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Legendary Checklist

Neutral Legendaries
Alexstraza The Beast Bloodmage Thalnos Captain Greenskin Elite Tauren Chieftain Gruul #ogger King !ukla 'orewalker Cho !illhouse !anastorm Nozdormu *n(xia &(l.anas /indrunner Baron Geddon The Black Knight Cairne Bloodhoof Deathwing Gel in !ekkator"ue #arrison $ones %llidan &tormrage 'eero( $enkins !al(gos Nat )agle *ld !urk+E(e ,agnaros the -irelord Tinkmaster *.erspark


Class+specific Legendaries
Al1Akir the /indlord 2&haman3 Cenarius 2Druid3 Grom #ellscream 2/arrior3 'ord $araxxus 2/arlock3 Tirion -ordring 2)aladin3 Archmage Antonidas 2!age3 Edwin 4anCleef 2,ogue3 King Krush 2#unter3 )rophet 4elen 2)riest3

!ade ( &kaarGaming

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