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The Educational Technology Experience The Present and The Future

Amanda Haddad EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning Dr. Joanne Gilbreath Azusa Pacific University, Murrieta Regional Center December 19, 2013

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SECTION ONE: Introduction Setting the Context I have desired a career in the field of education since I was in First Grade. I absolutely loved helping my teachers and truly enjoy working with children. Having the opportunity to make a difference in the world by making a difference in the life of a child is such a wonderful gift. In pursuing higher education I knew that I would obtain a teaching credential and work toward a masters degree. I was fairly good with technology, through use of devices such as a laptop and an iPhone, and I also understood how important and beneficial the use of technologies in education could be. Also a factor was the fact that technology in education was loudly becoming a must. All of these components in addition to my desire to learn more about educational technologies as a way for enhancing teaching as well as the learning and interest of the students were all deciding factors in my pursuing my masters in Digital Teaching and Learning. I teach Kindergarten at a WASC and CAIS accredited private school that holds high expectations for academics, character, and leadership. At this school, the teachers have available to them a document camera called the ELMO, a projector, an iPad cart, and a laptop cart. I knew coming in that it would be essential for me to learn as much as I can to take full advantage of the fortunate resources that are available to me. We are a small school community and I am fortunate enough to receive support should I seek advice and collaboration. I am responsible for my classroom, curriculum, incorporation of technology, supporting the mission statement of my school, as well as helping and participating in all of the events at our campus. My goal with a masters in Digital Teaching and Learning is to be able to incorporate as many educational technologies as I can into my instruction as well as in the student activities. I would like to become the best teacher that I possibly can be and wish to continue to enhance my classroom by learning about new styles of teaching technology was the perfect opportunity.

Personal Growth Being a part of this program has been a very different experience than that of my undergraduate studies. I learned that I work much better when attending a face-to-face class rather than in a hybrid class because I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. I often became 2 Amanda Soto Haddad Murrieta Regional Center EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall II 2013 12/2013

frustrated with the online classes; most likely because of the circumstances I was experiencing in my life. I also learned that working in groups at the graduate level results in great collaboration and the people I worked with were so kind and took responsibility for themselves. It has only been a couple of years since I graduated with my bachelors degree and since then I have noticed that I am not able to stay up as late as I used to and work all night. Mornings tend to be the best, if not the early afternoon. I continue to be the kind of student that works well under pressure, though during this time it has been overwhelmingly stressful. It has been challenging because since then I have obtained a lot of responsibilities both at home and in my career, as well has undergoing some unfortunate personal events. With respect to my spiritual timeline I have had to endure many struggles, trying to maintain faith and strength all of which I could not have done without the optimism and strength of my mother as well as my belief, love, and faith in God. My life experience during the timeline of this program has been the most difficult time of my personal life; therefore, my success and completion of this program will be one of the most important days of my entire life. Not only will this day be so glorious due to my being the first to obtain a graduate level degree, but also because it is an accomplishment that I have had to struggle through, keep my chin up during the lowest moments of my life, and push forward with determination to be a success. Completion of this degree will mean the world to me. Fortunately, I got to know and work with a lot of wonderful people during my time in the program at the Murrieta Regional Center. Sadly, I am an introvert and therefore often did not group up with others in a way that would create ties of continued friendship. Many individuals seemed to have already known each other from their bachelors program at Azusa. I take away one friend from this program, a lovely lady who was kind and helpful all throughout the program. We continue to meet for coffee or lunch and maintain communication through Facebook, and for that I am grateful as well.

Professional Growth Since I have been in the program at Azusa, I have had the opportunity to be in an actual classroom practicing all that I had been learning. I experienced tremendous stress, frustrations, and struggles as a new teacher with no team teacher to introduce me to and guide me with the workings of Kindergarten. I walked in as a long-term sub, had winter break to prepare the classroom for the start of the New Year and had no idea what to expect. Lesson plans were not 3 Amanda Soto Haddad Murrieta Regional Center EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall II 2013 12/2013

prepared for me and I had to dive into the resources that were available and figure out how to be the best Kindergarten teacher I could be. Fortunately, there were two ladies (my angels) that were supporters and believers in me, and though they taught other grade levels, they always offered their time and guidance if needed. I ended up continuing the position, as the teacher did not return at the end of her maternity leave, and two years later I am still here, loving Kindergarten and working at becoming the best teacher that I can be. The biggest things I have received from being a part of this program while learning to be a teacher at the same time, are insight and resources. I have been well-equipped with resources and ideas that I am so anxious to smoothly integrate into my classroom into my teaching and the learning for my students. Through my study at Azusa, I have grown as an educator in my understanding of the majority of ways there are in incorporate technology in the classroom. I was fortunate to have had very knowledgeable and enthusiastic educators that had so many ideas and resources to share with me on my journey through this program. My educational vision has evolved as I have learned strategies of how to create instruction in a way that provides access to all learners while incorporating technology at the same time. It is one thing to tell a person the elements that are important in education, such as differentiation and the application of technology in a classroom, and another to actually explain, demonstrate, and provide resources that illustrates just how it is done. That in itself is providing access to different intelligences while offering the opportunity to learn and apply the new knowledge and that is what I had the opportunity to do in my studies at Azusa. A very important strategy I learned in my EDUC 515 involves the use of the Doceri and Show Me apps for teaching. These have proven to be of phenomenal aid at my grade level of Kindergarten. It goes along with the idea of the flipped classroom. One of my biggest mysteries has been the workings of centers in Kindergarten. I want the centers to be educational and beneficial to the children the struggle I have experienced is their inability to be independent most of the time. In utilizing the Doceri app, I am able to record a video demonstrating a task and audio that goes along with it, explaining the directions and/or process to the children. With this one person is assigned control of the iPad, where they press play for the group of 4 to watch my mini-presentation. Those that need help simply rewind it and watch it again, finding the spot in the video that they need to refer back to. It also offers me the opportunity to verbalize instructions such as pause and return to this video once you are done offering step by step 4 Amanda Soto Haddad Murrieta Regional Center EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall II 2013 12/2013

instructions and/or informing them of what to do once they have finished. This offers efficiency and opportunity for me to conduct reading groups with fewer interruptions. My action research plan investigates strategies for aiding a child who struggles with fine motor skills. The goal of this plan is to put into practice the strategies from my research with the hopes that they will benefit this student while asking the question: Would implementing specific strategies, such as grip, dexterity, and coordination activities solely in the classroom suffice to improve a childs struggle with the fine motor skills that are frustrating and affecting the success of the child on a daily basis? The data I collect will look to see if the strategies are providing some improvement, no improvement, or significant improvement. The results of the action research plan seek to inform myself and the childs parents if the support I can provide in the classroom will be sufficient in aiding the child or if he will need to seek occupational therapy.

Technical Growth Before beginning this program, I was comfortable with the use of my laptop and iPhone. I did not often utilize apps and was not familiar with many of Apples products and resources. As a result of this program I am able to manage and plan with an iPad and iPhone while utilizing apps, online resources such as: Google (512, 513, 515) , You Tube (514), School Tube (513), Twitter (513), Discovery Education (TEP), (513), Symbaloo (522), Animoto (515), Live Binder (511), Task Stream (TEP), blogs (515), Audacity (515), Voice Thread (TEP), Jing (515), and I also have learned about so many incredible apps that I can use to enhance the learning of my students while in 513 and 522. In addition, the use of Pinnacle Studio, learned in 514, has truly helped me create videos for teaching as well as for the end of the year video for my students and their parents. I know that there are so many more resources out there that I will continue to explore; however, I have so much gratitude that I was introduced to and given the opportunity to work with so many resources through this program because when I began as a teacher I wondered about how to find all the resources that were out there for teachers and about how the teachers knew about and learned them.

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Lifelong Learning Plan Upon completion of this program I plan to take all of the resources, knowledge, skills, and ideas I have obtained from this program and create a plan over the summer for a more fully integrated plan of action. There is so much to learn and do with technology in the classroom and I am greatly looking forward for the opportunity to have the time and ability to create videos and a program for my classroom that the children will be familiar with. During my program of study I have become familiar with my personal and professional need of time management. It is such a crucial element in life and greatly in the classroom and is something that comes with experience. I am looking forward to becoming a member of Phi Lambda Theta, Computer Using Educators, and International Society for Technology in Education, as well as following impressive educators on Twitter and through podcasts, as well as subscribing to Educator Journals, following more closely to articles that are released with what is going on in Education today. I look forward to seasoning myself as an effective educator. I would like to continue to practice using technology foundations for my teaching such as through video and to offer different learning methods for my students. I also would like to explore ways for utilizing technology as a fuel in differentiating instruction to enhance learning for my gifted students and support learning for my struggling learners. In five years I see myself married, a homeowner, with a stable life and surroundings, having a more solid and defined program for my classroom where every lesson incorporates some sort of technology and exploration for my students. In ten years, I see myself married with children that attend the same elementary school where I teach. I will be keeping up with the technology of the times, incorporating it as I can in the classroom; which will most likely be a completely flipped classroom at that time.


History of Coursework and Course Evaluation


Course Title & Term Completed Instructor Name

Key Skills Acquired


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EDUC 511

Essentials in Ed Tech and Learning INSRUCTOR: Jim Sullivan

Spring (2013)

Understanding of classes to be taken Live Binder

EDUC 512

Instructional Applications Productivity Software INSTRUCTOR: Jim Sullivan

Fall (2012)

Web Quest Google Docs iPad controls

EDUC 522

Learning in the 21st Century INSTRUCTOR: Lisa Rodriguez

Fall I (2013)

Blooms Taxonomy Multiple Intelligences Google +

EDUC 514

Digital Video in the Classroom INSTRUCTOR: Tim Holder

Spring (2013)

Pinnacle Studio Rule of Thirds Story Boards Angle Shots Editing Uploading

Supportive class to make sure I was on track with the classes needed for the degree as well as suggestions as to when to take certain classes. Gave me a perspective and a plan. I also learned about Live Binder as a great organizational base. Jim is so knowledgeable about technology in education. It was motivational to hear about the things he does with it in his own classroom. I learned about iPad settings that I was not familiar with as well. I obtained a greater understanding of Blooms Taxonomy and was pushed to put into practice the incorporation of that as well as the MIs and technologies in the lesson planning process. This was an important way to obtain experience in the process of well-rounded planning in the attempt to meet the needs of all learners. Google + was so confusing for me until it was explained in this class. It was beneficial that the first class did not start off right away with Google + as that offered me a chance to be guided in its workings. I enjoyed making the required videos for this class. The elements of this course have greatly aided me in the creation of videos for my classroom as well as utilizing the clip converter and YouTube for progress in 7

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EDUC 515
Evolving Educational Technologies INSTRUCTOR: Lance Martin

Videos YouTube Channel Clip Converter

Podcast Vodcast Blogs Google Forms Animoto

other classes. Tim provided us with a vast amount of resources and guidance with the required technologies. There was so much to learn in this class that it definitely kept me on my toes, as we often would be searching for things and downloading something while something else was being discussed. That was a bit of challenge, but I learned about several resources that have aided me in other areas including in the classroom. I learned how to utilize templates for the formatting of a lesson so that the students can log in and follow a lesson and directions on their own while ending with a quiz and/or questionnaire to check for understanding. Fabulous material. I also really appreciate that Linda met with us in person for the first class meeting to offer a familiar foundation and provide guidance to jump start the class before switching to online communication. It was also nice to meet as a class for another session to present, become familiar with a new task, and get to officially meet my peers. I have learned how to plan an action research project. I also think that JoAnn is fabulous and I am so fortunate and excited that she will be the 8 12/2013

Spring (2013)

EDUC 513

Digital-Age Literacies INTSTRUCTOR: Linda M

Fall (2013)

Nearpod Google Drive Sophia

EDUC 526

Capstone Experience/ Digital Teaching and Learning INSTRUCTOR:

Fall (2013)

Action Research Curricular Unit Vita Reflecting

Amanda Soto Haddad Murrieta Regional Center

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall II 2013

Joann Gilbreath

final professor, providing guidance for the ending projects for the degree. She really presents the material in a very straightforward and helpful way. I also learned about how to make a Curricular Vita.

Evaluation of the impact of the Digital Teaching and Learning Program Utilization of the Bloom/Gardner Grid in the lesson planning process is a strategy I have learned that I will be implementing in my classroom. This strategy is a result of the EDUC 522 class which has taught me a way to provide access to instruction and learning for all of my students by taking into instructional consideration the different intelligences while paying respect to Blooms Taxonomy all with the added benefit of planning technologies to be utilized along with each lesson. It will take practice in becoming comfortable in using this strategy with facility. I have found this strategy to benefit in the mental preparation for a lesson, thus providing a framework that will guide delivery of instruction as well as ensuring that I have accommodated components for as many of Gardners intelligences possible. My next step will be to create a template that will work well for me in my teaching kindergarten, perhaps one per subject, and begin planning my instruction with this template to get myself accustomed to it.

Program Evaluation I have found this program to have been very beneficial and effective in preparing me for career in teaching with the added benefit of applying todays technology for our digital natives. What it has also done is provided me with so many resources and skills that will aid me in staying up to date with the ever changing technologies of the times. Some examples include educational journals, websites, and podcasts that I can subscribe and/or tune into to keep in touch with this field in addition to the introduction of ISTES which is something that I was not familiar with before this program. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of the Azusa Pacific community and program; I have found the faculty and staff to be so kind, prompt, and helpful. It has been a wonderful experience to be a part of a Christian community that is filled with patience, understanding, compassion, and attention to the needs of the students. 9 Amanda Soto Haddad Murrieta Regional Center EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall II 2013 12/2013

Candidate Dispositions Rubric

Name: Amanda Soto Haddad Campus: Murrieta Regional Center

Unit Level Dispositions Azusa Pacific University School of Education has articulated the following as our unit disposition in keeping with our unit conceptual Framework of Ethical, Responsive and Informed Practitioners. Our candidates reflect National Council on the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) definition of dispositions. The instrument below reflects the agreed upon indicators of the dispositions of Ethical, Responsive and Informed Practitioners who operate on the foundational basis of fairness and the belief that all people can learn.
Directions: Please complete the Candidate Dispositions Rubric, aligned to ethical, responsive, and informed educator dispositions, as evidenced in your graduate work.Candidate Dispositions NCATE defines dispositions as professional attitudes, values and beliefs demonstrated through both verbal and non-verbal behaviors as educators interact with students, families, colleagues and communities. These positive behaviors support student learning and development. The two professional dispositions that NCATE expects institutions to assess are fairness and the belief that all students can learn. (NCATE 2008) 1 Not Displayed/ Not Acceptabl e 2 Sometime s Displayed/ Approache s Acceptabl e 3 Usually Displayed/ Acceptabl e 4 Always Displayed/ Target N/A Cannot Assess

Ethical educators who are able to understand and articulate the integration of a Christian worldview in their professional communities of practice display: Personal integrity Collaborative, cooperative and respectful behaviors Fairness in educational settings by meeting the educational needs of all students in a caring, non-discriminatory and equitable manner Sensitivity to cultural and individual differences Personal and professional maturity Personal integrity Comments regarding your strengths/areas for improvement (Ethical): X X X X X X

Responsive educators who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements with diverse communities of learners display: Responsiveness to the expectations and standards of the professional community Responsiveness to conditions that promote learning, health and personal safety in the P-12 school and X X

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community Effective communication within the educational community Commitment to fair academic practices that ensure all students can learn Responsiveness to the impact of discrimination based on race, class, gender, disability/exceptionality, sexual orientation and language on students and their learning Effective time management Appearance and dressing appropriate for ones professional setting Comments regarding your strengths/areas for improvement (Responsive): X X X X X

Informed and collaborative scholarly educators who are dedicated to professional growth and lifelong learning display: Commitment to adapting and applying the best researchbased ideas to improve clinical practice Understanding of current and emerging trends in their field of practice Knowledge of standards and expectations of their discipline through relevant activities and projects in the program Ability to apply and communicate current research effectively in coursework Ability to synthesize and apply course content, projects, clinical practice and professional work Comments regarding candidate strengths/areas for improvement (Informed): X X X X X

Summative Score for Candidate Dispositions:


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