Assign 4 Concept Generation

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PPB 22302 Assignment 4 : Concept Generation.

(Individual Assignment) Now that you have a good idea about the requirements and wishes for your project and also have information regarding technical parameters. Develop a function structure for your design project and then divide it into major subsystems. Use your judgment to decide on the level of detail (you must have some detail). etup a brainstorming session and generate concepts for each function. Draw figures for each concept and e!plain how it wor"s and provide other necessary information. Use morphological technique to combine concepts of subsystems to generate concepts for the entire system. Describe how each concept wor"s# provide a rough s"etch for each concept# and list $luses-%inuses-&nteresting information about each concepts. 'hen combining sub-system concepts# loo" at subsystem interfaces. Deliverables (. )reate at least * concepts s"etches per student (( on a single side of +, paper) for your project -. %a"e the s"etches large enough and understandable. &t must be able to get some idea of how it wor"s# and how it might be made. *. .he ideas should be good# and the ideas should be clear. ,. 'rite down your name and student &D No. on your concepts.

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