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How to Set Up a Password on Western Digital External Hard Drives

by Kefa Olang, Demand Media Protecting business files such as reports, client and customer information from falling into the wrong hands is very essential for a successful business, so password-protecting your Western Digital external hard drive is a vital security measure. WD SmartWare software from Western Digital provides the ability to set a password for your drive. Protected files remain secure until you enter the password. Ads by oogle Download Software Download !ree P" #anager Software for Android Devices, Download $ow % Step ' "onnect your Western Digital external hard drive to the computer using the (S) cable. *f the device is powered with A" power, plug the power cable into an electrical outlet. Step + o to the Western Digital Downloads page ,lin- in .esources/. Select your external hard drive from the Downloads section and clic- the 0WD SmartWare Software0 lin- to install the program. 1aunch the application when the installation process completes. Related Reading: 2ow to Set (p a "omputer to .ecogni3e 4nly 4ne Partition of an 5xternal 2ard Drive Step 6 "lic- the 0Settings0 tab on the program7s interface to display the 0WD SmartWare Settings0 screen, and then clic- 0Set (p Drive0 to display the Drive Settings screen. Step 8 "lic- the 0Security0 button to display the Set Security screen. 5nter a password in the 0"hoose a password0 box, and then enter it again in the 9erify Password box. Step : ;ype a phrase or statement in the Password 2int box. *f you forget your password, you7ll be re<uired to enter the hint to retrieve your Western Digital external hard drive7s contents.

Step = "lic- 0.emember my password on this computer0 if you want this computer to -eep trac- of your password, so you don7t have to enter it each time you connect the hard drive. ;his function will only remember the password for the Windows account you7re logged into. *f you sign in to a different account, you must enter the password again. Step > "lic- 0* (nderstand0 after reading and complying with the warning about data loss, and then clic- the 0Save Security Settings0 button.

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