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Drugs and Alcohol

Grade/Subject: 10th grade/ Health!! !

Objectives: Now that students have learned about different drugs, what they do, and how they can affect our bodies, students will take the next two days creating a poster board that promotes being drug free. Hook and Hold: Ever seen before and after pictures of people on methamphetamine? Cocaine? State Standards: 1.1 A Describe the harmful short- and long-term effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, including inhalants. 1.4 A Identify family and school rules about alcohol, tobacco and drug use. 1.5 A Explain why individual reactions to alcohol and drug use may vary. 8.1 A Encourage others to be free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Materials Needed: Computers Paper Pencils Markers Printer Scissors Glue Exploring and Experiencing: Students will be required to make a poster board comprised of: pictures, key information, why people shouldn"t do drugs, and any other key facts and information they can think of to persuade their peers not to do drugs! These posters will be hung around campus, so make sure you make them large enough for everyone to read.

Modications: Jose will not need any modications, instead I will have our classroom aide help him put together the poster. If needed, Jose will be given extra time in order to nish his project. Assessment/Evaluation: Students will be given two days to nish their poster board. The teacher will make sure they"re on the right track, doing the right research and putting together their poster board to hang on the campus walls!

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