the -nternet7 You can also use sites or )ooks that list stan!ar! rock chor! 8rogressions7 #se the 8rogression as is: or 8ut a small 8ersonal twist on the &oicing or timing o" the chor!s7 Howe&er: kee8 the song in JDJ an! make sure most all chor!s start on the 1st or 4r! )eat7 Here are 'our chor! rules: 17 %7 47 J7 /7 27 N7 #se chor! 8rogressions "rom 8ro&en hit songs A!! a small 8ersonal twist Fee8 the chor!s on the )eat7 o o"" or u8)eat timing Pla' most chor!s in o8en 8osition or sim8le )ar chor!s #se JDJ time Stick to a mo!erate tem8o ?nl' use 1 or % !i""erent 8rogressions

5o not )e a"rai! to use the same one 8rogression "or the entire songC <imi Hen!ri> sai! All - nee! is three chor!s an! the truth7 Little Wing an! He' <oe are )oth onl' one 8rogression through the entire song7 At most use % 8rogressions 1 1 "or the &erse an! 1 "or the chorus7 0or the )ri!ge Eust 8ick one o" the two7 Sim8le songs get co&ere! )' other artists more an! are easier "or an au!ience to un!erstan! an! recogni;e as the t'8e o" music the' like7 A>am8les o" common rock chor! 8rogressions Wh' make 'our own chor! 8rogressions u8 when there are hun!re!s o" 8ro&en 8rogressions in hit songs that 'ou can use= Coming u8 with an original 8rogression is a waste o" time an! a!!s to the risk that it ma' soun! too strange to 'our au!ience7 Here is a "ew that ha&e )een reuse! )' e&er' rock artist "rom the Beatles to Pearl <am: A5A 5AA A5G5 AGAA 5C C Am 0 G C50A <ust 8ick one or an' other 8rogression "rom a hit song in 'our genre: make a small alteration an! strumC $emem)er how eas' )lues artists ha&e it so !on9t make it har!er on 'oursel"CC

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Stan!ar! rock 8rogression site

htt8:DDwww7angel"ire7comD"lJDmone'chor!sDlesson7html htt8:DDwww7angel"ire7comD"lJDmone'chor!sDrock7html htt8:DDwww7angel"ire7comD"lJDmone'chor!sD$B8rogression7html htt8:DDwww7angel"ire7comD"lJDmone'chor!sDclassicrock7html

Chor!s site
htt8:DDwww7chor!ie7comD htt8:DDwww7harmon'1central7comDGuitarDta)7html

Picture o" Clou!s Chor! Progression A>am8le 0or the sam8le song - saw the 8rogression to <imi Hen!ri>9s Little Wing which is one long 8rogression that is Eust re8eate! "or the whole song: Am G Am Am Bm B) Am G 0 C 5 - like! that i!ea an! then - create! the same kin! o" e>ten!e! 8rogression )ut using sim8ler chor!s that saw in % !i""erent Pearl <am tunes: CACAG0AG0A A Rules for Singing the Melod': 10 #inutes You9ll )e sur8rise! that when 'ou ha&e great rh'ming l'rics an! a killer rock chor! 8rogression an! a soli! song structure: the melo!' will "all into 8lace easil'H 0ollow these 2 sim8le rules to come u8 with a melo!' "or 'our song: 1. 5on9t write a melo!': Eust sing what comes to 'ou after 'ou ha&e written l'rics an! "oun! a cool chor! 8rogression7 %7 Sing the &erse melo!' at the low en! o" 'our range: an! sing the chorus melo!' at the high en! o" 'our range7 47 Sing the chorus stronger than the &erse7 .he )ri!ge can go either wa' )ut stronger works )etter7 J7 You shoul! )e a)le to sing the entire tune on 8itch an! without straining in an' wa'7 /7 .he melo!' shoul! )e &er' sim8le )ut with a slight twist7 6. Sing 8assionatel' an! with con&iction: )ut not "orce"ull' an! straining7 -" 'our reall' stick to these rules: a great: natural melo!' will write itsel"CC 9or this #ethod of #elod' creation to work1 'ou #ust ha,e co#e u( with the l'rics and chords first as described in the (re,ious ste(s2

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to

Part B: What to Co With Your Songs

Putting 3t !ll Together -" 'ou "in! that 'our tune soun!s wa' too much like the songs in the P$L(: then 'ou )orrowe! a little too much: so ne>t time gi&e it a little more o" a 8ersonal twist7 ?&er time 'ou will get )etter at it an! "in! a )alance7 ?nce 'ou ha&e l'rics: chor!s an! a melo!': then 8ut together a sim8le 8age like the 0ake Sheet )elow an! gi&e it to 'our )an! or song writing 8artner7 Also write !own the actual timing o" 'our chor! 8rogressions )' measure in some sim8le wa' as shown7 A!! the co8'right notice as in the "ollowing e>am8le7 ?nce it9s all !one: recor! the song in an'wa' 8ossi)le: no matter how goo! or )a! the recor!ing7 You9ll now ha&e two 8ermanent &ersions o" 'our song: on 8a8er an! au!io7 5on9t let 'our tunes get lost in some ol! note)ook where 'ou "orget the chor!s an! how the melo!' wentCC Arranging the Songs A"ter 'ou gi&e the songs to 'our )an!: 8ro!ucer: or other 8artners: 'ou ma' want to arrange them to gi&e them a "uller soun!7 .his is where 'ou might come u8 with all the other elements o" a commercial song such as: -ntro an! outro Guitar an! )ass ri""s Harmonies Solos Fe')oar! 8arts Sam8les Breaks an! sto8s Se6uence! loo8s String arrangements Some a!1li))ing in the &er' last chorus Han! an'thing else 'ou can think o"7 !rranging %olden Rule: " hit rock song should be able to be played solo on guitar or piano with one !ocal and get consistent audience co#pli#ents. So that means i" 'our song onl' soun!s goo! with the harmon' then it9s 8ro)a)l' not that great7 .he l'rics: chor! 8rogression: melo!' an! hook in the chorus shoul! )e so cool an! also sim8le that it nee!s no hel8 to stan! on its own two legs as a songC 3f 'ou can8t sing 'our song with one instru#ent and feel great about it1 then fix it or trash it=

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Picture o" Clou!s 0ake Sheet A>am8le
Picture o" Clou!s OC OG 0 OA OA OC OG OA 0 OA O O

.he chil!9s !rawing Go! in can!le wa> 3aking "inger 8aint hearts with tin' han!s Whis8ering a)out )utter"lies to her 3om in the morning Ha&ing )reak"ast with her !aughter an! in lo&e with the stor' othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone We! to her man an! a 8lace an! a home Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking An! sta' ali&e )' thinking a)out her )a)' 8ainting a Picture o" clou!s: 8icture o" clou!s .he little one 8la's &iolin like it was a memor' insi!e .he tune is haunting like a !ream 'ou can recogni;e 3other can hear her through the !oor an! is 8rou! Hel8ing her min! esca8e "rom the !e)t an! their town othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone We! to her man an! a 8lace an! a home Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking An! sta' ali&e )' thinking a)out her )a)' 8ainting a Picture o" clou!s: 8icture o" clou!s -t can all come together with a gentle touch o nee! to roam when 'ou ha&e so much othing has )een )etter since she arri&e! Yeah li"e can ha88en an! 'ou !o more than sur&i&e ?n the 8orch coloring can&as with s8inning suns .he girl is "ierce like a lion not 'et unleashe! on the worl! 0ar "rom things wicke! an! tattooe! now she 8la's cello 3other sur8rises her with lemona!e an! <ell1o othing is "ree an! 'ou can star&e alone We! to her man an! a 8lace an! a home Willing to "ace things she can slee8 without sinking An! sta' ali&e )' thinking a)out her )a)' 8ainting a Picture o" clou!s: 8icture o" clou!s .he suns alwa's shining: the stars are aligning -n a 8icture o" clou!s P %,,2 5aniel ?9Connor: All $ights $eser&e!7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to Practicing and 9ine Tuning: Dngoing A"ter 1/ minutes 'ou9ll ha&e a )asic i!ea o" the melo!'7 Howe&er: 'ou9ll nee! to 8la' through the song / or 2 times to "ine tune what 'ou9&e create! )e"ore 8la'ing it "or an'one7 .ake the time to reall' work out what 'ou9ll sing "or e&er' line: )ut i" it !oesn9t come naturall' a"ter a "ew times o" 8la'ing through the song: then it was not meant to )e an! 'ou shoul! start o&er with a !i""erent chor! 8rogression7 Writing this wa' will !ecrease the 8ercentage o" tunes that 'ou scra8: an! increase the 6ualit' o" those that 'ou kee87 But: a)out 1D/ o" them will still come u8 as gar)age: an! certainl' some will )e )etter than others7 <ust rotate them out o" 'our set as 'ou write )etter songs7 Also: e&en a"ter 'ou ha&e 8la'e! it out: !on9t )e a"rai! to make slight alterations here an! there i" 'ou "in! that "or some reason a section Eust isn9t working7 You9ll "eel it i" one o" the sections o" a tune Eust !oesn9t carr' like the others7 -" 'ou rewrite a section like the )ri!ge or a certain &erse: !on9t !o it "rom 'our hea!: use the P$L( metho!C .o trou)le shoot a 8ro)lematic song: "igure out what ste8 in the 1 hour 8rocess 'ou nee! to go )ack toH .he N Ste8 3etho! ?utline 12 +2 B2 >2 42 A2 E2 Construct the $Pro,en Rock 'ric -ocabular'& .PR -/ 3#agine a stor' or the#e Write l'ric lines Rh'#e the lines and back fill Structure and fine<tune the song Choose chords Sing the #elod'

Common Song Pro)lems I How to 0i> .hem Proble#: Your l'rics seem too a)stract: song !oesn9t make sense7 Solution: Go )ack an! come u8 with a more !e"ine! stor'7 A>8an! 'our P$L(7 Write more lines that tell 'our stor'7 Proble#: .he song !oes not ha&e a goo! enough hook an! chorus7 Solution: Write rh'ming J line sets using the P$L( until one Eum8s out at 'ou an! cool soun!ing an! concise7 -" the most interesting 8hrase in that set coul! )e a title: then that9s 'our chorus7 Proble#: .he melo!' isn9t goo! Solution: .he most likel' 8ro)lem is that the range an! 8ower o" 'our &erse an! chorus are too similar7 Go )ack an! sing the &erse lower an! the chorus higher7 ?r: the l'rics are not rh'me! well enough or the hook is not cool enough7 -" 'ou im8ro&e those things an! 'ou still can9t sing a naturall' great melo!': then "in! a new chor! 8rogression7 Proble#: .he tune !oesn9t come together li&e or with the )an!7 Solution: .he song is Eust not goo! enough7 3ost likel' 8ro)lems are that the l'rics are weak: the hook is not strong: the melo!' is me!iocre: or the chor! 8rogression is too com8licate!7 Ask 8eo8le an! 'our )an! what the' think an! tr' to 8in 8oint the 8ro)lem7

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

For a complete songwriting course go to ! "etter Wa' to Write Co##ercial Songs Writing the wa' outline! in this )ook: someone asks me at e&er' show: Was that an original=C .hat9s the ultimate com8limentC ?" course: the whole 8rocess can take much longer than an hour i" 'ou want it to7 Sticking to a time limit is not a re6uirement "or writing an e>cellent tune7 But the "act is that 'ou can come u8 with much )etter results than 'ou are use! to 1 e&en in an hour7 .o me: the reali;ation o" things outline! in the )ook came o&er a %, 'ear 8erio!: an! the 1 hour metho! took % 'ears to "ine1tune: so - ho8e - ha&e sa&e! 'ou a lot o" time an! waste! e""ortC Like - sai!: -9&e )een writing the wa' outline! in this )ook "or % 'ears an! sometimes - tr' to !o it the wa' use! toH8en: 8a!: guitar an! m' own thoughts7 Also: - use! to write chor!s: melo!' then l'rics: which is the o88osite o" this metho!7 -9m alwa's sorr' - tr' that )ecause - alwa's toss out the tunes - write the ol! wa'7 .he' Eust !on9t com8are an! - can tell when - 8la' them outH the )an!s not as into it: 8eo8le !on9t watch as much: an! - !on9t get com8liments7 Here are the !i""erences: .'8ical Songwriting 3etho! Pen 5 (ad 5 #' own thoughts 6 F or #ore songs thrown awa' i#ited audience interest Mediocre songs Ci#inished confidence and #oti,ation 1 Hour Hit Songwriting 3etho! Hit song list 5 Pro,en Rock 'ric -ocabular' 5 (ro,en rock the#es 5 cut u( software 5 (ro,en rock chord (rogressions list 5 rh'#ing dictionar' 5 MS Word 5 #' own thoughts 6 Dnl' 1?4 of songs trashed Constant (ositi,e audience reaction Songs that feel great to (la' Tunes 3 think could (ossibl' be on the charts ots #ore #oti,ation and confidence onstage and in life 0eel "ree to e>8eriment en!lessl' with 8rogressions: l'rics an! melo!'CC <ust !o it using 8ro&en )uil!ing )locks that rock "ans will recogni;e: a!mire an! enEo'C

Dan OConnor at Licensed under Creati e Commons. !ree to s"are# co$y# $rint# du$%icate# se%% i& you gi e credit to 'Dan-O at Do not modi&y or edit te)t or %inks.

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