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In Kentucky, collegiate basketball is seiious business anu we'u like to biing the
thiill to you in a lightheaiteu competition. Foi this yeai's competition, you will
uesign a iobot that will shoot a piojectile fiom vaiious uistances to emulate the
playing anu shooting uynamics of basketball.
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Teams will builu a iobot that opeiates on a simulateu basketball couit. The iobot
must follow thiee lines that have uiffeient shooting points anu line shape anu then
fiie a uait fiom the shooting point at a taiget. Winneis will be ueciueu by numbei
of points eaineu by completing goals anu completion time so the highest scoiing
iobots will be both speeuy anu piecise.
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The Sketch0p uocument is always the most accuiate souice of
infoimation on the layout of the couise.
All items can be puichaseu fiom Lowes,, anu Bigikey. Lowes pait
numbeis aie pioviueu heie as well as web links, which aie pioviueu at the bottom.
The list numbeis aie useu below in the uesciiption of the couise.
0< 1SS2" 4' x 8' Sanueu B C Pine Plywoou (#12227)
.< 4 pieces of 1 x 4 x 8' Select Pine Boaiu (#11SS)
C< Rust-0leum 1u 0z White Flat Spiay Paint (#891S7)
1< Rust-0leum 1u 0z Royal Blue uloss Spiay Paint (#891S7)
D< Rust-0leum 1u 0z Cheiiy Reu uloss Spiay Paint (#891S7)
E< Rust-0leum 1u 0z Black uloss Spiay Paint (#891S7)
F< 2 Billman Sign Centei Blank Sign (#2S68uS)
G< Nauison Nill " Biametei x S6" Rounu Bowel (#4S2Su2)
H< Blue Neif N-Stiike Elite Baits (Available at Amazon)
0/< uieenscapes 14'x14' Biiu Netting (#S76916)
00< 9 Simple uieen LEBs LTL-42S8 (Available at Bigikey)

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The couise will be maue out of a 4'x8' piece of plywoou O0P with walls
constiucteu by 1 x 4 pieces of plywoou O.P that is attacheu to the top of the flooi
plywoou. The couise will be painteu black OEP.
A 1' x 1' x 2' aiea will be maikeu in white paint with thickness of " OCP foi
the staiting zone. Note that the painteu length is incluueu in the bounuaiy so the
innei aiea is 1u V " x 1u V ".
0n the couise, theie will be a line painteu with white paint OCP 7' long,
staiting 6" fiom each enu of the couise that is locateu uiiectly thiough the staiting
box. This line will have the stait position box at one enu anu the enu position box at
the othei.
Fiom the main line, theie aie 2 shooting lines painteu with white paint
(thickness still ") OCP that span the wiuth of the couise. Theii centeis aie 2' apait
anu aie paiallel to the taiget. 0n those lines, theie aie holes in the centei of the
line, 2" apait that have uiametei " anu go thiough bottom of the couise. They
begin on the iight siue of the main line anu stop 6" fiom the wall on the iight siue to
piouuce 14 uots.
In the miuule of the 2 stiaight lines painteu with white paint with the same
thickness OCP is a cuiveu line iepiesenting a 'S-point peiimetei." on the left stiaight
line, this cuiveu line's centei is 1' fiom each of the stiaight lines. The centei of this
ciicle will be the miuule of the bottom of the 1x4. Naking a ciicle staiting at this
point cieates this line. To cieate this line, one can use a stiing anu a pencil to uiaw
with an exact iauius. The iauius of this line will be about 4'.
Placeu on each shooting line, theie is a (fiiing block) block of plastic OFP that
is " thick x S" x S" that is painteu blue O1P that has two uowel ious OGP that aie V"
fiom the left anu iight siue anu 1 V" fiom the top anu the bottom. This squaie is
the shooting point foi each line.
The taiget is a " thick x 8" wiue x 8" tall block of plastic OEP cut fiom a piece
of coiiugateu plastic with a S" uiametei hole in the centei to shoot thiough. The
taiget is mounteu on a base block of woou that is 1 x 4 x 2' O.P. The base will be
painteu flat black; the taiget aiea will be painteu ieu ODP with white lines painteu
with thickness "OCP coming veitically anu hoiizontally out of the ciicle. Theie will
be a net O0/P attacheu to the back of the net assembly that will be useu as the final
juuge of if a uait maue it successfully.

The enu zone will be painteu ieu ODP in a S" x S" squaie, if the iobot stops anu
coveis the entiie ieu squaie; the iounu is ovei anu bonus points will be awaiueu if
Theie will be netting O0/P aiounu the couise foi safety ieasons suppoiteu by
PvC piping. The aiea of netting is S' x 1u' x 8' anu theie is an opening on the siue of
the couise

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All couise woouen mateiials have a toleiance of +- 1" foi the length anu wiuth anu
+- .2S" foi the thickness. All painteu squaies anu lines have a toleiance of +- .2S".
The toleiance of the taiget hole will be +- .S".

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The base piece of plywoou will be on the B suiface which is of highei quality anu
will have the 1 x 4 x 8' boaius foi the siues with the outsiues euges lineu up with
the outsiue euges of the plywoou. Foi the shoitei siues, we iecommenu cutting
them anu using the excess on the taiget base. This makes the innei aiea of the
couise 4 S6' wiue x 7 S6' long. The walls will be secuieu fiom unuei the plywoou
with sciews thiough the flooi. This whole couise will be painteu black. The taiget
base shoulu be maue with the iemaining poition of the wall woou anu shoulu have
uimensions 1" x 4" x 2' anu will also be painteu black. This will be attacheu to the
main couise with L biackets. The taiget will be cut fiom the coiiugateu plastic anu
painteu ieu. It has uimensions " x 8" x 8" anu theie is a hole with uiametei S"
uiiectly in the centei of the plastic. Fiom this ciicle, theie aie "guiue lines" in the
foim of white paint coming fiom the top, left, iight anu bottom of the ciicle. The net
is stapleu to all foui coineis of this piece of plastic. This plastic assembly is naileu
onto the base with the bottom inch of the plastic attaching to the top inch of the
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The iobot must fit into a 1'x1'x2' (L W B) space at any point in the competition.
Theie will be a sepaiate box inuepenuent of the couise that will be useu to juuge
size constiaints. The iobot must be able to covei an aiea of S"x S" anu must stait
via oui iemote stait system anu only one team membei is alloweu to set the iobot
on the couise anu tuin it on. The iobot is alloweu to only caiiy S uaits anu they
must be loaueu into the iobot at the beginning of the iounu. Aftei that, any
touching of the iobot oi communication with it (wiieu oi wiieless) enus the iounu
immeuiately with no fuithei points being awaiueu foi that iounu.

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Foi safety ieasons the iobots aie obligateu to comply with a iemote stait system.
Robots aie not peimitteu to stait the competition until the iemote stait signal is
sent. The staiting signal is the illumination of a S by S giiu of gieen LEBs, which
will be embeuueu below the suiface of the staiting location. The centei of the LEBs
will be spaceu S inches apait. The LEBs aie simple gieen LEBs. The cuiient thought
each LEB will be 19 to 21 mA.

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All team membeis anu spectatois aie iequesteu to weai piotective eyeweai when
aiounu a couise in the competition ioom. No teams aie alloweu to fiie any
piojectiles outsiue of the netteu piactice oi competition couises, failuie to heeu
this waining will iesult in uisqualification. No chemical piopellants aie alloweu anu
no aiea of the iobot may be above Su psi at any point of the competition. Teams
using compiesseu canisteis shoulu biing a psi gauge with them to veiify the
piessuie in theii canistei.

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0ne team membei will set the iobot on the couise in the stait zone. The iobot
must be contiguous at the stait (all in one initial piece) anu theie is no
communication alloweu. The team membei will piess the powei button when tolu
to by the juuge anu then no communication is alloweu between the team anu the
iobot. The iobot must iemain in contact with the couise at all times.
Each iounu will last 2 minutes. The iobot is not iequiieu to go to the enuing
position, howevei if the iobot chooses to, the iounu will immeuiately enu.
In the competition, teams will be pioviueu with thiee uaits that have no cleai
uefoimities anu aie stiaight. If a team is not happy with the quality of uaits they
have ieceiveu, they may iequest new ones.
In each iounu, points will be given foi each task only once.
At any point, a team membei oi a juuge can call foi the enu of the iounu. No
fuithei points will be awaiueu fiom that iounu anu the iobot must be iemoveu
fiom the couise by the team.
All teams will be iequiieu to biing theii iobots to the competition aiea
befoie each iounu staits anu all iobots will be testeu on a couise with the same
shooting positions.
The juuges ieseive the iight to change the competition iules between
The juuges ieseive the iight to uisqualify any team foi un-spoitsmanlike
behavioi oi unethical behavioi.
The juuges' ieseive the iight to enu any iobot's iun at any time if the iobot is
a iisk to spectatois oi is causing uamage to the couise.
The juuges' uecision is final.
The team membeis aie financially iesponsible foi any uamages iesulting
fiom acciuental oi intentional piojectiles fiieu.
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Each team must be able to uemonstiate that theii iobot can move at least 1' along
the main line fiom the staiting position of the couise befoie the competition
iounus begin. 0thei tests, such as checking the piessuie of compiesseu aieas may
also be uone at this time. If a iobot fails to uo so, it may be excluueu fiom othei
iounus uepenuing on the numbei of competitois.
6%78)'9'9%- :%&-2+
All qualifieu iobots will be alloweu to paiticipate in all S heats. Foi each heat, the
shooting positions will be ianuomly geneiateu anu all iobots will compete on a
couise with the same specifications foi that iounu. To encouiage teams to be
ethical, all iobots will be calleu to the fiont befoie the stait of each iounu to make
suie that the iobot is not mouifieu to accommouate the paiameteis foi that iounu.
When a team's iobot is announceu, one membei of the team must come anu set the
iobot on the couise. Aftei all S heats, the sum of each team's scoies will be
calculateu anu the top 8 teams will go the final iounu.
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The top 8 teams will compete in the same competition as they uiu in the
competition iounus with only a single heat uuiing the banquet at the enu of
SoutheastCon. Noimal juuging anu iules will apply. If a tie exists at the enu of the
final iounu, a tiebieakei iounu may be auueu at the juuge's uiscietion.
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If the iobot moves at all fiom the staiting position, 2S points aie awaiueu.
Foi the fiist coiiect stop the iobot makes at the enu of each shooting line
(coveiing the entiie blue box), Su points is awaiueu, iegaiuless if they shoot oi not.
Foi the fiist shot fiom each coiiect shooting point, Suu points in awaiueu if
the uait makes thiough the hole into the net. Successive shots beyonu the fiist one
fiom each shooting point will auu nothing, but will not voiu the successful shot.
Note that by making successive shots, you cannot get the uait back to the iobot anu
thus cannot shoot fiom a latei point, howevei points foi stops will still be awaiueu.
2S bonus points aie awaiueu if the iobot successfully stops at the enu of the
main line befoie the time limit is ieacheu.
If the iobot makes at least one successful shot anu has stoppeu at the enu of
the main line, 1 bonus point will be awaiueu foi each seconu left on the iounu
The scoie of all S heats will be auueu togethei anu useu to ueteimine the
Baits will be pioviueu to each team at the competition howevei you aie
encouiageu to biing youi own to test with.
The iobot must go to the shooting boxes in oiuei of uistance fiom the
staiting position. If a shot fiom the seconu shooting point comes befoie a shot fiom
the fiist shooting point, it won't count. If a shot fiom the thiiu shooting point
comes befoie a shot fiom the seconu shooting point, it won't count. If a shot fiom
the fiist shooting point comes aftei a shot fiom any othei shooting point, it won't
The iobot uoes not have to fiie any uaits at all. Teams will be encouiageu to
successfully focus on ieaching anu stopping at the enu of the shooting line befoie
tiying to shoot uaits. Remembei that shooting wiluly can iesult in uisqualification.
The teim stop (as in stopping at the shooting line oi at the enu point) is
uefineu as the iobot coveiing the fiiing block foi S oi moie seconus. A iobot is
alloweu to move in any fashion to oiient itself oi make any move to make a shot so
long as the iobot wheels uo not move. When stopping at the enu of the couise foi
bonus points, these S seconus aie counteu on the iounu timei.
Any uait that touches the flooi is consiueieu shot. You cannot iecovei any
uait that is shot.
A successful shot is uefineu as when the uait passes thiough the ciiculai hole
in the taiget completely. Bouncing off the taiget uoes not count as a successful shot.
U< 6(*-L);%L
1.u 461S Initial Release at Southeastcon 2u1S
U!< $(%889-L R88)-29V
Neif Baits:
Biiu Netting: http:www.lowes.compu_S76916-2S1S2-
uieen LEBs: http:www.uigikey.compiouuct-seaichenoptoelectionicsleus-

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