Little Schmidy Falls Risk Assessment

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Reference Guide Little Schmidy Falls Risk Assessment

Document the appropriate score in the Patient Care Record or relevant MR Patient risk score should be assessed 1.Daily, 2.When the patient condition changes, 3. When transferred to a new department/unit, and 4. Following a fall incident Interventions and actions should be documented on Falls Plan or in Progress Notes Falls Risk Assessment Mobility Completely Immobile Ambulant with no gait disturbance Ambulate or transfer with assistive device Ambulate with unsteady gait and no assistive device Mental State Coma/unresponsive Developmentally appropriate and alert Developmentally delayed Disorientated Toileting Nappies Independent Needs assistance with toileting Independent with urinary frequency or diarrhoea History of Falls No Yes before admission Yes during admission Medication Anticonvulsants, opiods, diuretics, sedatives, bowel prep 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 Score

Action Falls score is equal to or greater than 3 or based on patients diagnosis or patients condition warrants falls prevention program 1. Commence Falls High Risk Management Plan (refer to Falls Prevention Clinical Guideline) 2. Discuss prevention strategies with parents/carers and ensure a copy of Falls safety in hospital kids health information is given

Colour version (final) Falls (3) doc. Adapted from the Schmid Fall Score Tool for UCSF Childrens Hospital United States of America

Select one score per section

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