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on - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima zilele saptamanii: on Monday (luni) in - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima: - luna / anotimpul: in March (in martie); in Spring (primavara) - timpul zilei: in the afternoon (dupa-amiaza) - anul: in 2001 - o anumita perioada de timp: in a minute (intr-un minut) at - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima: - pentru noapte: at night (la noapte) - pentru weekend: at weekend (in weekend) - ora exacta: at half past ten (la 10 si jumatate) since - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima de cand a inceput actiunea pana in prezent: since 2011 (din 2011) for - se utilizeaza pentru a exprima de cand dureaza actiunea pana in prezent: for two years (de doi ani) to - precizeaza timpul exact: ten to six (sase fara zece minute) past - precizeaza timpul: trecut de - ten past eight (opt si zece minute) to, till, until - precizeaza de cand si pana cand are loc actiunea: from Monday to/till Saturday (de luni pana sambata) by - precizeaza pana cand are loc actiunea: by 7 o'clock (pana la ora 7) Alte prepozitii de timp: ago - six years ago (cu 6 ani in urma) after - after school (dupa scoala) between - between Monday and Thursday (intre luni si joi) during - during the holidays (pe perioada sarbatorilor) before - before Easter (inainte de Pasti) within - within an hour (intr-o ora) up to - up to three hours a day (pana la 3 ore pe zi)


in - in the room (in camera), in the kitchen (in bucatarie), in the book (in carte), in the car (in masina) at - at the concert (la concert), at the table (la masa), at the door (la usa), at school (la scoala)

on - on the first floor (la primul etaj), on the wall (pe perete), on the table (pe masa), on the plane (in avion), on the radio (la radio) by, next to, beside - standing by the car (sta langa masina) under - under the table (sub masa) over - over the shirt (peste camasa), over the river (peste rau) Alte prepozitii de loc: after (dupa) in front of (in fata) among (printre) behind (in spatele) on to (pe) from (din)


through - through the tunnel (prin tunel) to - to the theatre (la teatru) towards - towards the hospital (catre spital) along - along the river (de-a lungul raului) across - across the ocean (peste ocean) past (langa) about (prin) around (in jurul)

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